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Old 10-29-2011, 12:12 PM   #1
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Default Pimp'N at Occupy America Rallies

I don't recall these kind of headlines at Tea Party Rallies !

"Woman charged with pimping teen recruited at Occupy NH rally..."

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Old 10-29-2011, 12:26 PM   #2
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Oh come on.... :-) you find all kinds of folks also in tea party. Why do you feel the need to bash these protestors? Its not their fault, is it?

Have you ever heard of propaganda machines? I mean just look at how some people , e.g. politicians conduct their business and what kinds or marketing strategies they use. This is one of them. Just put out the bad things , print them all over and ruin someone`s reputation. Look at the DSK case. Go figure.

I can`t believe you are really so brainwashed to "go for it". And i bet - if i dig i will find a lot of criminals in Tea Party as well.

This is not a pissing contest. You should start looking at issues and i think some of you haters really should bring arguments and not only propaganda.
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Old 10-29-2011, 12:33 PM   #3
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Pimping whores, stealing ipads, getting freebies without consent.........like it would have stayed quiet if it had happened at a tea party rally (it would have been headline news).........I thinck I will go to one of these wall street rallies and snuggle me some ignorance.

I would agree that it is not their fault........it is their parents' fault for propagating ignorance.
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Old 10-29-2011, 01:36 PM   #4
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I will agree that the vast majority of the people at these rallies are decent people. Ignorant, uneducated, and deluded but still decent. My frustration is the media and democrats sucking up to them when they are not following the laws by getting permits, paying the fees or anything else expected of other protest movements. The Tea Party followed the law and was made up of overwhelmingly hard working decent people. They were criticized, insulted and called racist without proof by the same people supporting the OWS groups. Where is the rationality in this.
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Old 10-29-2011, 02:17 PM   #5
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As far as i know the OWS people are possibly the most "not ignorant people" in this whole discussion. Where have you been when the banks got bailed out? At least they do something.

I get along with Tea Party Members as well as with OWS supporters for one reason that some of you don`t seem to buy into here: Tolerance at first, a curiousity about other people`s beliefs, a fundamental respect for each decent human being out there who supports agendas that don`t hurt anyone. But, i have to agree that at some point there can`t be consensus reached. I am very proud to be friends with all sorts of politically inclined people (except for right wing of course, i see that some Tea Party agendas slightly focus in that direction - they tend to be homophobic) But i have to say i had more fruitful discussions with members of the Tea party about homosexuality than its possible here about OWS - you guys just degrade people, throw shit, don`t bring arguments and if they are brought, most are ignored - that is not a discussion IMHO - so what`s the point of doing so?

Plus, just because there are people out there who call others unwarranted out on some things, and make unqualified comments, does not mean you guys have to do the same, right?
There is no rationality in this, because as far as i can see, anyone is just highly emotional and can`t think straight. It would be nice to try for once. :-) I much prefer to stick to arguments rather than "argumentum ad hominem" - strategies of bullying. Is it possible to make points without degrading others?

Protests bring issues into the public arena and allow for debate, and are empowerment activities, and a whole lot of people get educated also the non-protesters as well as the protestors. I think rethinking the inequalities that are present in the world are an integral and important part of this.
From a sociological and psychological point of view these happenings are highly interesting. Anyone ever heard of ANT ?
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Old 10-29-2011, 03:48 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by Whirlaway View Post
I don't recall these kind of headlines at Tea Party Rallies !

"Woman charged with pimping teen recruited at Occupy NH rally..."

Whirlway you are so stupid that it's beyond sad- if someone was to post a link where a TEA party member is carrying a blatant racist sign would it be appropriate to say : Tea Partiers are all racist??? Or if someone at a TEA party rally got charged with marijuana possession does that mean Tea party are pot heads?
Everyone one of your post are so fucking stupid -WW you are a man who voted for Obama in 2008- because I know you didn't vote for McCain based on your own testimony and not you are Obama's biggest critic?
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Old 10-29-2011, 03:52 PM   #7
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There will always be inequalities in the world. You charge twice as much as providers here locally. Should you lower your rate to be equal? It is not so much that we insult the OWS protesters as the videos of them answering questions and their behavior do it for us. I would be happy to discuss ideas with them but I do not have the resources that allow me to camp out in a park doing nothing. Whoever they have trying to get out their message is doing a horrible job since there is no comprehensible message out there except we are not happy. Provide us with alternative solutions to debate. Preferably something more realistic than waive payments on all student loans. Blaming corporations whos products they rely on for all of teir problems is not that effective either. As I have stated before the issue of government bailouts of private companies is something most people agree with them on.
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Old 10-29-2011, 03:54 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by wellendowed1911 View Post
Whirlway you are so stupid that it's beyond sad- if someone was to post a link where a TEA party member is carrying a blatant racist sign would it be appropriate to say : Tea Partiers are all racist???
The accusations happened a lot even when the evidence was missing.
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Old 10-29-2011, 04:13 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by Laz View Post
The accusations happened a lot even when the evidence was missing.
By Laz let's be honest- let's say I want to an OWS rally and I got busted with some meth- that has nothing to do with the spirit of the protest. I am pretty sure with the masses of people who attended the Tea party rallies that some of them just by the odds might have warrants and/or criminal records- but to say the Tea party rallies are for criminals or people with warrants would be very false. WW is trying to focus on one incident and categorize everyone based on that lady's action- he always does dumb shit like that because he knows he's not credible.
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Old 10-29-2011, 06:46 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by wellendowed1911 View Post
By Laz let's be honest- let's say I want to an OWS rally and I got busted with some meth- that has nothing to do with the spirit of the protest. I am pretty sure with the masses of people who attended the Tea party rallies that some of them just by the odds might have warrants and/or criminal records- but to say the Tea party rallies are for criminals or people with warrants would be very false. WW is trying to focus on one incident and categorize everyone based on that lady's action- he always does dumb shit like that because he knows he's not credible.
Your point is valid but I think he is just using this to make the point that if something simialar had happened at a tea party rally it would have been headline news on every network while this is basically ignored. As you have pointed out it should be ignored but I would have liked to see equal outrage over bogus racist allegations against Tea Party supporters.
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Old 10-29-2011, 07:51 PM   #11
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Do any of them work? Have a job?
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Old 10-29-2011, 08:01 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by pyramider View Post
Do any of them work? Have a job?
yes. They probably earn twice as much as you per year :-) Or - hm - maybe triple?
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Old 10-29-2011, 08:13 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by Laz View Post
There will always be inequalities in the world. You charge twice as much as providers here locally. Should you lower your rate to be equal? It is not so much that we insult the OWS protesters as the videos of them answering questions and their behavior do it for us. I would be happy to discuss ideas with them but I do not have the resources that allow me to camp out in a park doing nothing.
Sorry, the last one with the camp and stuff, is a really "lazy" excuse. You don`t have the resources to be aware of what is happening? No need to camp outside, feel free to contribute to the cause your way. And no need to bash the people who manage to have the resources you don`t WANT to have. You can afford escorts ? You do have the resources then :-)) (sorry to say) Maybe they are all freelancers and work with their iPads, who knows? You can`t judge people if you have not seen them actually not having jobs and taking your money. The people I know participating in this movement do indeed have good jobs, and savings to contribute to as much causes as they wish. Many of them are indeed in a position to divide their time as they please as well. Go figure. Their are people out there who don`t have the usual 24/7 and 9 to 5 jobs. So these usual burgeouise statements don`t fly with me.
And i doubt that there are always the "same" people camping. And if - it might be possible that some people are REALLY INTERESTED IN POLITICS that they are taking the risks and the time to devote their money and life to it. Ever thought of that? - That does not mean that i am denying that their are unemployed people out there as well, but even those do something more useful with their time than hanging at home like bums.
Being too busy to do something about harsh misjudgements is a very lazy excuse, no offense.

As to your comparison with my rate: If i were in your locations and cater to locals my rates probably would not be so high. I am catering to an international audience and long term Sugardaddies and Sponsors. That is a different approach, does not mean i have more income in the long run. Plus, logics don`t fly separate for me when it comes to business responsibilities
So, there is no inequality per se, because nevertheless i still pay the same percentage of tax income like any other provider does regardless of rates. Besides, i don`t get special bailouts or interest rates if i take credits.

Plus, if i intentionally mislead people offering them "services" i don`t do and such, i would be ruined in a minute. And, i HAVE worked at lower rates longer in my life, like all hard working people do and now i am in a position to demand those rates. I have the sources, the savings and the style. I worked hard to get there. There are plenty of providers out there who have similar and even higher rates than i have and have no clue what that actually means. Just look at some homepages and some business strategies. I had to start from scratch as well. And i actually know many sides of that business, which makes me less arrogant towards my fellow provider collegues unlike some women who come from middle class, have functioning family backgrounds and only support their need for luxury that way. I come from a very different angle, the exact angle of "equality" that you try to take from me by pointing out my rates.

As to your comparison with the videos. My god. I have seen people of all political agendas bloating all kinds of stupidity across the net. Tea Party members are indeed homophobe and i have heard many of them refer to black people as somehow inferior. You should be grown up enough to make a distinction - like i do - between personal opinions of single people catering to a cause AND the CAUSE ITSELF. Stick to the points. Tea Party Members have them and OWS have them too. Drunk idiots aside. To come to the conclusion that some social movement is invalid because of some youtube video is scatterbrained IMHO, no offense.

So - i refuse to see the point you are trying to make, it does not make sense to me. But thanks for trying :-)
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Old 10-29-2011, 08:44 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by Laz View Post
Your point is valid but I think he is just using this to make the point that if something simialar had happened at a tea party rally it would have been headline news on every network while this is basically ignored. As you have pointed out it should be ignored but I would have liked to see equal outrage over bogus racist allegations against Tea Party supporters.
Its always the same old stupid "ad hominem attacks" happening no matter from which political direction. I call it common denominator much rather than similarities in personality. For example, You have people that support certain ideas that make sense given certain logics. These ideas are the common denominator connecting the pool of people`s different personalities.
Does not necessarily conclude them having the same character traits, right?

Adolf Hitler for example, the most despicable human in this world, actually loved animals and especially dogs. Do we now - according to WW `s arguments come to the conclusion that dog lovers have something in common with Hitler`s character and personality and therefor all are evil and despicable? I doubt that. Its stupid. That is my point

People are varying within such a huge social pool that these "ad hominem " attacks make NO SENSE at all. It does not say anything about the OWS movement per se that a criminal in it supports the same opinion. People can be WRONG 90 times and still get 10 times right. There is no simple "cause - effect" relationship as some of you seem to want .
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Old 10-29-2011, 11:46 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by Laz View Post
Your point is valid but I think he is just using this to make the point that if something simialar had happened at a tea party rally it would have been headline news on every network while this is basically ignored. As you have pointed out it should be ignored but I would have liked to see equal outrage over bogus racist allegations against Tea Party supporters.
bogus racist allegations??? Are you kididing me there were racist signs at rallies- but it would be unfair to say that the whole movement was racist.
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