Originally Posted by Nadja
Really no one asked you anything and you come in here just to start something. Since the day I got on this board you started running your mouth and trying to cock block me and Lana. We have had no issues with anyone here except with you and your friend. We have done and will do our best to ignore you. Lana is too much of a lady to reply to you. I do not have a problem doing it. This will be the first and last time I address you. Go find someone else to screen for or to try and bully.
guess you didn't think that I would finally call you out concerning your blatant boldfaced lies huh? Reality check:
no one wants to screen for you chica.. don't flatter yourself, for your troubles you and Lana can't even get on P411

Wonder why?? funny you say that I want to screen for you and made up lies when I made it clear many times that won't even give or take a reference from you.. they don't want to be bothered with you and neither do I.. go run your scam somewhere else.