Men!!! So many different varieties & so much to love about them all!!!
The ladies got some stroking in Brit's thread and so delightful they are... but we should share the love w/ our counterparts who bring out the best & naughtiest of those who love them.
Some of my favorite things...
Eyes - just as w/ ladies, you can see a preview of what lies beneath the skin & rugged exterior... The strong, silent type or the sensitive thinker or perhaps the twinkle of a joker! All are fabulous in their own way! I like a combo of the three, but hey... I want it ALL!
Great hands - strong w/ long fingers, well-groomed and a little rough but smooth enough not to scratch or snag my stockings or lacey underthings.
Cute BUNS! lol Male or female, I get caught checking out cute tushies more than anything! *blush*
TALL!!! OMG! Something about tall men makes me feel so tiny!!! I love being picked up & deposited in the lovemaking area of his choice! *ok, yes, I'm only 5'2", but I like 'em over 6'!*
There's oh so much more to appreciate, but I'll stop here & let some of the other ladies elaborate w/ their own preferences.
Luv ya' Boyz!
Kitty Kat