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Old 09-02-2011, 04:45 PM   #16
Colonel Jim
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Originally Posted by CPT Savajo View Post
I don't see Huntsman getting the Nomination. He's not even getting mentioned on national TV. Ron Paul is getting more media coverage than Huntsman is and thats saying something.

Besides, Rick Perry is the chosen one. Hasn't it dawned on people that he entered the GOP race late and he is the one getting promoted by the mainstream media! He went to the Bilderberg meeting and bowed down to his masters, kissing their feet and sucking up to them as much as he could. Don't buy all that bullshit that he's against the Fed Reserve because he's absolutely for the bankster occupation of this country.

All the horses in the race are already bought and paid for except for one! The one they don't want to see become President, Ron Paul!
Your tin-foil hat just arrived.

Try using just a little logic: If all the politicians are bought and paid for, why don't they all just agree on what the Bilderberg, Trifecta, Gang of 8, or whomever is supposed to be running the world right now, told them to do? I mean, the Bilderbergetc. is doing such a bang-up job running the economy into the ground - purposefully, of course - so that .... what? The Chinese could build up their military with new aircraft carriers, ICBMs etc. I'm sure the Chinese have already been bought out, too. But, back to my question, why argue? Why not just do it?

Let me guess, it's part of the international conspiracy, too!! To make it look to proletariat like they are fighting!! Right!! But why fool the proletariat, when they have no money or power? I'm sure that's part of the conspiracy, too.

This is spinning so much, I have a headache.
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Old 09-02-2011, 05:27 PM   #17
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Default as if

When are you puldroons gonna get the memo
Obstensively there is nothing the govt can do
to prompt private sector job growth beyond
striking regulations and dissolving epa, eeoc,
hhs, nea, doe and other bs beauracracies.

In that vein only Perry is correct.
Govt can't create real jobs.
It can only get out of the way.
Jefferson was right
The govt that governs least,
governs best.

Huntsman isn't much different from sheik hussien.

7.25 an hour beats nothing an hour.
CoL here is considerably less to boot.
Besides, that you would parrot that stat
without even thinking about it tells volumes
regarding your overall ignorance.
Just who is buying so much service sector
goods and services to neccesitate such
a volumetric growth in employees?
If the majority of jobs are low skill,
then an eventual mass layoff isn't far off.
Or, suprise, we are being lied to.

Numbers don't lie I seem to remember some
sychophant saying. Other than demonstrating
their shadow never passed over a class in
statistical analysis- My profs fav saying
Liars often figure, figures often lie.

Nevertheless, Texas had more jobs created
than the other 49-(56 according to sheik hussein).
Yeah Toyota is low paying.
Petroleum NatGas- feh chicken feed
Microsoft- who dat?

No in your asinine alter-reality
the employees at bk are keeping mcd's employees
who in turn frequent kfc and everyone antes
up at starbucks. Why the malls are open,
and exactly just whats going on at the car lots
must seem largely a mystery to some.

A new car with 7.25 an hr pay?
The car dealerships would be decimated.

think4 yourself
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Old 09-03-2011, 10:37 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy View Post
WE, are you a psychic? You are praising a speech which has yet to be given, and likely even finished being written, and are condemning the criticism thereof. Wow, you're good, or you are an Obama drone.

You stepped right over the fact the criticisms by conservatives that are being criticized also occur before Obama’s plan is made public.

Motes and beams anyone?

What a douche bag.
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Old 09-04-2011, 10:01 AM   #19
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Default repeat offender

Almost 3 years into his reign and now
sheik hussein has something that's gonna work?
But it's so important it has to wait till next week?

You obamanistas ought to just get a coathanger
and fish out all that useless brain matter.
A spinal cord will suffice for your needs.

The admin has already told us whats in the speech.
More of the damn same.
It ain't worked in 3 ys it won't in another.
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Old 09-04-2011, 10:14 AM   #20
Jackie S
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Default So

The Republicans are to choose a candidate based on the fact that he, (or she), is much closer to being a Democrat than the rest of the pack.

I think not.

President Obama could garnish Nationwide support and guarantee his re-election if he would: Tell big Unions that security from womb to tomb cannot be guatanteed to anyone,; Get rid of of the restrictions that are hampering our domestic energy companies from developing our own resourses; modify the tax code so that every type of income is taxed, regardless of how it was "earned'; recognize that America is a special place, where freedom is paramont, and where opportunity is limitless to those willing to put forth the effort; draft a Presidential Letter stating that the Bill of Rights is no less than a sacred document, and those first ten ammendments to our Constitution should all be looked upon as something that should not be tampered with, including the 2d and 10th.

These are just a few Things the President could do. There are many more.

Of course, that would make him a Republican, but he would probably get to be President again.
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Old 09-04-2011, 09:39 PM   #21
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Douchebag? Well, that's a new one. At least it wasn't "neocon". Hey Munch, I don't like the right wingers either.
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