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Old 10-28-2011, 08:51 AM   #16
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TexTushHog, you represent yourself on this board to be a professional, intelligent person. Your last post indicates you are neither. Your posts this morning and in the past show that you are a petty, immature and mean-spirited person. You cannot disagree with anyone politically without lowering yourself to making personal attacks.
I am niether Democrat or Republican. Both parties have proven to be self-serving and do nothing but follow thier party lines. They have lost touch with who they represent and why they were sent to Washington.
The majority of the demonstrators in New York, as well as the other locations, have not a clue why they are there. Someone threw a party and they showed up. In watching the interviews done by mainstream news as well as Fox we see that the majority complain that someone else has money and they want some of it without having to work for it. For the most part, the young "hippie" crowd is being used as bulk by other organizations to give the appearance of a populist movement. Organizations such as labor unions, the communist and socialist parties and others have influenced these demonstrations.
There are, however, those that truly believe that Wall Street and Big Business have become too powerful. That is because we have allowed our legislature to be lobbied by these special interest groups, resulting in both congress and big business to become fat at our expense. This nations founders never intended for our representitives to become career politicians, gleaning all they can from the people they are supposed to represent.
Kayla makes a point that cannot be ignored. Every night we watch news clips of "Occupy Wall Street" and see arrests of public urination and public disobedience that the "Tea Party" did not seem to have. This is an entirely different class of people with a different attitude toward changing our nation.
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Old 10-31-2011, 12:52 AM   #17
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classless libs....
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Old 10-31-2011, 01:15 AM   #18
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Ms. Whispers,

TTH has always been classless in these type of discussions. And since they created the "no rules" forum he has had free reign to be a complete asshole to anyone and everyone. Occasionally he spills over here, forgetting which forum he currently is viewing. Whether it be a discussion on healthcare where he launches accusations of discrimination without any reason other than it doesn't agree with his views or his calls of ignorance when a political discussion does not agree with his philosophies TTH shows his ass to us all.
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Old 10-31-2011, 02:35 AM   #19
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I don't know if I can support the OWS protesters because I have no clue what their goals are. Make noise? Have a party? I don't see any uniting theme other than "we're pissed", and that isn't going to achieve anything.

The OWS group are basically saying "we're pissed and we want change", but they aren't forwarding any ideas. Pointless but harmless.

The Tea Party is saying "we're pissed and we want these dumb ideas implemented." Dangerous. Especially when dummies like Bachmann take them seriously.

Where is the silent and endangered middle class? Have they decided to lie down and give up? I hope not.

I love that AARP commercial that says 50M grey-hairs are ready to vote so don't fuck with Medicare.


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Old 10-31-2011, 02:52 AM   #20
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Originally Posted by TexRich View Post
classless libs....
C'mon, don't use ONE perspective to label an entire population.

I'll try not to think all GOPs are retards because of what I hear in the debates and because of Jeffress' comments.

This country is in a hole. The only way we can get out of it is to vote smart people into office. That won't happen if we're all voting "anything but libs" or "anything but cons". That will guarantee that we keep voting dummies into office. Demand better and vote accordingly.


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Old 10-31-2011, 02:48 PM   #21
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Were all fucked the Rights, Lefts and the Libs are clueless dumb-asses, each might have 1 good idea and then they have 50 bonehead ideas. Don't vote for any incumbents and we might have a chance to change things.

As for protesting I would like to protest the High price of pussy.
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Old 11-01-2011, 02:23 PM   #22
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Where is the silent and endangered middle class? Have they decided to lie down and give up? I hope not.

hmmm... I think if you would look closely, you would find them in a movement called the Tea Party.
Yep.. those dumb old Middle class peeps who believe that they are more responsible then Career Politicians.
The one's that clean up after an event.
The one's that earn a living and balance a budget.

One cannot possibly imagine that an organic movement as large as this is NOT composed of the Middle Class.

Unless there is a different definition of Middle Class?
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Old 11-01-2011, 06:13 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by harkontume View Post
Where is the silent and endangered middle class? Have they decided to lie down and give up? I hope not.

hmmm... I think if you would look closely, you would find them in a movement called the Tea Party.
Yep.. those dumb old Middle class peeps who believe that they are more responsible then Career Politicians.
The one's that clean up after an event.
The one's that earn a living and balance a budget.

One cannot possibly imagine that an organic movement as large as this is NOT composed of the Middle Class.

Unless there is a different definition of Middle Class?
No, I don't believe the large majority of the educated middle class is involved with or supportive of the Tea Party. In general, the Tea Party (at any level) doesn't demonstrate an understanding of the basic principles of global economics, or even basic geography. One of my favorites is when Bachmann said "Obama got us involved in Libya and now he's taking us into Africa." Sad.

All of us want a balanced budget. Many of us realize that it isn't as easy as the Tea Party would like it to be. If the Tea Party had their way, they would crater our economy with a combination of good intentions and ignorance.
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Old 11-01-2011, 07:01 PM   #24
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LOL who could ever take TTH seriously when he thinks BO is a right leaning centrist?

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Old 11-01-2011, 08:03 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by harkontume View Post
Where is the silent and endangered middle class? Have they decided to lie down and give up? I hope not.

We were at work.
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Old 11-01-2011, 08:39 PM   #26
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Would much rather support the OWS than the Tea Party.
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Old 11-01-2011, 08:58 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by DFW5Traveler View Post
LOL who could ever take TTH seriously when he thinks BO is a right leaning centrist?

...ummm.... but that's exactly what BO is, and that's part of the reason why he's been weak. He's been pandering to the GOP in an attempt to create harmony. If you don't understand that, you're a victim of dogma and/or propaganda.

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Old 11-02-2011, 08:40 AM   #28
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BO is an right leaning centrist?

WoW.. I mean WoW!!!

If I dont agree I am a victim?

Tea Party movement is NOT made up of "educated" middle class?
Just a bunch of dumb crackers waving the flag right?

Bachman makes a mistake by leaving out the word "rest" ( ie.. "rest of Africa") and TP are clueless on economy and geography?
With that logic what would you say about Dem over all when OB doesnt know how many states are in the USA?

No need to answer really. You will just call me more names.
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Old 11-02-2011, 07:25 PM   #29
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Old 11-02-2011, 10:01 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by Lust4xxxLife View Post
...ummm.... but that's exactly what BO is, and that's part of the reason why he's been weak. He's been pandering to the GOP in an attempt to create harmony. If you don't understand that, you're a victim of dogma and/or propaganda.

BO wouldn't have bailed out the banks if his policies were not right leaning. The fiscal policy is a continuation of that of the previous regime whose recklessness brought disaster. The only way out is to keep throwing good money after bad and keep repeating the mantra that it is the only Rx for a soft landing.

Chances are that the money that is being thrown around just postpones the inevitable crash. But who cares as long as it is on someone else's watch.
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