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Old 08-11-2011, 08:16 AM   #1
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Default The First Lady Is A No Show...

Obama appropriately acted like a commander-in-chief on Tuesday by being present when our brave dead arrived at Dover Air Force base. But the First Lady, who runs something out of the White House called Joining Forces, which is billed as “a national initiative that mobilizes all sectors of society to give our service members and their families the opportunities and support they have earned was a no show.”

Instead she was vacationing for the week in Oregeon (before she heads to Martha's Vineyard for another week or so)...

I agree with this following observation..

"I’d like to think Mrs. Obama is sincere in her commitment to the kin of those who serve, and I’m sure at some level she is. But there is no way to reconcile a sincere devotion to helping military families with her decision to travel to Oregon with her mother to visit her brother this week instead of being by President Obama’s side yesterday as he comforted the 30 grieving families of those who lost their sons, brothers, and fathers in Afghanistan Saturday.

Not just any son, brother or father. The best kind you could ever have. This is simply just not acceptable. It’s an ignorance of her duty as first lady – even if she were not one supposedly dedicated to military families. It even suggests a general lack of compassion.

Nobody inflicted these roles on her. She chose to be first lady, seems to be enjoying the perks, and is already campaigning and raising heaps of money so that she can stay there.

What first gave me pause when she launched the Joining Forces thing was that someone who suggested quite clearly – because it was an accident – that she had never really been proud of her country was of all things suddenly dedicated to helping the military.

It sounded like image makeover, both for her and a husband who had never served and who is not held in particularly high esteem by our armed forces.

It sounded like something born more out of political calculation more than anything else.

Turns out, it was."
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Old 08-11-2011, 09:49 AM   #2
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Originally Posted by Whirlaway View Post
Obama appropriately acted like a commander-in-chief on Tuesday by being present when our brave dead arrived at Dover Air Force base. But the First Lady, who runs something out of the White House called Joining Forces, which is billed as “a national initiative that mobilizes all sectors of society to give our service members and their families the opportunities and support they have earned was a no show.”

Instead she was vacationing for the week in Oregeon (before she heads to Martha's Vineyard for another week or so)...

I agree with this following observation..

"I’d like to think Mrs. Obama is sincere in her commitment to the kin of those who serve, and I’m sure at some level she is. But there is no way to reconcile a sincere devotion to helping military families with her decision to travel to Oregon with her mother to visit her brother this week instead of being by President Obama’s side yesterday as he comforted the 30 grieving families of those who lost their sons, brothers, and fathers in Afghanistan Saturday.

Not just any son, brother or father. The best kind you could ever have. This is simply just not acceptable. It’s an ignorance of her duty as first lady – even if she were not one supposedly dedicated to military families. It even suggests a general lack of compassion.

Nobody inflicted these roles on her. She chose to be first lady, seems to be enjoying the perks, and is already campaigning and raising heaps of money so that she can stay there.

What first gave me pause when she launched the Joining Forces thing was that someone who suggested quite clearly – because it was an accident – that she had never really been proud of her country was of all things suddenly dedicated to helping the military.

It sounded like image makeover, both for her and a husband who had never served and who is not held in particularly high esteem by our armed forces.

It sounded like something born more out of political calculation more than anything else.

Turns out, it was."


Just your opinion. As stated, as usual, by someone else. Service people’s families want to see someone in the chain of command not their wife.

I notice you didn’t post anything about what scheduled events she would miss or no mention of the work she has done with the organization.

You're not going to pass up a chance to bitch at a none issue.
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Old 08-11-2011, 10:13 AM   #3
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MY opinion is that the Obamas come from an environment and a culture where the military is not only disdained, but also disowned. Their friends were even openly hostile toward persons in the mililtary and to their activities. Very similar to the days of Bill Clinton where the military permanent staff at the White House were ostracized by the new occupants.

I don't expect the Obamas to suddenly gush over military members or military families. Nor their appointees. Mrs Obama's sudden caring for the families of military members is only in place, because her aides have brought her attention that wives of presidents have traditionally taken that place and that it's expected. So when she has free time....she goes to Oregon, or shopping.

Even the great SOCIALIST Eleanor Roosevelt, had genuine caring for families of military members...as did Laura Bush, who routinely hosted events, and went out of here way to attend and put her name behind charitable events for those people.

Any first lady who truly cared would have not been in Oregon but would have been there to meet the grieving families, because it's a genuine gesture.

Do I blame her? No, she can't exhibit what she doesn't have. And I don't expect her to, so I'd rather she just drop the pretenses and do her Oregon thing, then her vacation later at Martha's Vineyard (or Long Island, or wherever they are going this summer).

Stop using Military members and their families as photo ops -- that's my hope for them. Be who you really are.
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Old 08-11-2011, 11:18 AM   #4
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Very well said TexanAtPlay.
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Old 08-11-2011, 11:24 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by TexanAtPlay View Post

Stop using Military members and their families as photo ops -- that's my hope for them. Be who you really are.
Oh you mean like the AWOL, Staff edit, forbidden subject CC, fratboy who landed on an aircraft carrier to give us "Mission Accomplished?"

Certain board rules still apply, even in here. CC
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Old 08-11-2011, 12:11 PM   #6
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Default Good Lord, Back To President Bush

2012 Democrat Battle Cry. "It's STILL W's fault".

Texan at Play, you are correct. The First Lady is no different from The President. She is a product of Her enviroment, she doesn't understand what she has no knowledge of.
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Old 08-11-2011, 12:27 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by Whirlaway View Post
Obama appropriately acted like a commander-in-chief on Tuesday by being present when our brave dead arrived at Dover Air Force base. But the First Lady, who runs something out of the White House called Joining Forces, which is billed as “a national initiative that mobilizes all sectors of society to give our service members and their families the opportunities and support they have earned was a no show.”

Instead she was vacationing for the week in Oregeon (before she heads to Martha's Vineyard for another week or so)...

I agree with this following observation..

"I’d like to think Mrs. Obama is sincere in her commitment to the kin of those who serve, and I’m sure at some level she is. But there is no way to reconcile a sincere devotion to helping military families with her decision to travel to Oregon with her mother to visit her brother this week instead of being by President Obama’s side yesterday as he comforted the 30 grieving families of those who lost their sons, brothers, and fathers in Afghanistan Saturday.

Not just any son, brother or father. The best kind you could ever have. This is simply just not acceptable. It’s an ignorance of her duty as first lady – even if she were not one supposedly dedicated to military families. It even suggests a general lack of compassion.

Nobody inflicted these roles on her. She chose to be first lady, seems to be enjoying the perks, and is already campaigning and raising heaps of money so that she can stay there.

What first gave me pause when she launched the Joining Forces thing was that someone who suggested quite clearly – because it was an accident – that she had never really been proud of her country was of all things suddenly dedicated to helping the military.

It sounded like image makeover, both for her and a husband who had never served and who is not held in particularly high esteem by our armed forces.

It sounded like something born more out of political calculation more than anything else.

Turns out, it was."
Boy are you getting fucking desperate Whirlaway this one is beyond pathethic. Just throw in the towel and admit defeat.

Why didn't George W. Bush show up at Ground zero after OBL was killed??? Gosh for a President who had this happen on his watch- he couldn't even show up to honor those Americans after he was invited by the White House????
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Old 08-11-2011, 12:40 PM   #8
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Notice how the zombie left doesn't deny the facts; they just attack the OP and then tack on the proverbial "but Bush did worse"

It is so fucking boring.
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Old 08-11-2011, 02:25 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by OliviaHoward View Post
Very well said TexanAtPlay.
You honestly think that? On the same day where you say you want the "fringes" of both parties to go away?

His post was nothing but opinionated nonsense, based on nothing but the voices in his head.
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Old 08-11-2011, 02:25 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by Whirlaway View Post
Notice how the zombie left doesn't deny the facts; they just attack the OP and then tack on the proverbial "but Bush did worse"

It is so fucking boring.
It was a stupid post trying to make a stupid point.

Quit making these posts and you would not be so bored.

Learn about how the tax system works and quit wasting your time on these Rush Limmy repeats. He is making big bucks to stir up shit, you are just getting a bunch of shit spilt all over ya for nothing.
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Old 08-11-2011, 02:35 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by TexanAtPlay View Post
MY opinion is that the Obamas come from an environment and a culture where the military is not only disdained, but also disowned. Their friends were even openly hostile toward persons in the mililtary and to their activities. Very similar to the days of Bill Clinton where the military permanent staff at the White House were ostracized by the new occupants.

I don't expect the Obamas to suddenly gush over military members or military families. Nor their appointees. Mrs Obama's sudden caring for the families of military members is only in place, because her aides have brought her attention that wives of presidents have traditionally taken that place and that it's expected. So when she has free time....she goes to Oregon, or shopping.

Even the great SOCIALIST Eleanor Roosevelt, had genuine caring for families of military members...as did Laura Bush, who routinely hosted events, and went out of here way to attend and put her name behind charitable events for those people.

Any first lady who truly cared would have not been in Oregon but would have been there to meet the grieving families, because it's a genuine gesture.

Do I blame her? No, she can't exhibit what she doesn't have. And I don't expect her to, so I'd rather she just drop the pretenses and do her Oregon thing, then her vacation later at Martha's Vineyard (or Long Island, or wherever they are going this summer).

Stop using Military members and their families as photo ops -- that's my hope for them. Be who you really are.
Why is a military life more important than any other taxpayers life?

Why doesn't the First lady got to every workers funeral and show how much she appreciates their service to this country?

Why the fuc does one party think that Rich people and military people are owed tax breaks and head of state funerals?

Why are they so much more special than say the guy who picks up your trash or the teacher that teach's your child......

Isn't there honor in ever job, every human life?

Am I missing something?

I really doubt that is why someone in the military signed up for their job. I doubt they think they are special. I would assume they would understand they are another piece to this thing called life. The body needs the asshole to do its job well just as much as it does the heart. I wish we would quit trying to elevate one persons job over another....in the end we all need each other to make this country work. Yes that means rich people need poor people as bad a poor people need the rich.
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Old 08-11-2011, 03:06 PM   #12
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Default Hey WTF

Did you ever consider that what we really have is a Mercenary Army. We pay someone else to do our fighting so we won't miss Monday Night Football, The Bachelor, or any other of the fine points of Life in America.

If you do not believe it, ask any "average American" how many sacrifices he, or she, has had to make since we have been involved in three wars for the past 10 years. Then, ask a citizen, circa WW-2, (not many left), what they had to do.

And before any of you say 'how dare you say that', I am a Vietnam Veteran who had no choice but to go, and I have the scars as a result.

During the War Between The States, President Lincoln instituted a draft, because there were not enough volunteers to fight for the Union. There was a caveat, you could pay to have someone go and fight for you. This became very popular among the well to do who had no interest in "Lincolns War".

We have that problem solved now, we promise young men and women all sorts of enticing benefits to go off and die for the rest of us. Call it what you will, we have a Mercenary Army, whether you like the fact or not.
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Old 08-11-2011, 04:06 PM   #13
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As long as she stays out of policy, I think the first lady should stay out of the argument. In short, I don't care if she was there or not. Was it appopriate for the CincC to be there, yes, was it appropriate to use it as another photo op?, no, in fact it was done over the express objections of the Pentagon after the families of at least 19 of the fallen ask that there be no photos.

Any of you Obamabots got a link to W or anyone besides O posing for photos over coffins or at functions involving them?
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Old 08-11-2011, 04:29 PM   #14
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War dead come back every day. Are these dead any different from other dead? The kids who come back dead next week are just as dead. Their parents grieve just as deeply. They died in vain and for nothing just like these did. One symbolic gesture is just are good (or meaningless) as any other. It's the war that is the real crime.
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Old 08-11-2011, 04:50 PM   #15
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It is apparent by this thread that today was a slow news day. I suppose with the up and down Stock Market rebounding today, Rush did not have much to talk about.

Not to worry Whirly, he might have more tomorrow!
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