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Old 08-28-2011, 04:37 PM   #76
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Originally Posted by GP View Post
I retract my statement. It is now doove, patron saint of hookers. THANK GOD you are here!
you forgot "Sir" he is still a Knight.
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Old 08-28-2011, 08:20 PM   #77
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Originally Posted by offshoredrilling View Post
YUP. It was good meeting you again Sat night. But dam I forgot the name of one of the gals we talked to last night. I was trying to look her up on BP. The 20 something with all the pic's that was with the older short puerto rican gal I knew.
She was fun to talk to. I want to find the ISO thread about her. Or start on just to see if anyone has been with that north Italian mix.
Well, even though brooke said we both basiclly stink with communication skills, i thought it went off pretty well and could understand at least 63% of what you said then the other 22% was because we kept mixing up our CINDYS!and then 15% was that guy interupting you making time with that other girl..... I will start the ISO thread if you havnt...and I actually liked BROOKES personality but was criticizing her business savy,there is a genuine diffrence and,Theres absolutly NO reason why she couldnt stay, none of the comments from the peanut gallery can affect a providers business in all reality .A provider and provider alone can make or break it and is solely responsible for success and failure.
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Old 08-28-2011, 08:23 PM   #78
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Originally Posted by NormalBob View Post
I can name four specific providers you've asshatted in the past year.
I guess it depends on your definition of asshat. If you say there are 4, i won't bother to argue with what your definition is.

If you are now admitting to referring to a specific provider as a shill, then I'm cool with you.
I'm admitting to referring to her as an enabler, not a shill. I'll admit to calling her an enabler, and i'll even admit to calling her "something". But i won't admit to calling her something i didn't call her.

This is silly. Even if i did call her a shill, it's about the equivalent of calling someone a white-knight....and we're talking about this 11 months after it supposedly happened?

I fessed up to her about the "enabler" comment immediately after i was made aware that it was her i was talking about. She didn't give a sh&t. So if you want to get something to hold over me, you'll need to look elsewhere. Try GP's signature line.

You do come across as more self-righteous than nearly all hobbyists on this board.
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Old 08-28-2011, 08:34 PM   #79
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I don't care for this board animousity that got started between us.

It's ridiculous really. I'd just as soon put the whole two years of it behind us and move on with a fresh start.
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Old 08-28-2011, 08:44 PM   #80
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Originally Posted by JONBALLS View Post
Well, even though brooke said we both basiclly stink with communication skills, i thought it went off pretty well and could understand at least 63% of what you said then the other 22% was because we kept mixing up our CINDYS!and then 15% was that guy interupting you making time with that other girl..... I will start the ISO thread if you havnt...and I actually liked BROOKES personality but was criticizing her business savy,there is a genuine diffrence and,Theres absolutly NO reason why she couldnt stay, none of the comments from the peanut gallery can affect a providers business in all reality .A provider and provider alone can make or break it and is solely responsible for success and failure.
The one the other guy stolen off my lap. I remember her name. It did bother me but I was not going to do a thing about it. I like her but she was there to make money. And she knew, I was going nowhere. But gee I got her a drink. Let her have half of it with me. Over just a few sips, before you butt in. That's rude in bar game. And I know the guy dam.

No it was the young one that said she had ads on BP. I can't remember her name. And can't find a ad.
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Old 08-28-2011, 08:53 PM   #81
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Originally Posted by offshoredrilling View Post
The one the other guy sold off my lap. I remember her name. It did bother me but I was not going to do a thing about it. I like her but she was there to make money. And she knew, I was going nowhere. But gee I got her a drink. Let her have half of it with me. Over just a few sips, before you butt in. That's rude in bar game. And I know the guy dam. yah but, she at least talked to you, I cant get laid in a bar full of hookers...OOPPPSSS!! providers... and a FIST FULL OF DOLLARS!!

No it was the young one that said she had ads on BP. I can't remember her name. And can't find a ad.
check the ISO section under "OSD this is her" thread..
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Old 08-28-2011, 08:56 PM   #82
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Old 08-29-2011, 01:56 AM   #83
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Originally Posted by BrookeButtons View Post
psychological warfare...wow !! peace up babe
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Old 08-29-2011, 01:59 AM   #84
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Originally Posted by BrookeButtons View Post

That's it!! Really guys... it is so simple. And in case you can't read/think clearly I have a form, for you to fill out.
those who cant read or think have disabilities, we offer them help not animosity...peace
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Old 08-29-2011, 06:13 AM   #85
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I hardly believe that a few comments are going to put anyone out of business, unless there were already underlying problems in her life anyway. I was not then or now angry with her, but my only way of confronting her on this issue when she went forum. Hopefully now she can take the time to reflect on who she is and who she wants to be in the future, where she is and where she wants to go. The important thing is NOT if she returns to the "business", but as an individual to find happiness and contentment in life as a person. We all make mistakes in life and unfortunately we can't always carry someone else's pain when going through tough times. But the sun will shine again in her life, and I wish her well. I hope that her true friends will lift her up, but not carry her, and support her, but let her walk for herself through this period in her life. She will come out a stronger person because of it. As far as the "ladies" here, I really don't know how they can do it sometimes. Like an actress on Broadway that has to perform her 1000th show and still look like its her 1st, or an athlete giving their best when they don't feel like it. I have so much admiration for these ladies who have chosen this unique and difficult profession. When I came on the scene here, I saw Kristi and had an awful first experience. I didn't let it go, and told her how I felt in an email. To my surprise she emailed back with an apology not fully realizing her poor service. After a few back and forth emails, she asked for a second chance and I gave it to her. Several "hobbyists" here thought that I was nuts, but that is just the type of guy that I am. If someone comes forward and admits their mistakes, I fully forgive them and move on with a clean slate. I gave her that second chance. My second visit with Kristi was a 180* turnaround and she was outstanding. I never even mentioned the first visit as we made a fresh start. With Brooke if she ever does reappear on the scene, I would offer her a chance at a fresh start as well, even if we never even meet. I learned the hard way in life that holding grudges only eats yourself up inside and the person who upset you doesn't even know or care. Only time will tell now how this turns out with Brooke, again I wish her my best. (Note my comments about "bitch-slapping" were figuratively not literally. I do not condone any physical abuse of ladies and I have never hit a girl, but I have slapped around a few guys who thought that it was okay to.
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Old 08-29-2011, 07:56 AM   #86
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Ok so this is a business right? I know it's a different kind of business, but when you think about the amount of $$$ that can be made here you should know it's not gonna be fall down easy. Lets face it... what other kind of business can make 100K+ a year CASH for what amounts to maybe 20 hours a week? I know how hard I work to get what I get and it aint 100K. Now if you have THAT business and talk down to your customers or potential customers, and bitch anytime the going gets a little rough maybe your in the wrong business. Should someone be tortured by some jackass calling them 50 times..well no..nobody should and on the other hand if someone doesn't do the screening right the first time should they be called out and flogged? I wouldn't think so. I have the utmost respect for the ladies here and i'm sure they'd tell anyone that asked. BD
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Old 08-29-2011, 08:29 AM   #87
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Thread is closed at the OP's request... way to go boys! you've managed to show your colors again!
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