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Old 11-03-2011, 07:10 PM   #151
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Originally Posted by LynnT View Post
And dont compare rape, thats a pretty crappy comparison.
I'm not trying to compare outing someone to rape. I'm merely using similar logic in a more extreme situation to exhibit the flaw in your logic. This is part of the Socratic teaching method, which is used in philosophy classes and law school as the basic for analyzing logic and fact patterns.

In all the examples I provided above, the logic fact patterns are exactly the same, the offenses are merely more severe. This type of analysis scrutinizes logic to show how compelling your argument is (or shows the flaws in the logic).
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Old 11-03-2011, 08:18 PM   #152
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SKETCHY, just say that a lawyer represents his clients and there is client confidentiality clause that an unspoken rule. I understand what you are getting at and she didn't accidently blurt it out ... SHE MADE IT CLEAR that he was a Cheat and she doesn't understand there is a difference between "fucking" and loving someone.
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Old 11-03-2011, 09:08 PM   #153
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Originally Posted by LynnT View Post
You play its a chance you take, its your own fault if you get outed, you shouldn't be seeing hookers, you shouldn't be in the position to be outed... If you didnt go there then you would have nothin' to worry about now would ya? (not that I condone outing or would I do so.. this is a just risky business, with risks you assessed and you're willing to take.)
I agree Lynn.
Yes, she should have kept her mouth shut, but it was his CHOICE to see an escort. I doubt his ex fiance is blaming the provider.
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Old 11-03-2011, 09:11 PM   #154
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Funny you think my logic is off or Im a 'hooktard" that is better than everyone and I would out..

PM's from men and women that understand my logic but wont say anything in the open.. you all know the reasons why.

Think what you want of me, Im a straight shooter, I take discretion seriously, dont BS the ladies or gents, and this business is run as serious as a heart attack for me, Im a bit of a geek in that way. Im practically UTR to stay discrete.

If you put yourself into a situation to get F-ed well then dont be surprised when it happens.

And damn straight If I were raped or abused at an appointment I would take some blame, or in a place I know I shouldn't be.. as much as Im a victim, I have to take some blame. I put myself into a high risk situation and let a strange man alone with me or I chose to go down the road I was told was dangerous.. If I wasnt a hooker or never took that road.. well guess what I seriously decreased my risk. As bad things can just happen anytime anywhere but minimized greatly.

References or not you can never know.. and damn straight the OP messed up, I know this but its the risk. I also get the feeling there is really more to the story..

Again think what you want just remember I wont ever BS you on a business level. I might toss some flirty BS your way though.
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Old 11-03-2011, 09:34 PM   #155
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Originally Posted by LynnT View Post

If you put yourself into a situation to get F-ed well then dont be surprised when it happens.

I agree with this completly. What he did wast stupid. What she did was vengeful. She desserves more than public bashing. She will still get customers and they will continue to give her their personal information. Which I think we can agree is a very bad idea. It says a lot about her to even post this thread. I think whenever she post an ad she should have to have this disclaimer.

caveat emptor
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Old 11-03-2011, 10:01 PM   #156
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Originally Posted by LynnT View Post
Funny you think my logic is off or Im a 'hooktard" that is better than everyone and I would out..

PM's from men and women that understand my logic but wont say anything in the open.. you all know the reasons why.

Think what you want of me, Im a straight shooter, I take discretion seriously, dont BS the ladies or gents, and this business is run as serious as a heart attack for me, Im a bit of a geek in that way. Im practically UTR to stay discrete.

If you put yourself into a situation to get F-ed well then dont be surprised when it happens.

And damn straight If I were raped or abused at an appointment I would take some blame, or in a place I know I shouldn't be.. as much as Im a victim, I have to take some blame. I put myself into a high risk situation and let a strange man alone with me or I chose to go down the road I was told was dangerous.. If I wasnt a hooker or never took that road.. well guess what I seriously decreased my risk. As bad things can just happen anytime anywhere but minimized greatly.

References or not you can never know.. and damn straight the OP messed up, I know this but its the risk. I also get the feeling there is really more to the story..

Again think what you want just remember I wont ever BS you on a business level. I might toss some flirty BS your way though.
I respect the fact you adamantly argue what you believe.

Clearly we have different opinions, however. I don't think it's the victim's fault. You think they have some degree of responsibility for putting themselves into that position.

I will let you have the last word and won't respond because I think we're about to start beating that dead horse. Good luck with your clients, and for their sake, I truly hope that you were genuine about taking discretion seriously as you sounded in your statements.

This time I am done with this thread; I won't even read the responses. It isn't good for my health. Sketch out.
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Old 11-03-2011, 10:16 PM   #157
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Lets get back on subject....
We are talking about the fact a provider told on her client and did it on purpose.
Both ppl need confidentiality and privacy.
What if he had done the provider like that?
Its a two way street when you compare the same criime...
He didn't come on here and bash her about the incident..just saying.
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Old 11-03-2011, 10:26 PM   #158
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Originally Posted by simpleton View Post
I agree with this completly. What he did wast stupid. What she did was vengeful. She desserves more than public bashing. She will still get customers and they will continue to give her their personal information. Which I think we can agree is a very bad idea. It says a lot about her to even post this thread. I think whenever she post an ad she should have to have this disclaimer.

caveat emptor
I think the bigger issue is it was brought to the public.. dirty laundry needs to stay in the hamper. Im kind of embarrassed for her. Her well intentions of a "warning" back fired. Im not so sure we have the whole story or she did it to just be malicious just to wreck a guys life, she just wasnt thinking. She may have, I dont know her but I will give the benefit of the doubt and say she had a brain fart. I hope lesson learned.

However this thread has its "silver lining", some reading this now know what Not to do and make some gents screen more carefully to minimize the risk of a bad time, outing, etc. You know some need it spelled out for them.. newbies may be lurking..
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Old 11-03-2011, 10:27 PM   #159
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It does not matter if he was seeing 50 providers a week, she should not have outed his information to anyone. She did not "bump" the line of indiscretion, she jumped over it and kept running.
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Old 11-03-2011, 10:36 PM   #160
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Originally Posted by AlluringExotic View Post
My reputation would be soured
Well you don't have to worry about that any longer. Your indiscretion has already taken care of that, and yet you question every ones intelligence. You go on a national board and post about outing someone. What were you thinking? You should have kept your mouth shut and hoped that you did not show up on an alert, but no you come on here and openly tell everyone that you cannot be trusted.
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Old 11-03-2011, 10:42 PM   #161
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Originally Posted by sketchball82 View Post
I respect the fact you adamantly argue what you believe.

Clearly we have different opinions, however. I don't think it's the victim's fault. You think they have some degree of responsibility for putting themselves into that position.

I will let you have the last word and won't respond because I think we're about to start beating that dead horse. Good luck with your clients, and for their sake, I truly hope that you were genuine about taking discretion seriously as you sounded in your statements.

This time I am done with this thread; I won't even read the responses. It isn't good for my health. Sketch out.
In case you read..

Dude Im cool. We can agree to disagree.

I will take some blame if something bad were to happen, not my fault, some blame as it take two to tango so to speak. I exposed myself. Im a survivor, Ive been through some heavy duty scary life or death situations, the law, and know reality. I exposed myself.

What I said about discretion is not BS or how I handle business. Any of you can do your homework on me and find out I dont BS people.

I think we would have a fabulous visit if our paths crossed, I'll wear my fun hot red shoes, ask Upstate about my fun red shoes.
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Old 11-03-2011, 10:53 PM   #162
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Originally Posted by LynnT View Post
In case you read..

Dude Im cool. We can agree to disagree.

I will take some blame if something bad were to happen, not my fault, some blame as it take two to tango so to speak. I exposed myself. Im a survivor, Ive been through some heavy duty scary life or death situations, the law, and know reality. I exposed myself.

What I said about discretion is not BS or how I handle business. Any of you can do your homework on me and find out I dont BS people.

I think we would have a fabulous visit if our paths crossed, I'll wear my fun hot red shoes, ask Upstate about my fun red shoes.
Uh oh, my first lie on the boards.
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Old 11-03-2011, 11:08 PM   #163
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Originally Posted by NegroDeSangue View Post
. . . I'm very sorry you had to go through this. I know it sucks. . . . Jeeeeeeezus Keeeeeerist.... you didn't really SAY that, did you?
Originally Posted by sketchball82 View Post
. . . If I can't trust a provider to be discreet, she shouldn't be providing.
Originally Posted by simpleton View Post
If he was paying your wage then you need to shut the fuck up. You don't say a word about him to anybody. This is a prime example of why A person shouldn't give out personal information.

If he's paying you to fuck he's not your boyfriend. Just like if I'm paying her to fuck she's not my gf.
Originally Posted by AlluringExotic View Post
. . . Wow, some of the people who post on this board have no tact. . . WHAT DID YOU SAY????
Originally Posted by TabooTanner View Post
You can't accuse people of not having working brain cells when you repeatedly call a fiancé a finance. Finance is not the correct word.
Originally Posted by simpleton View Post
You outted a dude and you want sympathy. . .BRILLIANT!!
Originally Posted by Budman View Post
Then you need to find another line of work. You and you alone are responsible for this disaster. Who gives a shit if he told you he was single. . . . You crossed the line and have ruined the lives of two people and want us to feel sorry for you. Fuck you. . . . I am stunned that anyone would take your side and somehow justify your actions. You should be black listed by every hobbyist for this and an alert should be posted in every city you work in. You are a risk to every client you see.
Originally Posted by Jackie S View Post
. . . You helped ruin a paying client's future. There is no excuse for this under any circumstance.

A Hobbyist marital status is none of your business, just as yours is none of his. In fact, nothing about his civilian life, or yours, is any of the others business.

Do you still have Verified Provider Status? If so, I hope the Mods strip you of this emmediatly, and tell you to hit the road. And then let every other Hobby Board on the internet know the situation.

I can't believe there are actually posters who are finding sympathy with your plight. Well, you can't cure stupid, and you are nothing but a stupid cunt. Period.

No need for the name calling, you can easily make your point without reverting to this, CC
I have to cry bullshit, CC... She doesn't belong here!!

Originally Posted by TexTushHog View Post
If you're being paid, part of what you're being paid for is discretion. Period. End of concept short of a grand jury subpoena. No "if"s "and"s or "but"s about it. You violated his trust in the most cruel and fundamental way possible. Period. End of argument.

Whether the hobbyist fucked up too -- and he did -- is completely irrelevant to how badly you fucked up. And you fucked up big time.
Originally Posted by Naomi4u View Post
Outing is outing. It should not be taken lightly at all. I don't know what is wrong with some of you people sometimes. How can you fuck with someone's life and think "sorry" will make everything better again? WTF??
Originally Posted by Naomi4u View Post
I agree. Those that out people should be banned. They are a threat to the community as a whole!
Originally Posted by Jackie S View Post
. . . .
She can go ply her wares on the street corner, she has lost the previledge to be part of this community.
The single greatest thing about this thread , is that this IDIOT has OUTED HERSELF !!

So..... during your conversation with your new best friend... you reached a point where you figured out your CLIENT was her FIANCE!!* And THEN.... WTF did YOU do?
You... at that point.... CHOSE to out him!!!!!!!

Alluring... My Ass!! * There was no accident here!!
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Old 11-03-2011, 11:23 PM   #164
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Originally Posted by LynnT View Post
I think the bigger issue is it was brought to the public.. dirty laundry needs to stay in the hamper. Im kind of embarrassed for her. Her well intentions of a "warning" back fired. Im not so sure we have the whole story or she did it to just be malicious just to wreck a guys life, she just wasnt thinking. She may have, I dont know her but I will give the benefit of the doubt and say she had a brain fart. I hope lesson learned.

However this thread has its "silver lining", some reading this now know what Not to do and make some gents screen more carefully to minimize the risk of a bad time, outing, etc. You know some need it spelled out for them.. newbies may be lurking..

When you make a statement like you shouldn't be seeing a hooker and it's your fault it reads as to your bottom line feelings. If you put those feelings and multiply them because someone made you angry or hurt your feelings then it puts you at risk of outing someone. I know you said you would never do it but with those leading statements I still think you are a risk no matter how much you say you wouldn't. I hope for all the guys that have seen you that I am wrong but I know I would never ask to see you after that.
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Old 11-03-2011, 11:33 PM   #165
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Originally Posted by burkalini View Post
When you make a statement like you shouldn't be seeing a hooker and it's your fault it reads as to your bottom line feelings. If you put those feelings and multiply them because someone made you angry or hurt your feelings then it puts you at risk of outing someone. I know you said you would never do it but with those leading statements I still think you are a risk no matter how much you say you wouldn't. I hope for all the guys that have seen you that I am wrong but I know I would never ask to see you after that.

Not saying you "shouldn't " see a hooker, hello Im a Hooker! or a "hooktard" Just assume the responsibility of putting yourself at risk.

And so be it for you. Too bad, Id do my best to rock your world too! Shall we visit for Christmas and I wear my fun Santa suit? I just bought one.. Wait suit? I mean my tiny Santa outfit.

The bottom line is the reality of the business, not just me. Its risky and you chose to take the risk or not. All of us do for one reason or another.

Lets go to the hole and work this out.
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