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Old 09-12-2011, 10:03 PM   #91
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We agree on the northrop, boeing, raytheon thingy.

Now if we can just get you a one way ticket....
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Old 09-13-2011, 12:41 AM   #92
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WTF, just when I was thinking you were a hopeless asshole, you start making sense. Eisenhower was a prophet, and Kennedy was killed because he caught on. No one has dared try to change anything since. They were afraid Reagan would, but they taught him a lesson.
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Old 09-13-2011, 07:19 AM   #93
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I'm still an asshole...

The six day war gave the military industrial complex new life after we were doomed in Vietnam. The neocons embrace of that state has made that industry trillions.
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Old 09-13-2011, 11:14 AM   #94
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No argument here.
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Old 09-13-2011, 11:46 AM   #95
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
The six day war gave the military industrial complex new life ...... has made that industry trillions.
Another successful jobs program. Made in the U.S.A.
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Old 09-13-2011, 12:03 PM   #96
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Some one has been watching too many Oliver Stone movies.
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Old 09-13-2011, 12:24 PM   #97
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From Scott Burns (finacial advisor columnist) in response to a question regarding social security:
"Social Security is, and always has been, an income transfer program, not a funded retirement plan. The idea, in 1935, was to transfer income from younger earners who might save it to older retirees whose savings had been destroyed in the Great Depression. The transfer was expected to stimulate the economy by increasing spending while solving a major social problem- the poverty of retirees.
How much you get back relative to how much you pay in depends on your earnings, marriage status, age at retirement and longevity. The demographic that does best is a low-income couple with a nonearning spouse. The demographic that does worst is a high income two-earner couple.
You are absolutely right about retirees forgetting how little the contributed in the past. A 66 yo worker who retires this year and who started working 44 years ago, in 1967, at age 22 paid 3.9% on the first $5,900 of income for Social Security and .5% for the then-new Medicare program. That's a total of 4.4%, or $260 a year. Adjusted for inflation that $260 would be $1,754 this year.
Today, the same worker pays @ 6.2% rate for Social Security and 1.45% rate for Medicare, a total fo 7.65%. So the tax rate is nearly double. While less than 10 of all workers earned $5,600 in 1967, todays worker would pay the same inflation adjusted amount on an income of only $20,279 a year.
Social Security is a vital and necessary program- it saves millions of elderly people from poverty- but retirees should not kid themselves that they are just getting back money they've put in. As I pointed out in an earlier column, the kids working at McDonalds have to work a long time to provide a senior with the bargain breakfast."
Call it what you want, but Perry has a point. The young worker is getting screwed w/ SS and having to pay for healthcare for their elders.
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Old 09-13-2011, 12:41 PM   #98
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Moynihan forgot more about SS than just about everyone else ever knew.

"Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan (D-N.Y.) last week announced a plan to change Social Security for the better by cutting the payroll tax and letting Americans use the money for private retirement accounts—or for whatever else they want."

Tuesday, March 24, 1998

SS was never intended to be a "retirement" program, which is why there is a sliding scale of benefits based on income and that one can continue working and receive benefits after age 67, now. The "drain" is not from SS as such ... it is from

medicaid and disability that are often (incorrectly) lumped together in conversations.

Look at the pie chart in this thread at posts 86 and 87. Why is there a "budget" for "Social Security" and "Medicare"? If, as someone posted in here, SS is not "broke" then the trust funds are available to pay out and the payment of those funds should be "off budget"!
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Old 09-13-2011, 07:33 PM   #99
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Default New Israel

Bad news wtf, we zionists and pro-israelis far, far,
outnumber those who aren't. That means you.

You would do well to study the 6 day war.
The Hand of God was apparent throughout.
Heck from the 1948 war, '56, '58, '67, 6d on
Israel was surrounded but never cornered,
outnumbered but never outgunned.
Delivered from an enemy that more often
than not were scattered to the wind.

This is what 90% of the evangelical and fundamentalist
christians believe with their heart and soul:
The purpose and destiny of the USA is to support
and defend the nation of Israel. If the US fails
to fulfill her divine obligation, then the Lord will
have no use for us. To whom much is given,
much is expected. No other nation in the memory
of man has gone as far, as high, as fast in such
a brief time. What the Lord gives, He can take away.
We rose faster than anyother....
How far would He let us fall?*

We zionists are the only ones fighting the good fight.
Everyone else are apostate weasels.
Look at the nations in open opposition to Israel.
Is there one you could/would live in?
I'd love to live in Israel. Get to carry my M4
in public- with a decent chance of blasting
some palestinian rat to hell--woo hoo what's
not to like? Tel Aviv has a sizable provider
community to boot.

*just far enough to burn off the chaff
and chasten wandering black sheep.
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Old 09-13-2011, 08:26 PM   #100
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Originally Posted by TheDaliLama View Post
Some one has been watching too many Oliver Stone movies.
I have never watched an Oliver Stone movie. Not even Platoon.

I can however follow the money trail.

You might could too if you didn't wear a dress.

Lama do you seriously wanna be lumped with the asshole below. He puts another nation ahead of this one. All he and his kind care for is the robbing of this country for the chairty case that he supports.
He just another in a long line of self interest groups lined up a the government tit with his fuc'n hand out.

He won't even leave this country and go to his beloved homeland.

Originally Posted by anaximander View Post
Bad news wtf, we zionists and pro-israelis far, far,
outnumber those who aren't. That means you.

You would do well to study the 6 day war.
The Hand of God was apparent throughout.
Heck from the 1948 war, '56, '58, '67, 6d on
Israel was surrounded but never cornered,
outnumbered but never outgunned.
Delivered from an enemy that more often
than not were scattered to the wind.

This is what 90% of the evangelical and fundamentalist
christians believe with their heart and soul:
The purpose and destiny of the USA is to support
and defend the nation of Israel. If the US fails
to fulfill her divine obligation, then the Lord will
have no use for us. To whom much is given,
much is expected. No other nation in the memory
of man has gone as far, as high, as fast in such
a brief time. What the Lord gives, He can take away.
We rose faster than anyother....
How far would He let us fall?*

We zionists are the only ones fighting the good fight.
Everyone else are apostate weasels.
Look at the nations in open opposition to Israel.
Is there one you could/would live in?
I'd love to live in Israel. Get to carry my M4
in public- with a decent chance of blasting
some palestinian rat to hell--woo hoo what's
not to like? Tel Aviv has a sizable provider
community to boot.

*just far enough to burn off the chaff
and chasten wandering black sheep.
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Old 09-13-2011, 08:33 PM   #101
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Default The real Ron Paul people get it...the Tea Folks are posers.

Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
If, as someone posted in here, SS is not "broke" then the trust funds are available to pay out and the payment of those funds should be "off budget"!

Yes they should be but they were put on budget to fool people.

"Current military" includes Dept. of Defense ($707 billion) and the military portion from other departments as noted in current military box above ($162 billion). "Past military" represents veterans' benefits plus 80% of the interest on the debt.* For further explanation, please go to www.warresisters.org.

These figures are from an analysis of detailed tables in the Analytical Perspectives book of the Budget of the United States Government, Fiscal Year 2012. The figures are federal funds, which do not include trust funds -- such as Social Security -- that are raised and spent separately from income taxes. What you pay (or don't pay) by April 18, 2011, goes to the federal funds portion of the budget. The government practice of combining Trust and Federal funds began during the Vietnam War, thus making the human needs portion of the budget seem larger and the military portion
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Old 09-13-2011, 10:38 PM   #102
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Default anencephalics to the left, pultroons to the right

For the record my ancestral homeland was
taken from my people, the surviving remainder
fled to the mountains.

Being the Children of the Sun, our skin was
never white- to whit the halfings sneered
and harassed my ancestors to no end.

My loyalty to Israel is normal for any God fearing
believer. It would be odd to think otherwise.

As for the United States. I am a soverign free man.
My allegiance to this nation is up to this nation.
If your SO or ATF wanted to become a man
would you be obligated to remain with them?
Uh no. they drastically altered the basis of the union.
Similarly, if the rest of the 49 states want to march
off to serfdom and socialist ecoslavery; that is their
perogative. But according to the Declaration of
Independence it is their solemn obligation to rebel.
First with ballots, but with bullets if need be.

However, even with Ft Hood. Texas single handedly
restoring the Old Republic in the face of the emperor
is unlikely. The best we could hope for is secession.
Wait till our former countrymen die off from
govt malnutrition, govt malpractice, and govt
malfeasance. Then simply move back in.

Ignorance thine nickname is wtf.
The Founding Fathers of this nation would be in far
more agreement with me regarding my language
describing the US as the New Israel/Jerusalem.
I also feel they would be most appalled at the
social handout monster the govt had become.
I can't think of one that wouldn't be in awe
of the capabilities and force projection of
the United States military.
Washington said what he did regarding foreign
entanglements because he didn't have a
nuclear aircraft carrier task force under his command.

Eisenhauer wanted to spend govt money on jackass
mass govt housing of the type being thrown up all
over bombed out postwar europe.
Our military industrial complex is the most formidable
on the planet. The teeth of Liberty are forged here.
Plowshare makers are incapable of conceiving and
executing anything like the B2 Spirit much less
an M1. F22's from cessna? Nope.

Abandon allies. Dismantle military industrial complex.
Spread class warfare. Subtle sniping of Jews where
plausable deniability allows such.

Yeah you types talk 'liberty'.
Provided someone else fights for it,
or someone else pays for it.

I'd rather be fighting for the rich and moneied.
Than fighting for the long line of despot du jour
who promise to help the poor, only to make
their lives even more impoverished.

Its nobody's business how much money you make.
Who, what, why, where, or how you spend it.

If at all possible what I can't give to my heirs
will be sold for cash and that money burned.
The last check I write will be to the IRS
and it will bounce.
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Old 09-14-2011, 05:23 AM   #103
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
Yes they should be but they were put on budget to fool people. http://www.warresisters.org/federalpiechartnumbers

These figures are from an analysis of detailed tables in the Analytical Perspectives book of the Budget of the United States Government, Fiscal Year 2012.
The "War Resisters League" analysis of "military spending"?

That's your authority?

Does the "War Resisters League" have an analysis of how much of that spending is received by salaries for U.S. workers on U.S. soil and for U.S. workers overseas that is spent on U.S. soil?
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Old 09-14-2011, 06:59 AM   #104
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Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
The "War Resisters League" analysis of "military spending"?

That's your authority?

Do you deny anything they have said.

If you borrow money for war why would you put that interest payment in the general fund? It is part of the cost of war. Just like the interest payments on your house are part of the cost of your house, not the cost of your car.
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Old 09-14-2011, 07:04 AM   #105
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Originally Posted by anaximander View Post
My loyalty to Israel is normal for any God fearing
believer. It would be odd to think otherwise.

Not if you do not fear God, maybe this is where we part ways

I just finished reading , "Empire of the Summer Moon" , you would be a disgrace to your people.
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