Originally Posted by AmberDoll
Wow ... A Crown Tattoo Means You Have A P--P Thats Crazy Because My Best Friend Who Is Married With 2 Kids Has A Tattoo Of Her Sons Name With A Crown On Top??? But What Do I Know Its Probably Her P--PS Name Right??? LOL Please Last Time I Checked A Crown Was Symbolic Of Royalty Not P--PS
But Then Again What Do I Know???
Well, apparently you also didn't know that you don't have to capitalize every word in every sentence as well.
On a serious note, I just assume that any time I see some attractive and only a few years legal youngster providing services, I assume they are pimped. And when I see that they have an NBA policy, I assume they are pimped for the most part - not all, just most; I just assume that the young provider's pimp does not want some competition taking away part of his "family" while he still has her brainwashed.
When I see the crown tat, I know they are pimped because as others logical people have said on this thread, why the hell would an attractive young lady get a stupid ass crown tattoo that represents what exactly when you are 18 or 19 years old? A boyfriend? Was he a direct descendant of King Tut? Hell, was he related to Lebron (King) James?
Why you young girls want to be branded like cattle for some jack ass who does not give a shit about you other than how much "paper" you can make for him will always amaze me.....I feel sorry for you. It's not a good life to live. Especially when he really tries to "brand" you and makes sure you have a few of his kids before you are even in your early 20's.