Well I've never been to an orgy; that is a religious ceremony right?
The First Church of Yoga?
Yoga: A Religion for Sex Addicts
Creation Science teaches us that "Yoga" is a religion that sprang forth from the corrupt roots of sexual depravity in the 1960's. A time when godless long-haired liberals were running around our country trying to get people to turn their backs on Christ and embrace other made-up religions. Secular scholars argue that the practice of "Yoga" is nearly 3,000 years old. We know this to be a lie because the Bible never mentions anything about it, and the Bible is the most accurate historical book ever written. Creation Scientists place the origins of "Yoga," closer to 1963 when film actress Connie Stevens is seen doing it on historically archived film.
Most beginning "yogists" are lured into taking classes with the promise of growing a better heart and becoming healthy. It is not until the third or fourth lesson that they are told what is really going on, and the temptation is far too great to resist. Yoga appeals to the most basic primal instincts, and therefore is a temptation even to the Truly Saved™.
Sacred prostitution,
temple prostitution, or
religious prostitution is a practice of
worship that includes
hieros gamos or sacred marriage performed as a
fertility rite and part of
sacred sexual ritual.
The symbolism of union and sexual polarity is a central teaching in Tantric Buddhism, especially in
Tibet. The union is realized by the practitioner as a
mystical experience within one's own body. Yab-yum is generally understood to represent the primordial (or mystical) union of wisdom and compassion.

A relief of yoni–lingam on the floor of the Candi Sukuh entrance
Maithuna is a Sanskrit term used in Tantra most often translated as sexual union in a ritual context. It constitutes the main part of the Grand Ritual of Tantra known as Panchamakara, Panchatattva, and Tattva Chakra.
Maithuna refers to male-female couples and their union in the physical, sexual sense and is synonymous with kriya nishpatti (mature cleansing).[21] Just as neither spirit nor matter by itself is effective, but both working together bring harmony, so is maithuna effective only when the union is consecrated. The couple becomes divine for the time being:
So we need a to organize on of these and get a tax deduction each time?