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Old 11-27-2011, 06:55 PM   #1
Chica Chaser
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Default So Where Is The Outrage?

We all remember when the provider was killed by a client up in Boston a while back, and the outrage to remove "adult" ads from CL and now BP.

Where is the outrage and public calls to now remove "Help Wanted" and other employment ads from those same sites?

COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) -- The father of an Ohio man found dead after answering a Craigslist help-wanted ad said Sunday his son sought the job in order to better provide for his three boys.
The farm advertised on Craigslist does not exist; the Noble County area where Pauley's body and the unidentified body were found is property owned by a coal company and often leased to hunters.
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Old 11-27-2011, 07:19 PM   #2
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Interesting topic.

I had just answered a craigslist ad to purchase (maybe) a car. At first, I thought it was a female selling this car and I offered to meet her close to a Starbucks because for whatever reason, she didn't wish for me to meet at her house, which I thought was odd.

But alright.

I got to this parking lot, which had a lot of stores around but the lot was large and this person in this beater type of car pulled up and a 6'3" plus guy who looked like he sometimes dressed like a woman (looked like makeup and hair was dyed weirdly) got out of the car and didn't seem to be in his right mind.

Honestly, it was frightening. This wasn't a school teacher trying to sell her teenage daughter's car. This was a very odd man (and I feel that I should know odd by now) who ... Jesus, I don't know what he was trying to pull.

It was the car there. But even if I had bought this piece of crap how would this guy had gotten home? Right after I said that I'm not really interested, he stepped towards me. Probably knew that I had money on me. (It was a cheap car)

A couple of people drove up and parked right next to me. I jumped in my truck and took off.

When I was speaking to a friend about this, someone said that in Dallas a person had answered a craigslist ad and had been killed.

Guess my point is, and my friend could have been referring to this article since my situation happened yesterday and scared the crap out of me, is there is something to being careful about answering want ads.

I've been lucky and although this "woman", who ended up being a man, was relatively gruff on the phone, I really did believe this person was a teacher. And a Christian and blah blah blah. And this person was not.

Kindof makes one think twice, doesn't it? Might have to change my MO with regard to dealing with craigslist. I buy stuff from that site all of the time, including vehicles.

I'm not outraged, though. Like the murder in Boston, which was upsetting at the very least, these things sadly do happen. Gotta be vigilant. But decades ago, we answered ads for individuals buying cars off of the local newspapers. Or answering ads for jobs. This isn't a craigslist problem. This blame belongs to the murdering evil person who pulled this scam.

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Old 11-27-2011, 07:40 PM   #3
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I agree and 3 people have been murdered from that one ad alone so far. The CL killer only killed 1.
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Old 11-27-2011, 08:59 PM   #4
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Yeah, there were 3 killed as I remember. And they're not sure that is all.

Then there is that string of LI ladies have have been killed. Most of them advertised on CL if I'm not mistaken and the police have no clue.

This bogus ad is soooo much more insidious in this economy.
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Old 11-27-2011, 09:36 PM   #5
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While I agree with the spirit of your post; I feel compelled to point out that in most of the places craigslist removed their 'erotic services' sections, prostitution is illegal.

that made it a lot harder for them to defend the ads against attacks.
although I agree that a different double standard is applied to internet ads than to magazines, for example.
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Old 11-27-2011, 10:27 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by nylimey View Post
While I agree with the spirit of your post; I feel compelled to point out that in most of the places craigslist removed their 'erotic services' sections, prostitution is illegal.

that made it a lot harder for them to defend the ads against attacks.
although I agree that a different double standard is applied to internet ads than to magazines, for example.
Correct, been off of CL for quite a while now, in the US at least. I'm lumping CL and BP in the same group.

Elisabeth, of course the blame lays at the feet of the person killing people, just as the escort murders do. My point is there was such a public outcry to get these adult ads off those sites (still is with BP) but not a peep that I have seen or heard of when its an "employment" ad on the same sites.
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Old 11-28-2011, 05:28 AM   #7
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But most of that outcry came because of the witch hunt for human trafficking, not so much that one murder in Boston. Besides, a murder of a hooker isn't considered something too worthy of interest, right?

That's been proven over and over again. The craigslist naysayers did use that situation to further their cause but the murder in Boston was never the crux of the argument to make craigslist stop running adult oriented ad copy.

But actually, Chica, I'm agreeing with you completely. I just see it as two different issues for those who were (are) wanting to see the erotic sections in these type of publications (online, too) deleted.
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Old 11-28-2011, 08:00 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by nylimey View Post
While I agree with the spirit of your post; I feel compelled to point out that in most of the places craigslist removed their 'erotic services' sections, prostitution is illegal.

that made it a lot harder for them to defend the ads against attacks.
although I agree that a different double standard is applied to internet ads than to magazines, for example.
You are incorrect; Craigslist removed the erotic services section worldwide, even in the majority of Western countries where both prostitution and advertising for it are legal.
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Old 11-28-2011, 08:12 AM   #9
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They blame us hookers for all the evil in the world lol. Can't possibly blame an individual now can we? Nah...so called "normal" people would never lie, cheat, rob or rape anyone...
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Old 11-28-2011, 08:48 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers View Post
But most of that outcry came because of the witch hunt for human trafficking, not so much that one murder in Boston. Besides, a murder of a hooker isn't considered something too worthy of interest, right?
Interesting - in NOLA a few months ago two hookers were murdered and another attacked. It WAS all over the news as police sought the killer and then as they searched for his body in the Mississippi (he jumped 120 feet off a bridge to get away from the cops). It was a real shocker to our community there! The news people did make a deal of the murders - but they also used it to underline the evils and dangers of prostitution.
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Old 11-28-2011, 08:57 AM   #11
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In my 70's now and really unable to defend myself physically. I do moniter CL and BP for the information provided on local providers but I will not make an appointment with out a preliminary screening at a local coffee shop. Weirdos, male and female, every where! Safety first!
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Old 11-28-2011, 08:59 AM   #12
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^That's a rarity. From what I've noticed dead hookers don't make news [unless it was some gorgeous blonde girl, and then it's news because it's a shock how she could be such a thing.]
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Old 11-28-2011, 09:39 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by London Rayne View Post
They blame us hookers for all the evil in the world lol. Can't possibly blame an individual now can we? Nah...so called "normal" people would never lie, cheat, rob or rape anyone...

HAHAHA..oh girly we need to have a drink when you get to Houston..
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Old 11-28-2011, 11:37 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by Liliana View Post
^That's a rarity. From what I've noticed dead hookers don't make news [unless it was some gorgeous blonde girl, and then it's news because it's a shock how she could be such a thing.]
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Old 11-28-2011, 06:17 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by Liliana View Post
^That's a rarity. From what I've noticed dead hookers don't make news [unless it was some gorgeous blonde girl, and then it's news because it's a shock how she could be such a thing.]
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