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Old 10-31-2011, 09:44 AM   #1
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Default Not trying to beat a dead horse

Im really not trying to do that. I just wanted to add about the discussion on pimps that pimps are exclusively male. There are female and I have heard stories of certain providers taking advantage of new arrivals and pimping them. When I learn that a provider has done that to a new arrival, I immediately cross her off my list regardless of her good reviews. That is just poor character.

I also try very hard to make I do not see a provider who has a pimp no matter what sex the pimp is. I have never heard of a good pimp-provider (or healthy) relationship.
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Old 10-31-2011, 01:33 PM   #2
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Given that scarcely a month goes by without another local news report concerning men being arrested for pimping underage girls, it shouldn't matter how tough you are or how bulletproof you think you are, if you are caught with your hand in the wrong cookie jar you will be in some serious trouble.
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Old 10-31-2011, 02:03 PM   #3
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There is also a difference between an agency and a pimp. I have noticed if a man runs an agency, he is called a pimp and if a woman runs an agency, she is heralded as being asset to the community. Dallas has always been more of an indy town. Other cities outside of Texas can sometimes be more agency oriented, although that seems to be changing over time.

Interestingly, my own observations have been that the female agency owners take higher fees and I have seen more incidences of vindictiveness from the women who run agencies when a girl leaves. This is a generalization and there are always exceptions. Most people find out they are not cut out for it and don't last long.

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Old 10-31-2011, 02:17 PM   #4
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I've learned that Provider/Manager relationships take on many forms. From the streetwise dude from the 'hood running girls to the Madam hosting in a set location. In the history of this business there have always been "managers". Some of the legendary ones are women and their names are scattered throughout literature. But we sometimes forget that this is a business for the Providers and it makes good business sense to centralize scheduling, share an incall location, perform screening, maintain websites and network about clients. For some that means "management". In my profession we call it Outsourcing.

I understand that the youngest of Providers may need assistance in the beginning and I can't think of a better mentor than an experienced, reputable Provider. Perhaps some of the experienced ones are setting up their own stable of talent. But in my short time in the Hobby I have also heard some of them simply want to help the new talent avoid dangerous situations. I'm all for that because that involves my safety too.

I am NOT condoning abusive Manager/Provider relationships in any form. But this is a business for the ladies and they must make business decisions just like the rest of us.
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Old 10-31-2011, 02:41 PM   #5
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Provider boot camp would be handy. Not sure if you could do that legally.
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Old 10-31-2011, 02:50 PM   #6
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"Provider Boot Camp"... I am sooo into that idea.
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Old 10-31-2011, 02:51 PM   #7
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Legal, schmegal ... Provider 101 is a great idea.
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Old 10-31-2011, 03:37 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by J.G. Wentworth View Post
There is also a difference between an agency and a pimp. I have noticed if a man runs an agency, he is called a pimp and if a woman runs an agency, she is heralded as being asset to the community.
When Amazing John was building his little empire in Houston, he had the agency AND all the Escapes studios. AMAZING studios.

But he was open about it. You could meet him at socials. If you had issues you could meet him and get things figured out. He wasn't beating the girls or forcing them. One of my first luncheons in Houston was hosted by him and he'd invite a handful of the agency girls to come to the meet and greet lunches and it was a great way to not just meet the providers but also the owner.

So it's not just male/female. It was more about not hiding shit. B&B Wildflower's etc. You'd meet the people behind the scenes and never a problem.

Here in Dallas, the history of some of the agencies claiming they are not agencies has always been a problem. SOME of the "agency" owners were complete asshats.
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Old 10-31-2011, 04:49 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by LazurusLong View Post

So it's not just male/female. It was more about not hiding shit. B&B Wildflower's etc....
And Amazing John is resting comfortably in jail. I understand why most agency owners stay behind the curtains; it is a measure of self preservation in a society where the hobby is outlawed.

The best way to tell if an agency owner was not a total ass is if the girls would go back and work for them again if they needed to or didn't bad mouth the girls when they left, even if the owner had been taken advantage of. (of course, things happen and inevitably some people always wind up crossways with people they do business with.) PC had many girls work for them on and off whereas other agency owners just flat out failed or had girls not ever willing to go back.
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Old 10-31-2011, 05:09 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by J.G. Wentworth View Post
Provider boot camp would be handy. Not sure if you could do that legally.
My choice for camp commander............The Dannie.
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Old 10-31-2011, 05:53 PM   #11
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Provider boot camp . . . I feel a woody coming on . . .
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Old 10-31-2011, 06:13 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by J.G. Wentworth View Post
And Amazing John is resting comfortably in jail. ....
For income tax evasion as far as I know, not for running an escort agency since running an agency is completely legit. Sex for cash is not but it is worse when you fail to declare the income and pay the tax on the money.

Most of what happens in agencies around the country seem to be focused on the lack of paying taxes and that carries over to many other vices.
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Old 11-01-2011, 07:33 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by LazurusLong View Post
For income tax evasion as far as I know, not for running an escort agency since running an agency is completely legit. Sex for cash is not but it is worse when you fail to declare the income and pay the tax on the money.

Most of what happens in agencies around the country seem to be focused on the lack of paying taxes and that carries over to many other vices.
Sort of a hijack, but...

If you research most prostitution arrests, they are focused on:

1. Streetwalkers: Usually minority woman (or men, in case of a sting), low hanging fruit. Associated with drugs, etc.

2. Studio type settings, including AMPs that have a fixed place of business, high traffic, and perhaps high visibility.

3. Super high end escort agencies that make law enforcement look good on the 10 PM news.

On the other hand, a lot of the enforcement actions involving prostitution use other methods to attack the issue without ever charging prostitution, since this is often easier to prove:

1. Department of Health actions against massage therapist or people advertising massage therapy/body rub, etc.

2. Zoning issues, both the simple adult entertainment establishment too close to a school type as well as building code enforcement.

3. Tax laws, as suggested above. Includes money laundering, etc.

Probably a few others, but the general idea is that under the umbrella of government action to limit prostitution activities, it is often easier to attack the issue indirectly rather than to actually prove up prostitution charges. Also, individual ladies and in case of some minorities, johns, may be hard to get before the courts, but attacking the infrastructure through indirect measures can drive the activities far enough underground to make elected officials look good (tough on crime) and Joe Q. Public can strut along feeling safe from these dangerous criminal elements.

As far as Provider 101, sounds good, but I think the instructors will find they have a big red X painted on their backs.
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