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Old 11-09-2011, 02:39 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by trynagetlaid View Post
I blame the GA witness for not immediately intervening, then calling campus security. I mean come on, a 50+ year old man is naked in a shower sodomizing a 10 year old boy. Ask yourself: how could you restrain yourself from tackling him and holding him down until the law arrived? Joe Pa and the bureaucrats should have read about this in the next morning's newspaper. And Sandusky should have been in jail with a huge bond!!!
Then they would have looked like a hero....now just the opposite.
Very bad call and in my opinion P should have followed it up or turned it in to the police himself. No excuse
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Old 11-09-2011, 05:11 PM   #17
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The Grand Jury Report: http://www.attorneygeneral.gov/uploa...resentment.pdf

I stopped reading after victim two.
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Old 11-09-2011, 08:11 PM   #18
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ugh. i read a little further but not much.

i hope they string this Sandusky guy up by his nuts daily and beat him like a piñata for the rest of his worthless life.
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Old 11-09-2011, 08:29 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by seedman55 View Post
I've read the thread in SA, being a Penn State alum, and season ticket holder since 1976, I think you people should let this play out, before you convict Joe Pa, I've had the honor of meeting him on more than one occasion. He did and does run a clean program, they have no basket weaving majors on his team, you toe the line with him or your fucking gone, coaches included. Let's see what happens, if he did fuck up I know he is more than man enough to say so.... just my .02
I hear ya man, but the guy was informed of this situation once maybe twice. How could you even look that guy in the face after that. If you run a clean program you would throw that trash out fast. Everyone up there seems to want to stick up for the guy and say he is a stand up guy. Yall were had man, simple as that. He ain't the first I'm so holy, I'm all about family and values guy to fall. If he was so great he would've done more then he did he failed to live up to his own standard.
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Old 11-09-2011, 09:03 PM   #20
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Joe Paterno FIRED

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Old 11-09-2011, 09:51 PM   #21
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Joe Pa tried a power play this afternoon with his retirement announcement. I really think he felt that he was too big to be let go.

The students will riot over the perceived injustice and the conspiracy theorists will say that they (the board) hated him, and was wrong in the move. In the end, you are responsible for the climate your program works under.

Appears to me to be a situation where the entire matter was hushed up the best it could and swept under the rug. You don't want to step on the legends toes do you? Don't piss off the big guys, they will crush you. We can handle this internally without damaging the reputation of the institution. Reminds me of the Catholic church. So how are those ideas working out for you now Penn State???

In the end, you don't want JP to take a victory lap (and set a record this weekend for most D1 college games coached if I remember, currently tied) after what his program is doing to the university.

(FYI, the Vice Chair that did the speaking for the board during the press conference has a pretty good day job, CEO U.S.Steel.)
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Old 11-09-2011, 10:02 PM   #22
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Browsing my Twitter Feed, these sum up my thoughts the best.

Originally Posted by Daniel Tosh
if you feel bad for joe paterno it's because you are an awful person.
Originally Posted by Eric Winston
If my kid is at PSU and rioting or chanting for "Joe to not go". We would have a serious talk about life and what it means to be an adult
Originally Posted by Eric Winston
Bc he enabled a child rapist to run free RT @RJJC_LU: why you guys act like he's the one who committed the crimes???please give me an answer
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Old 11-09-2011, 10:26 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by trynagetlaid View Post
I blame the GA witness for not immediately intervening, then calling campus security. I mean come on, a 50+ year old man is naked in a shower sodomizing a 10 year old boy. Ask yourself: how could you restrain yourself from tackling him and holding him down until the law arrived? Joe Pa and the bureaucrats should have read about this in the next morning's newspaper. And Sandusky should have been in jail with a huge bond!!!

Heterosexual men don't desire to tackle naked men and pin them down in the shower..

Does anybody know what Penn State's football status was during this era? Were they going to rose bowls or were they middle of the pack near the toilet?

The more high profile the football program the more hush hush they are with their shit. The GA probably knows of about 15 other Ncaa violations to which if any scrutinty gets brought to the light of day, investigations will ensue and PSU is in a shitty position.

It's obvious with the nature of tenure those coaches had at PSU, Sandusky from the 70's, Jopa from the 60's, that there is a "good ol boy" system going on there and a young ass GA is taught to fall in line, be seen and not heard, and do whatever the elders say b/c at the end of the day they can make or break one's young career.

I personally don't know how a man fucking a little boy looks like in person b/c I've never seen molestation happen in my life, but I would imagine the GA was in shock then thought about his job and pending career, and opted to go tell his dad. the safe route.

Not all people are engineered to embrace confrontation and the subsequent backlash. Dude just want's to coach and use joe pa and other coache refrences to build his little resume in frequentlly evolving field such as coaching in the NCAA.
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Old 11-09-2011, 10:39 PM   #24
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I don't think the Board had a choice. JoePa was becoming larger than the school and that can't happen. I read the Grand Jury summary and only got half-way to victim #4 before I was getting ready to "hurl"!!

It's a sad day for college football and our society. Too many people looked the other way. The victim count was up to 20...at last count.

Just think, Jim Tressel had to step down because some guys sold some Bowl Memorabilia to get tattoos?
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Old 11-10-2011, 12:42 AM   #25
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I got to page 5 and had to stop. Anyone who knew or even had a hint to what he was doing should be castrated along with him.

Put his ass in general population and let them "practice" wrestling moves on him.
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Old 11-11-2011, 06:38 PM   #26
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Did you see the bit in the grand jury report about perjury? Pretty damning. Testimony was unbelievable.

This wasn't just see/hear no evil, pushing under the carpet, it was committing perjury under oath.

With terrible consequences for many young men.

Something rotten in the State of P.
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Old 11-11-2011, 07:08 PM   #27
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The grad ass, GA, was young. The coaching fraternity is small and close knit. The GA was probably more concerned about his future at the time. If he got blackballed by ratting on Sandusky his future in coaching would be limited to back wood junior highs.
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Old 11-11-2011, 07:19 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by seedman55 View Post
I've read the thread in SA, being a Penn State alum, and season ticket holder since 1976, I think you people should let this play out, before you convict Joe Pa, I've had the honor of meeting him on more than one occasion. He did and does run a clean program, they have no basket weaving majors on his team, you toe the line with him or your fucking gone, coaches included. Let's see what happens, if he did fuck up I know he is more than man enough to say so.... just my .02
Agreed, having grown up in PA--2 hours south of State College and attended the PSU system, I felt like JoePa was the grandfather I never had. I am deeply ashamed at tragic inaction in this case, but will not let that influence the memories I have of the man.

This guy's piece on the whole thing is in line with how I feel.


I'm glad he was fired, the media frenzy is not what the players deserve for the next 2 months. I do feel that Spanier's statement of support for Curley and Schultz was grossly offensive and inappropriate, so I was very happy to see him fired.
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Old 11-12-2011, 01:25 AM   #29
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DISGUSTING is what I say.. to the whole creepy clan of them... annie
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Old 11-12-2011, 07:39 AM   #30
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Sandusky is a disgusting, pathetic, sorry ass son-of-a-bitch and he should be incarcerated for the rest of his life. What he did to those boys was inexcusable. It as a blatant abuse of power, and Paterno should have urged him to seek therapy. There is no cure for pedophilia, but there is prevention and he should have been barred from any contact with children when the FIRST allegations arose. The fact that it went on so long and NO BODY at the school took any action to stop any further harm from befalling any other children is unbelievable. I do believe Paterno knew what was going on, at least once and he reported it through due process, however his familial obligations outweighed the illegality of what was occurring. Paterno should have fired Sandusky the FIRST TIME he caught a whiff of something of this magnitude happening.
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