Originally Posted by jframe2
I heard about this one, and it's a disturbing trend.
I find it equally disturbing that people are actually VOLUNTEERING to hand over their cell phones, because they fall for that old cop line, "You will do this, unless you have something to hide." And assume they'll be treated as if they're guilty. Again...old copy trick, and it usually works. (How many times have you seen the dude with a baggie of pot in his car - on an episode of COPS...actually tell the cop it's ok to search...? Every single time.) No...nobody needs to turn over their cell phone, of course be prepared to be "threatened"... with a night in jail, with arrest for failure to cooperate with a police order, or for the cop just to treat you like a scumbag...all of which would get him and the department SUED.
It's like NOBODY stands up for their 4th Amendment rights anymore. Even the TSA has us conditioned. If you refuse the search, they have you arrested for violating a "secret" regulation they can't show you...because it's a "secret", but "take my word for it, we have the power to do it"...instead of just denying you passage with search as a condition of flight. Just like the SHEEPLE hand over their cell phones on demand to law enforcement.
Suppose in the cops scan they see that you drove by a known drug house on your way to work? And of course, you have no idea. Maybe you take a little pit stop on the way home to see a girlfriend for a quickie (or worse yet, a Provider...never mind having the HOBBY PHONE which you turn off after your encounter...your legit phone records where you go as well). Suppose the cop now suspects you of a crime which needs to be investigated...as a result of the scan of your phone which you never should have had done. Kind of hard to take it back.
Not only can they suck in your locations your phone has travelled..but also your emails, your cached passwords and user ids on smartphones, bank account data...and now it's in a COP database...to be mined or cross referenced for future encounters, or to be used against a friend or associate of yours down the road.
Never give up your phone, no matter what the cop says. Nothing useful to be gained by you doing this. Tell him that you will wait for a judge to sign a warrant for his non-existant probable cause, chances are the BS flag will be raised at that point, and he'll just lose interest in you, because NOW you represent a MOUNTAIN of paperwork and a few days in court potentially. Or, possibly a civil rights lawsuit, because you dared mention the 4th Amendment, which established you as knowledgeable about your rights.