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Old 09-13-2011, 10:21 PM   #1
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Default Poverty Rate Rises Under Obama

How’s that Hope & Change working out for you? Unless you’re a well-connected crony capitalist or a power-drunk government bureaucrat, probably not too well:
Amid a still struggling economy, more people in America fell below the poverty line last year, according to new census data released Tuesday.
The nation’s poverty rate rose to 15.1% in 2010, its highest level since 1993. In 2009, 14.3% of people in America were living in poverty. …
About 46.2 million people are now considered in poverty, 2.6 million more than last year. …
The poverty rate for children under age 18 increased to 22% in 2010, meaning more than 1 in 5 children in America are living in poverty.
Even those who manage to cling to the middle class despite Obamanomics are seeing their earnings dwindle.
For middle-class families, income fell in 2010. The median household income was $49,445, down slightly from $49,777 the year before.
But at least we all have insurance, now that Obama seized control of the healthcare sector at staggering public expense. Oh wait:
The census report also contained data on health insurance, showing people lacking medical benefits climbed to 49.9 million last year, up from 49 million in 2009.
If Obama runs on his record, he has already lost, despite his $1 billion campaign war chest and all the other $billions that have been strategically spread around through stimulus sprees and bailouts. That’s why the 2012 campaign is going to be ugly.

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Old 09-13-2011, 11:11 PM   #2
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Well, it must be Bush's fault.
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Old 09-13-2011, 11:15 PM   #3
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Aww, denny is trying, and at the end of the day, that's what counts most. I'm so proud of you!!
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Old 09-13-2011, 11:17 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by Coolpops View Post
Well, it must be Bush's fault.
How did you know? Are you in possession of some political acuity and have never demonstrated it before? Hmm....
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Old 09-13-2011, 11:49 PM   #5
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Coolpops - you and I know one another well enough to know this is NOT a President Bush problem.

To me and many of my legal peers ==> the most obvious reason Mr. Obama cannot win America’s future is because he doesn’t appreciate America’s past. This president has no emotional grasp or intuitive understanding of how freedom, personal initiative and private enterprise define the American character. His claim to be able to usher in the winning future is highly suspect; Mr. Obama has never held a real job, never faced the challenges of running a business, never invented anything but himself.

The president doesn’t even seem to believe America deserves victory. During his trip to India, he acknowledged the decline of the United States as the world’s dominant power and implied that this was probably a good thing. He repeatedly has praised the rise of Communist China on the world stage, and in a speech there he held up the policies of the People’s Republic as an example the United States should follow. He says he wants to win the future but bows to second-rate status as inevitable.

Looking forward to finishing this conversation anytime at the club my friend.
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Old 09-14-2011, 04:23 AM   #6
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dennisrn, just because you had to go to court for a speeding ticket doesn't mean you have "legal peers".

Oh, and just because I haven't responded to your post doesn't mean I won't.
I'm just waiting for more of the bed wetting, knuckle dragging, mouth breathing, nincompoop sycophants to chime in with some of their signature incoherent slobber babble before I pinch a loaf on the whole Teebaggin' party parade.

But perhaps a brief synopsis for your perusal? Why of course, I'll oblige!

1. I'll take a pragmatic approach to this issue and point out when the poverty levels began to nosedive with appropriate data from the Census Bureau (hint: 2001}

-Resident knuckle dragger will respond with: Blah, blah, blah socialism!

2.I will give you my critical analysis for those poverty numbers (They are correct by the way) and point out just what states have the highest poverty levels. (Hint:Mason Dixon line and a willingness to secede)

-Knuckle dragger will respond with: Blah, blah Freedum! Voice some type of homage to the military and veterans and then blah, blah REEL MERIKAH!

3. Remind you how the sycophant party views poverty, the poor and what they've done to address the issue. (Hint:Obstructionism)

4. Knuckle dragger says: Birth certificate! Tax cuts for the rich! The End....Oh, and one will make a reference to an obscure foreign philosopher or academic, possibly between the 17th or 18th century and when queried, he'll claim a superior intellect and then disappear.
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Old 09-14-2011, 10:14 AM   #7
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"The US no longer does decisions. It can neither stop the drug traffic nor legalize it. It can neither win wars nor abandon them, neither make money nor stop spending it, neither stop immigration nor assimilate the immigrants. Washington can beat its thumb with a hammer, yes, and notice that it hurts, but it can't stop beating its thumb. That would take a decision, and Washington doesn't do decisions."

Wow. Great article, I don't agree with a lot of it, but appreciate the pint of view. Especially that part quoted above. Has a ring of truth to it.
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Old 09-14-2011, 10:21 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by eddiecruz View Post
"The US no longer does decisions. It can neither stop the drug traffic nor legalize it. It can neither win wars nor abandon them, neither make money nor stop spending it, neither stop immigration nor assimilate the immigrants. Washington can beat its thumb with a hammer, yes, and notice that it hurts, but it can't stop beating its thumb. That would take a decision, and Washington doesn't do decisions."

Wow. Great article, I don't agree with a lot of it, but appreciate the pint of view. Especially that part quoted above. Has a ring of truth to it.
I think your on the wrong thread bubba.
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Old 09-15-2011, 01:06 AM   #9
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Dennis - You recognized the sarcasm obviously. I just knew the Kool
Aid drinkers would soon chime in. Right on cue.

So exactly how many days is it until the next general election ????
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Old 09-15-2011, 01:56 AM   #10
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This concern for "poverty" by many on the Right does seem a little out of character. The prevailing opinion on how to address poverty issue from the Right POV seems to be that the poor need to pick themselves up by their bootstraps and stop being poor. I've never seen the Right offer much in solutions regarding the poor. I tend to look for what each side offers as a potential solution. When an argument is based on "statistics"....well, as the saying goes...there are lies, damn lies, and statistics.
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Old 09-15-2011, 02:44 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by Coolpops View Post
Dennis - You recognized the sarcasm obviously. I just knew the Kool
Aid drinkers would soon chime in. Right on cue.

So exactly how many days is it until the next general election ????
14 months.
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Old 09-15-2011, 11:03 AM   #12
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Oops. Sorry I posted in the wrong thread. But let me add my two cents to this topic. When the economy started to tank, Republicans blamed everybody but Bush. Now that the economy continues to tank, Republicans put the blame squarely on President Obama.
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Old 09-15-2011, 11:32 AM   #13
Amatuer GYN
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Originally Posted by Rodram View Post
dennisrn, just because you had to go to court for a speeding ticket doesn't mean you have "legal peers".

Oh, and just because I haven't responded to your post doesn't mean I won't.
I'm just waiting for more of the bed wetting, knuckle dragging, mouth breathing, nincompoop sycophants to chime in with some of their signature incoherent slobber babble before I pinch a loaf on the whole Teebaggin' party parade.

But perhaps a brief synopsis for your perusal? Why of course, I'll oblige!

1. I'll take a pragmatic approach to this issue and point out when the poverty levels began to nosedive with appropriate data from the Census Bureau (hint: 2001}

-Resident knuckle dragger will respond with: Blah, blah, blah socialism!

2.I will give you my critical analysis for those poverty numbers (They are correct by the way) and point out just what states have the highest poverty levels. (Hint:Mason Dixon line and a willingness to secede)

-Knuckle dragger will respond with: Blah, blah Freedum! Voice some type of homage to the military and veterans and then blah, blah REEL MERIKAH!

3. Remind you how the sycophant party views poverty, the poor and what they've done to address the issue. (Hint:Obstructionism)

4. Knuckle dragger says: Birth certificate! Tax cuts for the rich! The End....Oh, and one will make a reference to an obscure foreign philosopher or academic, possibly between the 17th or 18th century and when queried, he'll claim a superior intellect and then disappear.

So what have you really said here???? Ummm nothing really but a bunch of name calling....is that you Obama??
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Old 09-15-2011, 11:44 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by Amatuer GYN View Post
So what have you really said here???? Ummm nothing really but a bunch of name calling....is that you Obama??
No,it's not President Obama. Since when does President Obama call people names?

What I posted was a bunch of nothing as far convincing anyone on anything really and I realize that. It's the frustration that I have with politics that many times gets in the way of good dialog and debate.

I've got to stop that habit of mine and vent it some other way otherwise I'm going to spend my life apologizing to republicans and I CANT STAND REPUBLICANS!! Just kidding, just kidding! I apologize. - Rodney
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Old 09-15-2011, 12:00 PM   #15
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brother we are all frustrated with Washington

I think we should shoot them all and let God sort them out

it kind of worked for the Spanish but I suppose we can't do that either.

Can we send them all to China and tell them that they are NBA players???
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