Originally Posted by norayorkie
I used to be an AMP girl and I've never heard of anyone working against their will. The ones who are forced to work are the ones who haven't paid off their contract to come into the USA. I prefer being an indy because at a AMP you have no time to eat or sleep only work work work. I once took care of 28 clients in one day.
I have visited a number of AMPS during my early hobby years. Found them to be very clean and well run for the most part.
However, the key word you mentioned is "forced to work" to pay off their contracts to come to the US. Question is, when they signed the contract in Japan, Korea, etc, did they know what they would be doing when they got here to pay their "sponsor" back? If they did, then no problem. But if they were told they would be cleaning houses instead of working 18 hours a day having sex with anyone that walked thru the door then that is truly called "forced slave labor".
Does not happen as the norm, but it does happen. We just don't hear about it until LE finds out and puts a stop to it.
Just saying.