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Old 03-06-2010, 10:39 PM   #16
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i got a question to everyone out there about this subject and I don't want to anger anyone either.

1. Would you see person/provider if you knew they had a STD/HIV even if it was agreed a condom would be used from start to finish?
2. And if you wouldn't why do people go off the deep end when BBFS is offered.

3. And how many of us have meet a girl/guy and on the first date went BB and we
didn't have a clue who that person was.

I don't have BB while hobbing not because I think I'm going to catch anything. I mainly because I know by strapping up nothing will get passed around. If your a man and you wouldn't be with a provider without a condom but you would DATY at the drop of a hat, then you just exposed yourself to a host of STD Some of which leaves big nasty bumps
So when you say that I wouldn't never take a risk like that you do all the time. We all do! DATY BBBJ LFK DFK these are things that we all have done that anyone of them could give you something that isn't easy to get rid of. I do believe that 99.9% of all the providers on this board don't have a thing and get check on the regular to make sure they don't. And I think that 99.9% of the guys here don't either. I know I get check and know the signs to look for. So I believe the day sex becomes 100% safe and there isn't any chance of anything getting transmitted from one person to another is the day all the fun is gone. Personally I like BBBJ no I love them. And If I can't DATY that takes the rest of the fun out of it. When I look at a ad I don't look for COVERED EVERYTHING because those girls don't get much business and No GFE along with it is a deal killer for everyone here I would rather go rent a movie and take care of myself for all that. Give me some feedback if you think I'm wrong. And I'm not trying to put anyone down just hoping for a good discussion
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Old 03-07-2010, 11:27 AM   #17
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You are correct on all counts. I can't deny that I have never had bbfs with a boyfriend, but it has yet to happen here. Why? We do this for a living, most on a regular basis of anywhere from 2-12 guys a week for some. Most guys who partake in the hobby are also seeing dozens of women, who are seeing dozens of guys...mostly all protected fs. If you meet some person in a bar you might not know they don't have an std, but you are pretty sure that they are not having sex with as many people as we are on a regular basis. Sure there are some men and women who go out an pick up a new buddy every week, but that's not the case for most of us.

Many girls here have never had a one night stand, and if they have it's the very reason they started in the business...why give it away for drinks when you can make $$$?

I agree that bbfs is offered and accepted more than people want to admit, and yes you can in fact catch many things from oral sex...it's still not as risky as bbfs. BBBJ is usually the accepted norm, whereas bbfs is not....that's why people make a big deal out of it. If you are with a porn star who never uses a condom that's a provider who offers bbfs regularly.

I would be very leary of seeing anyone who makes a habit of bbfs on a regular basis, in or out of the hobby. If you are in an open relationship where you are screwing strangers without a condom, that's no different than getting paid for it here. The risk is still out there. At least here most of us are using protection each and every time.

As I stated about the guy who called and asked for it...no way in hell and it is alert worthy for other women.
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Old 03-07-2010, 12:44 PM   #18
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Default it is all about risk mitigation, sans the mba

I don't understand how answering no to option 1 precludes option 2?

There is a certain amount of risk we all assume for this hobby. But each individual person has different levels of risk, as you stated a cbj is a deal breaker for many, but not all. daty is a risk, but as Kaylee stated the risk is less. There is still risk, but each individual has to decide what their own risk tolerance is.

So if there is direct evidence that there are bb offers (greek?!?!) specifically within the bounds of the hobby, then it is something that is outside of my risk tolerance. If that is something these two people want to do, there isn't anything I can do about it or what not, but I don't want to get involved with the added risk that comes from that.

The final factor is we aren't talking about an independent provider here. It is a spa, which in general terms has a higher rate of encounters. So while an independent may see 2-12 a week, a spa might easily double that if not more.

While there maybe some eyes wide shut quality in terms of providers personal relationships, but this is within the same risk factor of meeting an individual at a bar and having an encounter with them. It is like saying in whatever house I buy there is a chance of an armed robbery, but I still don't look in the neighborhood with 20 armed robberies in the past month for a house. Anyone will still hedge their bets with the statistically safer neighborhood and keep an acceptable level of risk.
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Old 03-07-2010, 03:42 PM   #19
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your right we all live by our own creed. I who have lived in a swinging relationship with my wife for years more often than not go without condoms some of the time. I don't say this to say that I'm the safest person in the world but we talk a lot before sex and understand where each of us are coming from. And if I would think I would have anything I wouldn't partake in any sexual activities.

But weather someone sleeps with 1 or 101 people it only takes one. And I think that is what most people fear. I personally don't associate seeing a provider as elevating my risk of catching a STD. And I think most girls her would agree with me on that Daarakan. I think knowing your body can tell you a lot and most provider know their body. But this is a fun talk were having and I hope more people chime in on it
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Old 03-08-2010, 02:40 AM   #20
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There are actually low end agency type girls that will try to up sell services like BB Greek to completion, BBFS, BBBJ CIM NQNSPIT, . These are usually girls working out of lower end motels, and working for a pimp, that is taking 100% or close to of the money. When the hobbiest leaves, the pimp walks in and she better hand over what ever money the session generated or else wear sun shades the next couple of days. The only chance she has of pocketing any money is to up sell a service, and pocket the extra money the pimp did not know she made.
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Old 03-08-2010, 04:17 AM   #21
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Actually slick, its the bottom AND Higher end girls that offer FS, usually not the midrrange girls .. i know quite a few girls in the 1500-2000/hr range who have a 4-6k booking minimum and many offer bbfs, however there are ways to ensure a clean std free environment (or ways to seriously lessen the chances) as well. There are doctors who prescribe things to keep these girls clean however at the cost of those things, you wont find any 200-400/hr girls using it.

I always ran by a standard rule, if any Elf was found doing bbfs she was dismissed immediately. It isnt so much due to their unsafe practices, its the fact that once guys start getting bbfs from an Elf, they will expect all Elves to do it, and that puts others in an unsafe position they didnt ask for. Only takes one girl wwith the wrong disease and lets face it, this entire board is gonna be at the doctors, its just an unsafe practice and personally any person expecting a young girl to take those chances, isnt worth a damn anyways. You might not care if you drop dead, but killing a 20yr old girl, is kinda rude wouldnt you say?

There are men in this are, and ill bet alot of providers here know them, who many times get behind a girl and try to slip the cover for a bb few mins before getting caught at it, we talk alot about "provider tricks" but there more than a few hobby tricks by the clients as well. The seasoned girls here im sure can tell you about many of them. The biggest that i know of is the "doggie cover slip". Just remember guys, the 2 guys b4 u might have busted a rubber or leaked, so going BB, makes u a very trusting man indeed... and none to bright.
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Old 03-08-2010, 05:50 AM   #22
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To quote Kaylee: "Why? We do this for a living, most on a regular basis of anywhere from 2-12 guys a week for some. Most guys who partake in the hobby are also seeing dozens of women, who are seeing dozens of guys...mostly all protected fs."
This pretty much explains it. Well thought out Kaylee.
The risks increase greatly as the number goes up. How do we know who is and who isn't doing bbfs. All it takes is just one to be infected and then we are all at risk.
I think there are hobbiests out there that don't give a shit if they give the girl a std. I can assure you that some providers feel the same way. For the man it is the greatest physical feeling he will ever experience. There is nothing like shooting your load in a wet,throbbing pussy. There is no better feeling on earth. Tats the way God made it. the women who provides it, she knows this and takes advantage and she makes the $$ for it and keeps her in business. She could give a shit if she gives it to you, your buddy or her BF. You just never know what goes on behind closed doors.
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Old 03-08-2010, 01:13 PM   #23
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Things are getting good now, let me say this first I always practice safe sex if not just for catching a STD but I don't want any more kids. But I'm in a realationship and it would be hard to explain either thing happening to me. But just wear a condom doesn't protect you from all STD, Syphilis is contracted by 15% of the time thur oral sex. So you could cover everything and still get that Chlamydia is another one thAt you can get from daty or bbbj so how much do that scare anyone. And like I said before I love my daty but how is this different from anything else that some people says scares the hell out of them. Chime in and give me your thoughts on the subject
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Old 03-08-2010, 05:03 PM   #24
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I think most guys are more worried about having some nut case provider either blackmail them or get pregnant. I don't think that std thing is even at the top of their list, otherwise a few members with "known" diseases would have been booted long ago...they are still here and partaking in the hobby. That's seriously baaaad news, and why I am very careful in nola if I ever go there. I pay close attention to where guys are putting their thing, and if it scares me just looking at the girl, no way am I going anywhere near him.

You can also catch herpes and the clap via oral, but again I don't think that is what most people are worried about. BBFS holds a wider range of things that can happen, as I listed above. Add AIDS to that, and you can easily see why most take the risk with oral and not fs. I heard a provider once say she would much rather have something in her mouth she could clear up, vs. having it down there....ewww.

Some guys much prefer cim to civ, so a bbbj is less risk and more satisfying to a lot of men. Most get half ass sex at home but the bj's are slim to none.
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Old 03-08-2010, 05:18 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by "SLICKBACK" View Post
There are actually low end agency type girls that will try to up sell services like BB Greek to completion, BBFS, BBBJ CIM NQNSPIT, . These are usually girls working out of lower end motels, and working for a pimp, that is taking 100% or close to of the money. When the hobbiest leaves, the pimp walks in and she better hand over what ever money the session generated or else wear sun shades the next couple of days. The only chance she has of pocketing any money is to up sell a service, and pocket the extra money the pimp did not know she made.
You know it's got to be a hard life for some of these women.
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Old 03-08-2010, 05:31 PM   #26
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There are more women outside the hobby that do the same thing, but the poor sucker can't get rid of them until the kid is 18 lol. At least with an escort you pay us to leave...a gold digger is there forever.

Muff what are you referring to when you say, "Doctors prescribe things to keep these girls safe?" Nothing will prevent AIDS honey, and as far as I know there is nothing to prevent less harmful stds either.
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Old 03-08-2010, 08:48 PM   #27
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Kaylee I think your on to something here. A provider calling me saying she's pregnant is one step below aids in my book. What really get me is this some people who would dream of bbfs with a provider but would go bbfs with a person out of the club. Both are equally as unsafe. We all take chances once you except it I find fun comes naturally. I read a study about aids a few weeks ago about circumised men in Africa married to HIV positive women. The study tested them and then tested them a year later. The men were HIV negitive before the study began. It found that 60% of the men still didn't have aids. Most of them had sex at least twice a week unprotected. They found that men who were circumised had a reduced chance of catching the virus. Strange I thought! After I talked to a friend that is a doctor and was told that aids isn't easy to catch. If your not a iv drug user, or like bb anal with the person giving having aids it's like getting struck by lightening. That's why I guess the other STD scare me more and pregnacy too.
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Old 03-09-2010, 12:44 PM   #28
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I read that too about un-cut men, and I don't see anyone who is not for that reason and many others. I always here guys worried about the wife finding out, the girl getting pregnant, exposing their info. etc. but rarely do you ever hear guys worrying about std's....scary which is why some women are so picky.
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Old 03-10-2010, 02:43 AM   #29
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to this present day... do you know how many guys have tried to pull that BBFS w/ ME?!
of all people, ME!

I HATE psycho deranged stalkers and BBFS!
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Old 03-10-2010, 03:41 PM   #30
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Default If you were even considering BBFS...

Read this article I found on Drudge...


21% of women are already infected!!!

11.5% of men are already infected !!!

I was offered BBFS last year by a traveling provider, after she found out I had a vasectomy...no upcharge!! I declined. I would not be able to live with the knowledge that my blatantly irresponsible behavior infected my SO.
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