Originally Posted by acp5762
Well if thats the case why don't you design a cylindrical shaped iPhone marketed especially for women and call it the Dilphone. One of your marketing themes could be "emitts no harmful Gamma Radiation". Just imagine a girl can satisfiy herself and with the ear bud attachment she could talk on the phone all at the same time. Oh and make the dam thing water proof cause they like to play in the tub. I think you would sell more of those than McDonald sold Hamburgers.
Boy, if it could vibrate consistently while there is talking on the phone, I'd be on the chatlines all day long.
BigTee: I hope your balls don't fall off from the cell radiation. LOL
tucson: Thanks for your view. I'm not overly worried about it, but a tad concerned. Didn't know my phone was such a giver.
vernors1940: does this smiley ---->

< ---- give you an erection too?
If phones

don't give off that much radiation to worry about, then why is there an organization that is trying to educate the public about it?
I know that dental X-rays or security X-rays at courts, banks, airports, schools, hospitals probably don't give off that much radiation by themselves, but with all the things we come in contact with each day (eating radiated food from microwaves, living under or near huge power grids/lines, cell phones, tvs, or other things that might give off radiation), don't you think it adds up little by little over time? Don't you think that some of these things contribute to the increase in the amount of folks that have cancer these days?