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Old 08-11-2011, 02:29 PM   #1
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Default Helping the sluggish economy!!

With the terrible times we are facing as a people and a nation. The historic unemployment, our people being repesented by politicans with no balls (democrats),or falling into the idiot catergory (republicans), and then the lunatic members ( tea baggers) , coupled with a president who has no leadership skills. Our markets taking us on a roller coaster ride from hell. The kick in the ass our credit rating has suffered along with our general loss of face worldwide. Whats a person to do??? Most of us know what the solution is we just can't seem to get the right person or people in the right place at the right time to do us any good. WELL never let it be said that Chelsea didn't step up and offer to help out during this time of turmoil. As a stimuliIs to get dollars into the economy I am imediately going to roll back my rates by 20% for how long I don't know, till my female brain says its time to change. ( yall will have to check showcase for actual dollar amount )as well as accept gold, silver, and all forms of goverment currency for my consultation services. In addition I will consider taking in trade your mineral rights to south an west texas lands, those stocks that cost you more to trade than they are worth, any unwanted treasurys or savings bonds that might be laying around taking up space. For those of you who might have a Jag or Mercades you bought for your mistress or even a condo could be tradeing chips. I don't want to forget those of you who are so far underwater on your housing that your apt to drown before you reach the surface, I might be willing to take these off your hands and take up payments to save you future loss. Now for those who want to trade in livestock realize I can't possibly give top dollar due to additional expenses involved in trades on down the line (those of you who have delt with those duck pluckers while trying to trade a gaggle of geese know what I mean). Well guess I about covered everything just wante yall to know I'm doing my part to get this economy moving and if I left something out just ask.
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Old 08-11-2011, 02:56 PM   #2
Mr. Smith111
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That is a great thing you are doing for our country. You are quite the patriot Chelsea. I have tried to keep some economic stimulous of my own going. I have invested in the futures of countless young women. Just trying to do my part like you are Chelsea.
You inspire me.
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Old 08-11-2011, 04:15 PM   #3
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I like your STIMULUS plan Chelsea. Maybe you should run for president. I tried to help stimulate the economy as well but my last two providers have cancelled on me. Maybe I should just wait until a lovely lady with a cute little alligator on her hip comes into town.
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Old 08-11-2011, 04:20 PM   #4
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Beauty, brains, business woman and talented. Great combo!
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Old 08-12-2011, 11:31 PM   #5
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Default For Sale Or Trade- Guard/Attack Donkey

Well Chelsea, along with a troubled economy comes increased crime. Studies show that for every point rise in unemployment, that crime increases exponentially.

Could I interest you in a Guard Donkey? It's kind of like a guard dog...but different. Some people call them sentry donkeys, watch donkeys, guard donkeys, attack donkeys.

Pecos here, is all of the above. He's a battle-tested veteran and has never had a property loss in his 8 Years on the watch.

He's got the eyes of a hawk, cat-like reflexes,
the cunning of a fox, and the speed of a thoroughbred.

...and not only that, he's a damn fine American.

He's got over 60 accredited hours in Upper-Division Special Tactical Training, alone.

So anyway, I just thought I'd ask to see if you'd be interested.


Pecos doing a weapons check.

Pecos in Patrol-mode.

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Old 08-13-2011, 09:07 AM   #6
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sofa, with out a doubt crime increases when people find them selves out of work and with no resources, they are faced with family to feed and shelter without the means , so what is left? The vast majority of folks seem to be basicly salt of the earth types who want to do right, of course there are always some just plain old rotten apples, and that brings us to PECOS. Pecos might very well be the gold egg laying goose for us. With him already being accustom to hill country weather and terrain with very little training on reconizeing wolves in politican clothing we could turn him loose in Austin. With his speed and arsenal of wepons, it should be an easy romp for a tried and tested vet.Kinda a tune up for the big show in Wasnington. In the mean while possibly we can offer his services as guard donkey to local ranchers on a rental or lease basis and as a bonus what comes outa the south end when hes heading north they get to keep for only 25% of the cost of regular fertilizer. Soun like a plan to you???
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Old 08-13-2011, 01:41 PM   #7
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Well...that's certainly a possibility, Chelsea...sure seems like a lot more work than I had in mind. I was just kinda hoping to trade him for some nookie.


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Old 08-17-2011, 03:30 PM   #8
Aidan MacKenna
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Lightbulb Wishing I had a smile on my face like that donkey...

SofaKingFun, need we ask why your donkey has such a huge smile on his face? He he he, I know why...
(you coxschlinger you!)

Chelsea, great idea proposing a stimulus uh... package. You go girl!!
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Old 08-17-2011, 04:40 PM   #9
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No, no, no. Get your mind out of the gutter, sugarbutt.

He's smiling becuz I told him he had a show to do in Ol' Mexico...


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