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Old 11-26-2011, 08:57 AM   #1
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Default When a client/provider cancels....

Hey Gents/Ladies:

From a provider or client standpoint, how do you resolve a cancellation when attempting to rebook? For me, if I have to cancel, I try and give a discount on top of extra time as I have had my share of a few emergencies this year. For gents, do you try and make it up in the event something arises on your end leading to cancellation? Ladies, do you try and make things right if something comes up on your end?

Cancellations are understandable, but lately, it seems like new clients who have not seen me in prior engagements are doing this more and more. I can understand emergencies (e.g. sick relatives, hospital, car wreck), but it seems like the cancellations are more or less due to canceling to play golf with buddies or general inconsideration. Repeat friends tend to be pretty reliable in keeping their appointments as are the gents with many reviews from my observation.

I was speaking with a good friend of mine yesterday who is a top provider here in SA and we both agreed that cancellations have been on the rise in the past few months. I would imagine the holidays may play a part with the inconsistency of scheduling for the gentlemen (e.g. aunt, uncle, parents, kids in college visit one day earlier than you had originally anticipated). My business means the world. I have overhead, tuition and taxes to pay. I just wish men who booked thought long and hard before canceling. Mens time is just as valuable, but they are the consumer and have the leverage I suppose. This thread comes from a place of hurt and frustration. Coincidentally, the cancels all were linked to the week of TG holiday. No surprise, but still, it was upsetting for me and a few other providers who are GOOD PROVIDERS who go out of our way/"above and beyond" and also reserve time for the cancels and deny our loyal clients who wanted that same appointment time and probably would have kept it. Just saying... I rarely initiate threads in co-ed. I think this may be my third in 2.5 years, but part of my reason for wanting to venture off is due to this.

Just curious how clients and providers handle cancellations to revive/restore a great beneficial relationship. Thanks!



(p.s. officially my THIRD thre-ad in SA co-ed since 2009)
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Old 11-26-2011, 09:17 AM   #2
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I've never had to cancel, but I have had a few cancellations by the ladies. I don't take it personally, and just move along/reschedule. Like you said, things come up which force both providers and hobbyists to change plans, especially during the Holiday Season. Or to put it more eloquently, "Shit Happens!" LOL

If someone consistently cancels, then don't see them. Why risk the time and energy on someone who cannot be trusted to keep their appointments? This goes for both ladies and gentlemen. I've never had this issue, but if someone consistently canceled and wasted my time, I would not schedule with them and move on to somebody else. Basically, I would let my wallet to the talking and move on!

I do everything I can to ensure I am available for any scheduled appointment. I haven't been playing much lately due to a very busy work/school schedule, and most recently, a torn-up shoulder. All of this has put a serious damper on my availability for fun time, but I plan on having a blast once life gets back to normal.
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Old 11-26-2011, 09:26 AM   #3
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I have never had to cancel and must say I have had good luck about providers cancelling on me. It is not uncommon for them to not be ready on time, but I have only had one that had to cancel. I would think that if it is an isolated incident, hey stuff happens. If it is habit then I would not continue scheduling with that person.

On a side note - if I had to cancel with you VLB - it would mean something VERY major happened to me or a close family member. Conversely if you had to cancel on me, I would be heartbroken, but understanding.
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Old 11-26-2011, 09:26 AM   #4
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Good advice. Thanks. That is part of the reason why I want to put civie career and school on the back burner is due to the fact that I can only hobby so often, so when someone cancels, it can hurt since I calculate my monthly consumption (overhead) and intake. Shit happens all of the time -- for both providers and hobbiests! LOL! For habitual instances of cancellations, I usually ignore them.

I wish you the best in your studies, M. School and work is a huge deal. Not too many can juggle that! At least, I am hoping you can get some rest during the holidays. Thank you for making every effort to keep your appointments with the ladies you see. Again, I understand a cancellation here and there (rare instances), but just the overwhelming amount this week makes me want to leave and spoil other cities which expressed having a permanent interest with me being there. lol.


Originally Posted by Marcus78 View Post
I've never had to cancel, but I have had a few cancellations by the ladies. I don't take it personally, and just move along/reschedule. Like you said, things come up which force both providers and hobbyists to change plans, especially during the Holiday Season. Or to put it more eloquently, "Shit Happens!" LOL

If someone consistently cancels, then don't see them. Why risk the time and energy on someone who cannot be trusted to keep their appointments? This goes for both ladies and gentlemen. I've never had this issue, but if someone consistently canceled and wasted my time, I would not schedule with them and move on to somebody else. Basically, I would let my wallet to the talking and move on!

I do everything I can to ensure I am available for any scheduled appointment. I haven't been playing much lately due to a very busy work/school schedule, and most recently, a torn-up shoulder. All of this has put a serious damper on my availability for fun time, but I plan on having a blast once life gets back to normal.
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Old 11-26-2011, 09:32 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by 1trvlman View Post
I have never had to cancel and must say I have had good luck about providers cancelling on me. It is not uncommon for them to not be ready on time, but I have only had one that had to cancel. I would think that if it is an isolated incident, hey stuff happens. If it is habit then I would not continue scheduling with that person.

On a side note - if I had to cancel with you VLB - it would mean something VERY major happened to me or a close family member. Conversely if you had to cancel on me, I would be heartbroken, but understanding.

Again, good advice and thank you for being a wonderful person to spend time with. Stuff happens, but I try and make it up on the rare occasions of cancellations with a ridiculous discount with added time that is unheard of.

I have had clients who had to cancel due to the tragedy or injury of a loved one. I fully understand that dilemma as it is life/death. Several clients who have had to cancel due to a work emergency have proposed a multi-hour tryst for a second session (make-up session) and have followed through with that....that does, in my opinion, make up for a cancel. If I cancel on my personal trainer, he knows I will still compensate him his hourly fee for inconveniencing him. That is because I have a heart and know that it is wrong not to make up for the session. Granted, his fee and my fee are worlds apart, but still, it is the thought in making it right through e-mail/PM that counts rather than saying, "my bad, can't see you".

In any event, I am blessed to have some great repeat friends who respect my time as I respect their time. My hurt has built up. I hobbied on Thanksgiving with a phenomenal gent (the one I am responding to) and am blessed I could provide on a day that represents "thanks". Fellows, thanks for all that you do for the ladies on Eccie. Your business is appreciated and loved.


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Old 11-26-2011, 09:53 AM   #6
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Hobby long enough, whether you are a lady or a gent, and you'll find yourself faced with a cancellation--because life must always come first. But like anything else, there are rules of decorum and etiquette that (should) govern our behavior.

First, notify the other party as quickly as possible. And make multiple attempts to ensure that the message gets through. Cancellations are hard because no one wants to hear them or do them so we tend to put them off. Make the call right away. Don't delay.

Next, speaking from the gentleman's view, if the lady has suffered any damages (lost revenue, expenses incurred on your behalf, etc.) that one cannot recompense within about 48 hours (via a rescheduled appointment, etc.) then a cancellation honorarium is always a nice touch. At least make the offer.

Finally, also from the gentleman's view, if a lady has to cancel please realize that while extra time and discounts are nice, the most important thing to most gents is for the lady to make extraordinary efforts to reschedule. To know that a lady actually regrets missing the appointment enough to try to get it back on the books is a true sign of, shall we say, highly developed TCB skills. And in my book, those skills are paramount to a good experience.

This will happen to every lady and hobbyist eventually. But it doesn't have to be a lost opportunity if handled correctly.

Great post.

All the best,

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Old 11-26-2011, 10:37 AM   #7
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Fully understand your frustration,unfortunaetly not everyone respects other persons time and effort. If there are consistent cancelations by either party it's time tomove on.

I see on your post you say you will be moving to Corpus, hope you're treated well and will visit us from time to time. All the best to you.
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Old 11-26-2011, 10:37 AM   #8
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Any business can have these issues. You can do like I see doctors doing a lot which is charge a cancelation fee but that only works for repeat customers since the new guys would probably not reschedule again. If the repeat customer is flaky then the fee would be worthwhile since it will either make him think twice about cancelling, pay the fee, or be a pain to someone else. For regular customers that are usually reliable you can always waive the fee and gain their loyalty a little more.

If this issue is only on new customers it is probably just a headache you have to live with unless you can uncover that problem during screening. I know you focus on providing a great experience that can get you repeat business. That is probably your best defense in the long run.
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Old 11-26-2011, 11:35 AM   #9
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I have had to cancel a couple of times in the last couple of years. It is always work related because I travel and things change. I've always given absolutely as much notice as possible. Usually 2 to 3 days notice.

I've had one provider cancel on me. She had a really good reason for canceling and that didn't bother me. She had an opportunity to attend an Texas game show up last minute. What bothered me was that when I was trying to make arrangments with her to make up for the cancellation she didn't bother to respond back at all and totally blew me off. I guess she was too busy getting ready for the game.

I got over it put her on my do not call list and called one of my favs up and spent a couple of hours with her
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Old 11-26-2011, 12:24 PM   #10
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Well anyone that knows you, would never cancel to play golf with the guys or anything else for that matter. I would never cancel on you and never cancelled a confirmed appointment with anyone I see here.

However when I was heavy into glamour photograph I had more than my share of model flake out and call and cancel AT the appointment time with no time to recover and book someone else, and some would just not show. That's why I stopped.

Perhaps if you made a standby list of those who tried to get an appointment each week...if you have a cancellation call a replacement. Just like waiting for an appointment for your dentist that is book weeks in advance.

You can put me on your permanent standby list. I would love to you see every week!
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Old 11-26-2011, 01:03 PM   #11
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We all cancel and have cancellations...it's the nature of the beast. We may not like it...it does get frustrating, but how we handle the situation makes all the difference.

Whenever I've had to cancel...I always offer a discount/extra time...and, if I really mess up, a nc date. On the other hand, if a client has to cancel...we usually don't get compensated.

There have only been five instances (in almost nine years) where a client has been kind enough to help compensate me for my time, when there's been a last minute cancellation or mixup. And, there's really nothing written that says they have to compensate, at all...so, I was very grateful!

Time wasters, whether they're a hobbyist or provider, are just inconsiderate!

Sextexas, that would be awesome to have such a list...however, most gents don't just sit around waiting for us to call them. Shoot, most have a Plan A-D anyway! (lol) Some hobbyists don't appreciate unsolicited calls or texts...and, I don't blame them.

It is what it is...we have to take the good with the bad! Funny, I just received a cancellation for today...lol!
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Old 11-26-2011, 02:55 PM   #12
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Default Epidemic maybe?

I think we've all had our fair share of them and while I cant comment from the providers prospective, I can share mine. If I have a lady cancel on me once I will try to reschedule but if she shows a pattern then its time to wish her the best of luck, chunk the deuces on her and move on. However if it is I that has to reschedule its usually for a very good reason and ill try to make it up with something extra.
One thing I've tried to do is send a deposit prior to the meet if its with a lady who's long distance that's not for everyone but it works for me

To reschedule an appointment in order to go play golf with the fella's in my opinion is a classless act and well ummmm pretty gay.
This equation is pretty simple:
Pussy > company of men

While I'm sure seasoned vets do this, I am seeing more and more newbies mentioning there are less newbie friendly ladies out there, well now they see why.
In regards to VLB I've never once had to cancel and quite frankly I think you guys in SA are lucky because at her rates I guarantee you'd have to book her months in advance if she were here in Houston. I know each encounter I've had with her has beyond amazing and never gets old. My jaw still hits the floor as soon as she opens the door

If its an eccie member habitually doing this then throw his handle out there. Let his buddies take him out back to the mens lounge and kick his ass. If its lurker or someone with p411 only then put him on DNS list and make him compensate you a little extra for screwing around. If he is serious he'll pay up if he isnt then adios mofo.
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Old 11-26-2011, 03:59 PM   #13
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Default Standby List

Originally Posted by Likinikki View Post
Sextexas, that would be awesome to have such a list...however, most gents don't just sit around waiting for us to call them. Shoot, most have a Plan A-D anyway! (lol) Some hobbyists don't appreciate unsolicited calls or texts...and, I don't blame them.
Likinikki, I agree with you, but I am the type of guy that has no back up plans. *If I have a confirmed appointment with you, then YOU are who I want to see. *(and I do want to see you soon!) if you cancel, I am not going to be in the mood for a plan B girl. *I also make appointments days and even weeks ahead of time.

I am happy for for VIP Latina Barbie, Sonya *Playmate or Exxxotic Kendra to put me on a standby list and call if someone cancels. *I hope I am not alone in saying that I am not in the hobby to build a body count (nothing wrong with that) but I'd rather have two to three ladies that i enjoy their company and stick to that.

But my situations is a bit different than most, my SO is aware of my hobby activities and wishes me "have a good time!" every time I go. So getting unsolicited calls from my favorites doesn't cause problems. *She wants to double with me...

I just had a NSNC with someone new yesterday but she contacted me today with the reason. *I'll still try to see her...

I go out of my way not to cancel. *I respect the ladies' time and the energy put in getting ready for me. If I cancel I must be in the hospital but we can switch to out call then!
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Old 11-26-2011, 05:06 PM   #14
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I can only remember cancelling once on the same day... Life got in the way, but I still cancelled four hours before the appt and hope they found someone to replace me.

I would not cancel on a Latin Barbie unless I was in ICU or something like that.
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Old 11-26-2011, 05:10 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by Radio View Post

I would not cancel on a Latin Barbie unless I was in ICU or something like that.
I think she does outcalls.
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