Originally Posted by Tony Gambino
I agree "you know", "like", "um", are all a little iratating. Text mesaging will only continue to encourage abbreviated/misprounced words. I see this a lot with my younger employees. ya feel me? 
As a writer, I was going to say that things like poor grammar, incorrect spelling and improper punctuation were right there at the top of my list as I find more and more people demonstrating difficulty with the fundamentals of the English language - particularly in its written form. With all due respect, Mr. Gambino, thank you for illustrating my concerns even though I had to put the earplugs in to dull the sound of the scraping fingernails.
(Irritating...messaging...misp ronounced...a capital Y on "Ya"...and commas and periods generally go inside the quotation marks.)
Speech and writing are two of the most powerful instruments or weapons a person can have at his or her disposal. It pays to keep them sharp and precisely honed, and to assure that those who handle these valuable implements are well-trained in their use.
It's no wonder many of our kids can't speak or write correctly if their parents, as a generation, are having so much trouble. As a culture, we are failing greatly in this area - in both the public schools and in private homes.
Mrs. Bell and Miss Kelly, my fifth- and eighth-grade grammar/English teachers, must be doing the rotisserie maneuver in their caskets.
(Seriously, Tony, no offense intended. I DID understand clearly what you wanted to communicate.)