Originally Posted by scorpio31
I'll volunteer to let Bristol put me in my place or her place or any other place she wants on any day!
She has handled this situation with class, dignity and facts, congrats to her.
Scorpio, I agree Bristol "did it right" and as I said, I have no problems with her post at all.
What I'm a little tired of is having all of us lumped together to the point another hobbyist posts that we need to be "put in our place". This one asshole that treated Bristol badly? Sure. All of us? No.
I'm also tired of the attitude that the ladies make all the rules and it's their world. No, it's not. They make the rules FOR THEM. I can either choose to see them, or not, therefore I make the rules FOR ME. If the two sets of rules can happily come together, great, if not, tough.
I do know this. I can go without screwin' for a lot longer than the ladies can go without eatin' from the money I pay them so no, they don't make all the rules and no, it's not their world.
They can only exercise control over their little part of it.
Thread hijack over, no more from me on the subject in this thread.