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Old 10-25-2011, 09:08 AM   #1
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Default How long shold I wait for responses?

How long should I wait for a response from a provider when trying to make an appointment? If I haven't heard back after 2 days is it reasonable to move on and make an inquiry with another provider? Ladies, if you responded to an appt request after 2 days and the guy said "sorry, I made an appt with someone else because I didn't get a response," would you be offended?

I try to book appointments a few days in advance because I only have certain days/times that work well for me and if I don't hear back from a provider in a "reasonable" amount of time then I need to find someone else with availability before my window of opportunity passes. So, what is reasonable?
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Old 10-25-2011, 09:29 AM   #2
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You're awesome if you actually make an appointment that far in advance. :-)

The lady in question should not be offended. If she's so busy that she can't respond in a two day time period, then she has plenty of other gents trying to book. A lot of gents contact more than one provider when trying to book, just in case they get no response. I'm sure you will figure out what works best for you.
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Old 10-25-2011, 09:39 AM   #3
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Thanks for that perspective, Max. I was wondering if it was common for guys to ask multiple ladies simultaneously. I may be a bit old school on etiquette, but it seems more polite to approach ladies one at a time. However, if you have 2-3 no/slow responses, it could take forever to make an appt!
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Old 10-25-2011, 10:18 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by M A X View Post
The lady in question should not be offended. If she's so busy that she can't respond in a two day time period, then she has plenty of other gents trying to book.
While I agree she should not be offended, I disagree with your theory that she is swamped with gents. I think sometimes it's expected that we are all doing this as our sole means of income. Personally, I have a career that can sometimes prevent me from getting back to someone in a timely manner. I don't check my hobby emails and p411 when I am traveling with my job, for instance. I don't have the time to do it.

I do get back with everyone eventually. Some will be understanding and patient, others will move on. I'm not offended if they move on. I love my job and providing is very secondary; I provide for fun, and not making the hobby my sole means of income, keeps it fun for me.

Not all of us are sitting by the phone/computer waiting for an appointment! I know that can be really annoying, but there are also like 800 providers to choose from. ONE of them is bound to answer!
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Old 10-25-2011, 10:25 AM   #5
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I apologize, hon. Of course there are many reasons a lady may not get back with a gent in a timely manner.
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Old 10-25-2011, 10:33 AM   #6
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Don't feel bad about putting more than one request out there. It's just an inquiry you're making, I assure you the provider isn't making any arrangements based soley on that.
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Old 10-25-2011, 10:33 AM   #7
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Dannie, for the very reasons you mention I know I won't always get an instant response and I am glad to hear that you would understand if a guy moved on after a day or two without hearing anything.
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Old 10-25-2011, 11:15 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by steeplechase View Post
How long should I wait for a response from a provider when trying to make an appointment? If I haven't heard back after 2 days is it reasonable to move on and make an inquiry with another provider? Ladies, if you responded to an appt request after 2 days and the guy said "sorry, I made an appt with someone else because I didn't get a response," would you be offended?

I try to book appointments a few days in advance because I only have certain days/times that work well for me and if I don't hear back from a provider in a "reasonable" amount of time then I need to find someone else with availability before my window of opportunity passes. So, what is reasonable?
steeplechase, there are some great replies above from some of the women.

my response/suggestion: yes, if you havent heard back in 2 or so days, then send out your next communication to another woman [if you havent already done so, as TheBizz suggested.]

BUT, if/when the women does get back to you, i dont see any upside to letting her know WHY you wont be booking an appt with her [cos you made another appt or any other reason]. i dont see any upside in explaining to her. just reply w/ something like "thanks, but i cannot meet at this time. i would like to meet in the future." [if you would like to see her]. that way, you dont setup a situation where she may or may not be offended by your response. kiinda like not burning bridges after you've crossed them - unless of course you dont want them to follow you.

your future planning seems reasonable to me. contact who you're interested in and book w/ the one that works out the best. note that it doesnt have to be the first one who responds. sometimes, i send out a note to two women, either of which i would see at the drop of a hat. if both are available at the time desired, i choose one and make the appt. i then respond to the other and let her know i appreciate her response but cannot make it at this time. sometimes, i will schedule an appt w/ her for the next day or so if i can afford the time and funds.

but never do i respond with "sorry, i've already made an appt w/ someone else."

only reveal as much as is needed, and not much more, if any at all.
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Old 10-25-2011, 12:41 PM   #9
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I agree 100% with Dannie. I also have a 'day job' which I have to schedule my fun around. I usually try to answer emails right away, but sometimes I can become a little distracted or pre-occupied with the non-hobby portion of my life. If a gent was to inquire with others I would not be offended one bit. What I worry about is that someone may take it personally, inadvertently causing someone to feel bad. There are hundreds of ladies in the DFW area, if anything I feel complimented that I was noticed and contacted even if he may decide to go with another choice at the moment.
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Old 10-25-2011, 12:45 PM   #10
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I would believe after 2 days there will be no response. My question how many times can I send a request? I feel if the second time I send a request that the provider is not interested in seeing me. On a personal note I try to book a month in advance as I can plan better. When I see a provider will be in my area on Nov 14th I ask for her to block me some time on one of the days she will be here. I think she will know that she has at least one appointment scheduled. Several of them know I will show up and not cancel at the last minute.
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Old 10-25-2011, 12:52 PM   #11
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Everything comes to my phone...EVERYTHING...

So, I can generally answer back immediately unless I am busy...or choose not too.

I think I responded back within the hour per our PM's this morning, due to me being in the Salon.

I will admit, some things take priority over others.

I get back to Providers first reguarding screening, then my appointment scheduling, followed by daily emails, texts and such.
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Old 10-25-2011, 03:53 PM   #12
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I check my email a few times a day and if time does not allow then I try to set aside time at the end of the night where I can have a glass of wine and respond to inquiries...

I suggest if you are trying for something last min. then maybe send a short text to her phone politely asking her to check her email. Only do this if her ads do not say anything about a no text policy.

You would be surprised, i have sent a reference request before and I did not get anything back from one chick for about a month...talk about busy!
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Old 10-25-2011, 06:29 PM   #13
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I agree with Dannie. I am a full time student and am quite social with my family so my hobby phone is usually turned off and at home in a drawer. I have my hobby emails sent to my phone but sometimes I cannot get to things within 2 days. Good example is the weekend when I am with family. I prefer emails since I can just answer from my phone. And no, I do not get upset if someone moves on.

The one sad part is not having enough available time and people thinking you are avoiding them. That is a draw back!
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Old 10-25-2011, 08:14 PM   #14
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It's just an inquiry you're making, I assure you the provider isn't making any arrangements based soley on that.
Actually, about 90% of NC/NS alerts made on P411 client are made because he INQUIRED about an appointment (by sending an Appointment Request), but didn't follow through with the booking.

Personally though, I think you've dodged a bullet if you miss a meeting with one of those types of providers.

Two days is plenty of time to wait for a response, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with sending out a few (3 or 4) inquiries at the same time. However, the same providers mentioned above will also see multiple inquiries made by a client as being alert worthy, as well... note my comment about "dodging a bullet".

Most providers are intelligent, responsible and discreet.... it's only a tiny, but vocal, percentage that act like lunatics a good portion of the time, particularly when it comes to alerts. So chances are very good that it won't be a problem at all if you move on after two days.

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Old 10-25-2011, 08:30 PM   #15
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I sent out a request for check to Berkliegh on Sep 7th and received no reply. Through P411 I felt a check there would be fast. I figured after a week I just did not meet her requirements and moved on to others. It has worked out well as I have found others. I will not request a check more than twice as it is often thought of as stalking.
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