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Old 10-28-2011, 10:14 AM   #136
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I guess I will be the latest of all, but in my humble opinion, if I paid in either scenario and I could not make the grade, it is my loss and your gain.

I firmly believe once an agreement is made it is a done deal. I would hope I could fulfill my part of the agreement, but if junior could not respond, I would thank you for a wonderful time and say maybe next time.

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Old 10-28-2011, 10:23 AM   #137
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Originally Posted by topsgt38801 View Post
I guess I will be the latest of all, but in my humble opinion, if I paid in either scenario and I could not make the grade, it is my loss and your gain.

I firmly believe once an agreement is made it is a done deal. I would hope I could fulfill my part of the agreement, but if junior could not respond, I would thank you for a wonderful time and say maybe next time.

Bullseye top!!

Sir, if you served our country, which I assume you have, Thank You very much for your sacrifices, and God Bless You.
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Old 10-28-2011, 01:40 PM   #138
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I did proudly and thank you.

Originally Posted by PJ1964 View Post
Bullseye top!!

Sir, if you served our country, which I assume you have, Thank You very much for your sacrifices, and God Bless You.
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Old 10-28-2011, 02:39 PM   #139
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Default HOOAHH

Well said sarge.
A good man-up moment if ever.
Along the lines of don't bite off
more than you can chew.

Man up
If you can't get it up
Shut the fuck up.
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Old 10-28-2011, 03:23 PM   #140
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If I am correct the coclusion of all of this is that you should not offer a refund or credit of any nature for him leaving early. You have no obligation to offer and it is rude for him to ask for a refund for the greek extra.

There is a minority opinion that feels that if you want to offer exceptional customer service you could do one of two things. First offer the refund. My initial thought but not the best idea from a business perspective. Second offer credit for the greek for a future visit. I think this is the best option. For the future visit he still needs to pay you your base rate again and you will only possibly have to provide a service you had already agreed to. If he never comes back you keep the money. Either way you win and he will hopefully feel you were fair and that will be reflected when he talks about you. The worst that happens is he is a jackass that nothing you do would satisfy and you will run into those ocasionally no matter how hard you try. Fortunatly I think they are a small minority.
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Old 10-28-2011, 06:24 PM   #141
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I would give a discount for the second trip in the future... she should have served up the greek food first since it was the most important part of the menu that was requested.
Agree with Laz.. everyone wins if there is a discount for the second session in the future.
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Old 10-28-2011, 06:36 PM   #142
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Originally Posted by Laz View Post
If I am correct the coclusion of all of this is that you should not offer a refund or credit of any nature for him leaving early. You have no obligation to offer and it is rude for him to ask for a refund for the greek extra.

There is a minority opinion that feels that if you want to offer exceptional customer service you could do one of two things. First offer the refund. My initial thought but not the best idea from a business perspective. Second offer credit for the greek for a future visit. I think this is the best option. For the future visit he still needs to pay you your base rate again and you will only possibly have to provide a service you had already agreed to. If he never comes back you keep the money. Either way you win and he will hopefully feel you were fair and that will be reflected when he talks about you. The worst that happens is he is a jackass that nothing you do would satisfy and you will run into those ocasionally no matter how hard you try. Fortunatly I think they are a small minority.
Another view well presented/stated.
I bet she gets it now. Time will tell. I think she's gonna be fine with help she has received from here, along with her character and her intelligence.
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Old 10-28-2011, 07:37 PM   #143
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Originally Posted by Laz View Post
If I am correct the coclusion of all of this is that you should not offer a refund or credit of any nature for him leaving early. You have no obligation to offer and it is rude for him to ask for a refund for the greek extra.
No disrespect to anyone intended, but I don't think there has been a conclusion at all, hehe. I think we've seen several thoughts and suggestions for how this could have been avoided (Anita suggesting Greek Salad before main course, for example).

But in terms of KK's actual question, is a refund due? In scenario 1, it does appear a conclusion was reached: no refund is due. However, I think there are very divergent opinions on scenario 2. A statistically significant minority of both clients and providers have suggested (and some like myself still maintain) a refund should be in order. The majority apparently agree that no refund is necessary. Polar opinions like this are not conclusive. It would apparently suggest that the refund is at the discretion of the provider.

That being said, if I were the client, this happened to me, and I was not given a refund, I would not see this provider again. That appears to be the bottom line: as a provider, is the $50-$100 for the Greek salad worth potentially losing the client? Again, that is the providers call, and likely situational. If you've never seen the client before, sure. If he's a regular, I would think it is bad business, but that's just me. Most providers and even some clients think it's completely understandable.
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Old 10-28-2011, 07:49 PM   #144
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Originally Posted by Kandy Kelly View Post
and if i stayed away from them i would end up broke in dallas that is... i mean i have met some wonderful men here but majority of the men cancel, haggle and are cocky... i mean i just got a call an hr ago and he said all he had was 80...wtf
I have two friends that one charges $1500 for two hours and the other one charges $1200 for three. They, like myself, always get guys that wish to haggle, cancel, etc.

It's not just you. Always remember that. I STILL get calls that a guy will say, "Hey baby. What can I get for $40 bucks?". Don't let that worry you. Be polite and say what you wish to say.

The above was my first point. The second is get yourself a wordpress blog and use that as your website. That's what a lot of women are using who are more into what's going on websites and the future of presentation. It's also nice because you don't have to hire a webmaster and you can change the text yourself.

I changed my website to a wordpress blog this last summer and although I find it somewhat challenging, it's great because you can go in whenever you want to and make the changes that YOU want.

Third. This is just me but have one rate. I know others have different charges for different things but in my world, it just makes things more difficult for both parties to have one rate for one thing and another one for something different. I mean really, a personal situation like this is always different with everyone you meet.

I'm not really a PSE type, but I've been known to hang off a chandelier or two in my time. And worse. Or better according to your perspective. And this includes anal sex (I wish people would stop saying greek!).

Any man who is half a gentleman will just know that sometimes it will work and sometimes it just doesn't. Men are generally sensitive to this. Sometimes, a woman isn't in the mood or if a man doesn't get rock hard, it just ain't going in. There isn't any magic to this. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't even if the intent is there.

So consider a one price deal.

Forth. Your prices are fine. Very reasonable and kindof follows the general rates of most others are charging on this board. Give yourself some time to build up a clientele before upping it. And try to not lower it. Once you do, it's hell to ever get it back up. Trust me on this one. I lowered my prices two years ago and although it helped my business greatly, it will probably never be raised in the near future.

Fifth and final thought: Don't put down others. ESPECIALLY to just parrot what others have said about a certain region or whatever. The men in Texas are just like the men anywhere else. Most are wonderful. Some are creepy and some are the sexiest things this side of the Mississippi.

I DO think because I'm much older than most that I'm luckier in that I don't get the troublemakers as much. They tend to like the pretty arm candy ... but all regions are pretty much the same.

I'm a native Texas and even though I'm having a brief and absolute LOVE for Chicago men (jeez, I'm just a man hound anyway!), the guys in Texas are some of the most kindest, gentlest, randiest, attractive and just fine in so many ways.

So see your clientele as gems and usually that perception is returned.

I have another thought to share as well and this goes along with your original question. You don't owe these guys any refund although I have, in the past, done it myself. You have to weigh your options.

MANY guys will say that they can go a couple of times in a couple of hours, or one, and in actuality ... they just cannot. They'll get a little hard the second time and cannot get a release. It's the nature of the beast.

So when you have that type of situation, velcro their butts to the bed. Rub their back. Kiss them. Spoil them. THEN if they wish to leave, just know that you've done everything that you can. At that point, you don't owe them a dime back. It's their choice to leave.

Hope that I've made some good suggestions for you! It's frustrating to make a living with this, especially when you're relatively young and just getting out of the gate. It's a different world where we reside and you'll do fine if you just keep after it.

Best of luck!
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Old 10-28-2011, 07:52 PM   #145
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Scenario 1-- no refund necessary. He had his fun and he's the one deciding it is time to go (early). Been there myself. Asking for refund never crossed my mind.

Scenario 2-- not so cut and dry. He was paying for an extra but didn't get to indulge. I don't think the reason really matters in this case. That is up to you at that point.
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Old 10-28-2011, 08:16 PM   #146
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aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa no i wouldnt ask for a refund thats low
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Old 10-28-2011, 09:25 PM   #147
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Just go with an all inclusice provider and this refund bullshit is moot. I'm not into the menu item shit anyway. If I can't perform it's not her fault. If she is unable for some reason get over it. You can always decide not to see her again.

200 for one hour
100.00 for GFE
150.00 for greek
6.75 for condoms
37.36 for overtime
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Old 10-29-2011, 09:10 AM   #148
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Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers View Post
I have two friends that one charges $1500 for two hours and the other one charges $1200 for three. They, like myself, always get guys that wish to haggle, cancel, etc.

It's not just you. Always remember that. I STILL get calls that a guy will say, "Hey baby. What can I get for $40 bucks?". Don't let that worry you. Be polite and say what you wish to say. This is great(!) advice.

The above was my first point. The second is get yourself a wordpress blog and use that as your website. That's what a lot of women are using who are more into what's going on websites and the future of presentation. It's also nice because you don't have to hire a webmaster and you can change the text yourself. This may work for EW and a lot of other providers, but I don't have time to read blogs. Naomi says she maintains an email list and that works for her. I wouldn't subscribe, but that doesn't mean others won't.

I changed my website to a wordpress blog this last summer and although I find it somewhat challenging, it's great because you can go in whenever you want to and make the changes that YOU want.

Third. This is just me but have one rate. I know others have different charges for different things but in my world, it just makes things more difficult for both parties to have one rate for one thing and another one for something different. I mean really, a personal situation like this is always different with everyone you meet. It drives me nuts, I say, nuts (!), when a lady has an ala carte menu. I don't think I have ever booked one. The other thing that drives me nuts is when a lady has different rates on different sites: rate 1 on P411, rate 2 on ECCIE, rate 3 on her website. Pay no attention to the hagglers, and pick a rate and stick with it. Sometimes newbie ladies will start out at a lower rate, and slowly raise it as time and reviews go on, mostly grandfathering in those guys that supported them in the rough times. But your rates are YOUR rates. You decide. If you want to change and apply the new rate to all, that is entirely YOUR business.

I'm not really a PSE type, but I've been known to hang off a chandelier or two in my time. And worse. Or better according to your perspective. And this includes anal sex (I wish people would stop saying greek!).

Any man who is half a gentleman will just know that sometimes it will work and sometimes it just doesn't. Men are generally sensitive to this. Sometimes, a woman isn't in the mood or if a man doesn't get rock hard, it just ain't going in. There isn't any magic to this. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't even if the intent is there.

So consider a one price deal. (One thing: a guy should give you plenty of notice about anal b/c I've read that ladies need to prepare a little more for that kind of session. Anal is not really my thing and it doesn't interest me.)

Fourth. Your prices are fine. Very reasonable and kindof follows the general rates of most others are charging on this board. Give yourself some time to build up a clientele before upping it. And try to not lower it. Once you do, it's hell to ever get it back up. Trust me on this one. I lowered my prices two years ago and although it helped my business greatly, it will probably never be raised in the near future. This may be some of EW's best advice.

Fifth and final thought: Don't put down others. ESPECIALLY to just parrot what others have said about a certain region or whatever. The men in Texas are just like the men anywhere else. Most are wonderful. Some are creepy and some are the sexiest things this side of the Mississippi.

I DO think because I'm much older than most that I'm luckier in that I don't get the troublemakers as much. They tend to like the pretty arm candy ... but all regions are pretty much the same.

I'm a native Texas and even though I'm having a brief and absolute LOVE for Chicago men (jeez, I'm just a man hound anyway!), the guys in Texas are some of the most kindest, gentlest, randiest, attractive and just fine in so many ways. Moral of the story: there are jerks everywhere, in every profession and every geographical area. It is sad you ran into one of them. Hopefully, you'll run into fewer of them over time. I really believe that it might take some refinement on your part in screening and trusting your gut about a guy. PM some of the more experienced provider to find out their tricks in screening out the jerks. I would suggest: London Rayne (she says up front that she has special questions for screening), Dallas Rain, Naomi4U (she says up front she's never had an NCNS, and asserts all her dates have been mostly OK). There are others you might trust more. There might even be a topic on this in the PR, IDK.

So see your clientele as gems and usually that perception is returned.

I have another thought to share as well and this goes along with your original question. You don't owe these guys any refund although I have, in the past, done it myself. You have to weigh your options.

MANY guys will say that they can go a couple of times in a couple of hours, or one, and in actuality ... they just cannot. They'll get a little hard the second time and cannot get a release. It's the nature of the beast.

So when you have that type of situation, velcro their butts to the bed. Rub their back. Kiss them. Spoil them. THEN if they wish to leave, just know that you've done everything that you can. At that point, you don't owe them a dime back. It's their choice to leave. EW, I resemble that remark! LOL. I'm one of those guys who is a quick cummer and a one-timer. But I still expect my time. Even if I am spent in the first 3 minutes (which is possible), I still expect my time. So plan on staying until the time is up. We can chat in the afterglow; we can trade body rubs or massages; we can do a lot. But I absolutely hate it when the lady is out the door w/in 15 or 20 minutes.

Hope that I've made some good suggestions for you! It's frustrating to make a living with this, especially when you're relatively young and just getting out of the gate. It's a different world where we reside and you'll do fine if you just keep after it.

Best of luck!
Pay attention to this post by EW!!! It is one of the best posts that I have ever, ever read in the hobby, and it has a lot of really good advice. And take her advice gratefully. Their was no ASPD/ECCIE around when she was starting out and no place on the 'net to get advice.
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Old 10-29-2011, 09:58 AM   #149
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Thanks for the compliments! But I haven't been around THAT long but long enough, I guess. I learned about ASPD during my study of "this". It took me awhile to post on there, even longer to get provider status ... but I was a huge fan of the site.

And it was around when I began although I will admit that I'm probably one of the few on this board that has been around for a fairly lengthy time frame. For me, this is more than a way to make money, it's what I love and just in my blood.

I just hope that whenever someone offers advice, like I did above, that those who are asking for it takes everything into consideration before acting on it. For example, I don't like extras being charged, but it works fine for others.

Maybe not a great example, but there you go! And I hope that you, and others, have a wonderful weekend!!! (Mine has gotten off to an excellent start! Wink.)

With affection,
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Old 10-29-2011, 11:00 AM   #150
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EW - thanks for the clarification. And I agree with your statement that no one should take advice point blank. All ladies have slightly (or greatly) different business models and do what works for them. And as I understand it, most business models are not set in stone, but continue to be a work in progress.
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