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View Poll Results: Have you ever gotten a STD from receiving a BBBJ?
Yes, definitely 18 6.12%
I think so 12 4.08%
Maybe 14 4.76%
I don't think so 64 21.77%
Definitely not 186 63.27%
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Old 11-26-2011, 03:48 PM   #31
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The likelihood of a very careful hobbyist who tries to frequent providers that exercise the same precautions, is much less likely to get an STD than the guy who drives around looking for girls who start by saying "Haaaaaay, Wana date?" Just saying!
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Old 11-26-2011, 05:21 PM   #32
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Me loves me some bbbj. Nuttin gonna stop me from finding it while trying to choose the best I can. No STD's here ever. Maybe 400 bbbjs over time. There's nothing like laying back and receiving pleasure from a beautiful girl. If they swallow it's all the better. Anyone got a problem with that I say go fuck yourself. I say it with all respect though. lol
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Old 11-26-2011, 05:36 PM   #33
London Rayne
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Originally Posted by Tiny View Post
Responding to the geniuses posting here,

1. There is a difference between "I think so", "I don't think so", and "maybe." I could have used probabilities in the questions, but if you can't distinguish between those three simple choices, that would have really thrown you for a loop. Actually, not knowing is pretty much the same damn thing dude, but thanks for playing. "I think so," "I don't think so," and "maybe" ALL mean you have no freaking clue what the answer is!!! Duh genius! Yes, no, and maybe would have summed it up the same way. While you are tossing insults at many people here who happen to be in freaking HEALTH CARE, you're the one who started the stupid poll without bothering to look for the REAL STATISTICS! Just sayin.

2. How is someone telling the whole hobby universe he's had an STD by voting in a poll? Do you believe the administrators are somehow keeping tabs on who voted, and they're going to publish that somewhere? Maybe not admin. but why yes...there are leaks everywhere GENIUS bwahaha!

3. Blondie, I believe you're right in a sense, in that a lot of men get STD's and never know it -- HPV and HSV in particular. However, there are quite a few mongers, including me, who religiously use condoms for intercourse with providers, one night stands, etc., but who aren't always as careful when it comes to oral sex. I'd guess that the 3 men who said they definitely got an STD from BBBJ's fall into this category. As did the majority of the 94 who said they definitely did not get an STD from a BBBJ. This may be a self-serving comment, since I posted the poll, but this has been useful to me. I've read on a number of health sites that the risk of getting gonorrhea, chlamydia, HSV, and especially syphillis from oral sex is real and signficant. But I've never seen any statistical study showing how real the risk is. As you point out, it would be impossible to design a good study, even if you were an academic and seriously trying to answer the question. In any event, looking at the results of this poll, I'm not as paranoid as I used to be. Someone else who's married and not willing to put up with, say, a single digit probability that he's going to eventually bring something home to wifey because of BBBJ's from prostitutes might come to a different conclusion.
The risks are quite clear on the CDC website...perhaps your research is lacking. It flat out says oral sex is not as risky as vaginal sex when unprotected and that one is twice as likely to be infected with HIV from vaginal sex. The numbers are rather small, but they are very real! You can find over 6 links in the bbfs superthread at the top of this very page, had you bothered to look! Actual FACTS rather than mere commentary and speculation.

SMH. I want to see the reviews of the ladies this alleged germ farm got from only bbbjs...it is impossible to tell. He could have gotten that crap from a civie girl. I am with Mr. Blonde here...impossible to tell who is lying, who is telling the truth, and who has no damn clue.
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Old 11-26-2011, 05:52 PM   #34
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Default Hold on what is that on my d*ck

Its always possible especially if conditions are right, meaning any open sores/cuts in the mouth where exposure to blood may occur. Its best to get a ball job instead.
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Old 11-26-2011, 07:40 PM   #35
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London, respectfully, you slammed my posts three times and insulted the great state of Texas many times before I said anything back. If what you say is true, that the probability of getting HIV from oral sex is 50% of the probability of getting it from intercourse, everything I do from now on is going to be covered. I'd appreciate it if you could point me towards that link.

I can't look up the real statistics as you suggest because, as Blondie points out, there can be no real statistics. How would you get them? Infect some women with syphilis or gonorrhea and force them to give BBBJ's to men, while making sure the men don't have sex outside of the experiment? American medical science wisely gave up on ideas like that after the the Tuskegee Syphilis experiment, which resulted in the needless deaths of hundreds of people.
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Old 11-26-2011, 07:46 PM   #36
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I didn't slam your posts...I pointed out the obvious lol. You then got in a tiffy and went to name calling everyone who did not kiss your azz. When I said "real facts" I meant bbbj vs. vaginal sex, and yes the cdc has them. Please google it, as I have already posted link after link for the clueless in the bbfs thread. How they come up with these results....all are varied using humans and animals infected with various diseases. Don't ask me how they get the dummy without a disease to play along, but money would be my first guess if the disease is not fatal.

So again, refer to the BBFS superthread at the top of the page for over 6 links on this very subject. It will tell you that the one getting the oral sex is at less risk than the one giving it...explains why so many men get them now does it not lol. It will also tell you flat out that things like HIV are harder to contract from oral than vaginal and anal sex...anal being the easiest way to catch.
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Old 11-26-2011, 08:55 PM   #37
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London, Could you please point me towards your links. I took a quick look at the thread and did not find them. I've been interested in this for a long time and have read some of the literature. There's very little out there on transmission of STD's to heterosexual men via fellatio, because there's no sure fire way to know whether a man got an STD from fellatio or vaginal intercourse. The only way to get an idea would be from a survey, along the lines of this poll. And your comments seem to be supported by it -- 4 people say they've definitely gotten something and 125 people say they definitely haven't.

There are some studies for homosexual men, which indicate they have significant risk for getting gonorrhea and nonchlamydial NGU from receiving BBBJ’s. But then you’ve still got the problem as to whether people are answering the surveys honestly, and thus whether the infection came from anal intercourse or receiving BBBJ’s.

It's not as difficult, though, to get an idea of the risks the other direction, by giving BBBJ's, and there are studies that look at infection rates in the throats of heterosexual women and homosexual men. In one U.S. study 3% of women examined at random had chlamydial throat infections. (Some of this may have been transmitted nonsexually though.) In another study 10% of women with gonorrhea had it in their thoats. And the transmission rate for oral sex vs. intercourse for syphillis is probably higher than gonorrhea or chlamydia.
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Old 11-26-2011, 09:41 PM   #38
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the risk of contracting HIV through a single oral sex only encounter is so near to zero as to be meaningless.

But HIV isn't the only STD by a long chalk.

The risk of transmitting HPV or HSV (which according to CD are present in as much as 40% of the sexually active population) is very real

Same thing for Chlamydia.

And yes you're right, it's probably not worse for 'providers' than for equally sexually active 'amateurs'.

But when you bring that home, that's no consolation; is it?

There is simply no evidence that "hobbyists" are any less likely to carry the same common diseases the population carries in general.
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