Over the course of my time in the hobby; I've had the sheer pleasure of meeting some wonderful men.
Here lately I've enjoyed numerous dinner dates throughout the last few months. Here in SA and during my travels. One thing I noticed is that my dates are significantly shorter than myself. I personally love it!
I recently had the pleasure of meeting a Dallas gentleman, during his business trip to SA. He was not only a gorgeous man but a VERY Tall man. Well over 6'5". it was slightly different for me. I'm not use to looking up to a man nor needing to stand on my toes to kiss & hug a man. It was good!
However, while on dinner date a few weeks back with another Dallas businessman. We talked about our heights. How I was much taller than he and I asked if it bothered him. He let me know that he enjoyed it a great deal. Walking into the nice restaurant arm in arm with a woman who turned heads & kept the attention of the crowd, while we were there. Was enjoyable for him. It made me feel good that he was having a good time.
And that the major difference in our heights was not an issue at all.
I find that (in the hobby) I'm more attracted to men that are shorter than myself. Their confidence & respect is amazing. They're sheer pleasure to be with. Though, I do enjoy the tall ones too.

I don't discount ya'll.
I was in DC last month and during my frequent visits there. I have the honor of knowing & spending time with a gentleman who has served our country for over 20years. He has become a wonderful friend.
While out, we giggled as we walked down the street to the restaurant. He called me his Nicole Kidman and he was my Joe Pesci. He was definitely a Joe Pesci. From his persona to his short stature. One of the shortest men I've been blessed to know. He was on top of world that night. He told me it was a boost to his ego being seen with me.
Though he didn't need his ego boosted. He was a confident man in his own right. I adore short men. It makes me feel wonderful being with them.
So my question is to both men & women. Short or tall. Who are you most attracted to & why?
And is there a reason why some short men don't like tall women?
Or why some tall men don't like short women?