Tase him again to restart it, duh!
Well, I don't see anyone I would NEED to tase. I have them for fun. No, really. They're fucking FUN to play with! Well, for those of us into that shit ^_^
I had a handful of them in BAF, but customs wouldn't let me carry them, pack them, or ship them back to the states.
So gave them to our 1st CAV replacements.
As for the occasionally lethality..
if a little stun gun would stop his heart, then my blowjobs would too. In fact, my oral has caused more ambulance rides than my toys have. 2:0 so far. I bought a defibrillator off of ebay after the first.. um.. incident.
I also never use anything on someone else that I haven't used on myself. I've had one contact on each nipple, squeezed the trigger, and I'm still here to type about it.
If that scares anyone, oh well. I'm not for everyone. I'm entirely too much awesomeness in a small package for some people.
Oh wait, I'm off the market now anyways. I have an exclusive arrangement until I leave TN. Sucks to be me ;-)