I saw this provider at a motel near the Ford Dealership on South Glenstone. She was in the building that was on the southwest corner. When you went in the building her room was close to the door, on the right hand side of the hall. There were two beds, one she obviously used to sleep in with the dog crate next to it. Big dog, looked like a boxer or boxer mix. I can furnish these details and not cause her any problem as she indicated on BP today that she has now left Springfleld. If the mod wants any more details I can furnish them and I can do so without having read the ROS on the review. What really pisses me off is the mod knows I can't read the ROS but still has refused to remove the penalty. He needs to admit that he was wrong in his false claim that I posted part of the ROS. I informed the Mod in two PM's that I did not read the ROS and that I personally saw this provider.