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Old 08-08-2011, 08:20 AM   #1
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Default Obama Continues the Dumbing Down......

With more kids failing the required "No Child Left Behind" tests, the Obama administration's response is to accept lower standards. The Obama secretary of Ed will be soon be announcing new rules which will will continue the dumbing down of American students with lower expectations.

Typical liberal response. Lower the bar for what is acceptable performance and call it social progress.

In the meantime we pay record amounts of money to "educate" American kids in a failing system all the while getting passed over by other countries.

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Old 08-08-2011, 11:23 PM   #2
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It's a bad bill and needs to be repealed in it's entirety. But it's typical of Obama to resort to half measures and not articulate the real issue.
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Old 08-09-2011, 06:51 AM   #3
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TTH: We are in total agreement..................... ..

Originally Posted by TexTushHog View Post
It's a bad bill and needs to be repealed in it's entirety. But it's typical of Obama to resort to half measures and not articulate the real issue.
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Old 08-09-2011, 07:25 AM   #4
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Whirlaway, you're pretty predictable. ABAOIOKWY Anything Bad About Obama Is OK With You. Simple theories for simple minds. How do you go through life without running into things that just blow what little mind you have? You are the record-holder in one respect here thought. That would be posting the greatest number of meaningless and poorly-researched statements in a single forum!
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Old 08-09-2011, 06:57 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by Whirlaway View Post
Obama Continues the Dumbing Down......
..........so that he can be properly prepared to meet directly with Whirly and his mentor!
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Old 08-09-2011, 07:37 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by Little Stevie View Post
Whirlaway, you're pretty predictable. ABAOIOKWY Anything Bad About Obama Is OK With You. Simple theories for simple minds. How do you go through life without running into things that just blow what little mind you have? You are the record-holder in one respect here thought. That would be posting the greatest number of meaningless and poorly-researched statements in a single forum!
Whirl this is the truth- it's beyond funny anymore it's almost pathetic- your threads are so stupid and meaningless that I really don't take you serious nor do I care to even debate you- I wouldn't be surprised if Marshall is your alter ego- I mean dude grow up and make some sensible debates- FYI- you do know No Child left Behind was a Bush proposal correct?
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Old 08-09-2011, 10:49 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by Little Stevie View Post
Whirlaway, you're pretty predictable. ABAOIOKWY Anything Bad About Obama Is OK With You. Simple theories for simple minds. How do you go through life without running into things that just blow what little mind you have? You are the record-holder in one respect here thought. That would be posting the greatest number of meaningless and poorly-researched statements in a single forum!
I am with Whirl, it is your BULL SHIT that is weak

you'd think the number of Texas folks defending bo that Texas was a blue state
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Old 08-09-2011, 11:30 PM   #8
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Why was this made a personal issue/ attack? The post it seems to me.....is about the failure of educating students. Instead of increasing the education of the students of our country, the politically expedient thing to do is just lower the bar of what is deemed acceptable. This type of thinking is what lead to the cheating in Atlanta...children can't pass....so teachers cheat? When did this type of crazy thinking start to prevail in the halls of secondary education?

How is this a personal issue or an attack on the OP? Do the people who seem mad at the OP, have a child that is not able to pass the tests?

Why is it not ok to demand that the schools that we send our children to, to be educated.....actually educate them? Why does this issue have to be B.O Vs. G.W.B?
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Old 08-09-2011, 11:36 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by disilene View Post
Why was this made a personal issue/ attack? The post it seems to me.....is about the failure of educating students. Instead of increasing the education of the students of our country, the politically expedient thing to do is just lower the bar of what is deemed acceptable. This type of thinking is what lead to the cheating in Atlanta...children can't pass....so teachers cheat? When did this type of crazy thinking start to prevail in the halls of secondary education?

How is this a personal issue or an attack on the OP? Do the people who seem mad at the OP, have a child that is not able to pass the tests?

Why is it not ok to demand that the schools that we send our children to, to be educated.....actually educate them? Why does this issue have to be B.O Vs. G.W.B?
disilene the OP started this as if this was all Obama's great idea- you should re-focus your question to the OP on why he linked Obama with NCLB.
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Old 08-10-2011, 12:07 AM   #10
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Perhaps from previous posts you have more knowledge of the OP's politics and are using that knowledge to read more into the post than someone who does not have that knowledge.

Facts: 1, Students are not passing tests. 2, As a response the President HAS lowered the bar, not requiring students to pass the tests in order to avoid being labeled a failure. 3, Students are not proficient in math and reading. Hence, they are failing the tests. 4, It is the position of THIS administration, that the standards will be lowered in order for the schools to not be held accountable for their inability for the students to gain proficiency.

This type of attitude by the powers that be lead to the 40%+ illiteracy rate in New Orleans. Instead of dumbing things down, teachers, schools, and parents should be held accountable. We are unable to hold parents accountable, so why shouldn't we hold schools accountable? It would seem to me.....that the students are being left out of this discussion. These students deserve a good education, so that they might pursue life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Turning this into a political "Our team vs. Their team" is not educating any students.

As someone who then teaches these students when they matriculate into institutes of higher learning.....This is a serious situation, that requires bold leadership to correct past mistakes, and to insure that the students will be educated. A student should not be at a college level and not have a grasp of Calculus. The fact that it is becoming common for some colleges to offer remedial math in Algebra is in itself an indictment of the state of the education system here in America. The correct response to this is NOT granting waivers to save face while students are abandoned without the education that they deserve.

This President is making a political decision to back his political base, "dumbing down the standards of education" and thus alleviating the risk that teachers and teacher's unions will be held accountable for the deplorable state that our education system is in.

"Except for typical liberal response.." - meant to inflame. I can find nothing factually wrong with Whirly's post.
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Old 08-10-2011, 01:10 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by disilene View Post

Perhaps from previous posts you have more knowledge of the OP's politics and are using that knowledge to read more into the post than someone who does not have that knowledge.

Facts: 1, Students are not passing tests. 2, As a response the President HAS lowered the bar, not requiring students to pass the tests in order to avoid being labeled a failure. 3, Students are not proficient in math and reading. Hence, they are failing the tests. 4, It is the position of THIS administration, that the standards will be lowered in order for the schools to not be held accountable for their inability for the students to gain proficiency.

This type of attitude by the powers that be lead to the 40%+ illiteracy rate in New Orleans. Instead of dumbing things down, teachers, schools, and parents should be held accountable. We are unable to hold parents accountable, so why shouldn't we hold schools accountable? It would seem to me.....that the students are being left out of this discussion. These students deserve a good education, so that they might pursue life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Turning this into a political "Our team vs. Their team" is not educating any students.

As someone who then teaches these students when they matriculate into institutes of higher learning.....This is a serious situation, that requires bold leadership to correct past mistakes, and to insure that the students will be educated. A student should not be at a college level and not have a grasp of Calculus. The fact that it is becoming common for some colleges to offer remedial math in Algebra is in itself an indictment of the state of the education system here in America. The correct response to this is NOT granting waivers to save face while students are abandoned without the education that they deserve.

This President is making a political decision to back his political base, "dumbing down the standards of education" and thus alleviating the risk that teachers and teacher's unions will be held accountable for the deplorable state that our education system is in.

"Except for typical liberal response.." - meant to inflame. I can find nothing factually wrong with Whirly's post.
With all due respect NCLB was a failure. Why aren't parents held to a higher standard? I have taught a Pharmacy level course for a teh program and although most of the students were on point- I had the goof ball who would play on his cell phone- fall asleep in class etc and you mean to tell me I am the reason that this kid won't pass?
Trust me there are some bad teachers out there and there are some students who rather learn the lyrics to Lil Wayne songs than learn proper grammar.
In my years- my parents ALWAYS checked my homework- in fact if there was no homework given my parents would wonder why.
You don't by any chance think NCLB was a great program???? Majority of the school curriculum in Texas teaches kids just enough to pass these stupid exams and doesn't go beyond that measure.
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Old 08-10-2011, 03:37 PM   #12
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I don't think NCLB is a great policy. It is nothing but bureaucracy gone wild. I think that the best way to educate students is to teach to the needs of the student. However, since the education department has assumed control over basically all public schools, there needs to be this testing to feed the paper monster, to prove that the money is being spent and results are obtained, typical politics and Washington.

We are no longer teaching to the needs of the students, but merely focusing on the students who lag behind. NCLB, could also be called No Child Excels. We are teaching to the least denominator and it is failing, along with our students. The answers to this problem are of course parents, however, how do you fix this?

Parents don't seem to care. Except when their child is punished or singled out. We are raising a generation of ignorant children that know no discipline. The only disciple I see being taught in high schools are by the coaches. The hands of a teacher and principal are tied. If you act out, you get detention or suspension. How does this help the kid learn? He is losing even more instruction time, and odds are he was behind anyways. Unless, it is he case of the bright student who is bored because they have mastered the curriculum, and need to be accelerated. Though, that is an entirely different issue.
The other problem is, kids are doped up, legally. What happened to recess? Now we are all fat, and we take pills to get rid of our excess energy. Kids act out because they are bored. The brain can only pay attention for a specific time and then it tunes out. It needs a break, exercise is needed, and then the process can begin again. However, recess is bad. Playgrounds are fraught with danger according to the paper pushers. Dodgeball is violent, picking teams hurts self-esteem.

When can we just allow kids to act like kids? Run, play, have fun, and learn. Sure there will be bullies, but that is throughout life, you need to learn how to handle them at some point. Now, whenever someone is faced with such a situation, the first thing that comes to hand is a gun? What happened to fists? You are not going to get but so hurt, with a bare fist. Especially kids, we aren't talking about heavy weight brawlers here.

I see so many problems (sorry about the rant) and no solutions that will pass the PC test. Parents have abdicated responsibility to the schools and thus can shift the blame for their actions. The schools now needs cops, teachers are in danger (my mother was attacked by a student), and there is no real punishment. Sticking a kid in jail......What was that line from BLOW? I went to prison with a bachelors in pot, and came out with a PhD in Cocaine?

The only solution I see, and it is not popular.....is to reform programs like SSI, tax code, and other Gov't programs that monetarily reward the parents of children with behavioral problems. Also, there should be no tax rebates for having children. Your children should not be a source of income.

I would favor a flat sales tax, not a VAT, because I think the tax should be flat, fair, and easy for everyone to see how much they pay. Get rid of the income tax, necessities like food, utilities, and such would be tax free.....but anything else you buy would have a tax. Everyone would have some skin in the game (like B.O. said needs to happen) and there would be no more class warfare. The rich would get taxed more, no loop holes, and everyone would be an integral part of society.
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Old 08-10-2011, 03:48 PM   #13
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ok you liberals ... the point is NOT that Bush started NCLB. The article points out that NOBama and the liberals want to lower standards rather than fix the problem.
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Old 08-10-2011, 05:45 PM   #14
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Very well said disilene. I agree 100%. Thanks for coming over here and I hope you will stick around.
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Old 08-10-2011, 06:26 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by satexasguy View Post
ok you liberals ... the point is NOT that Bush started NCLB. The article points out that NOBama and the liberals want to lower standards rather than fix the problem.
Wow. That is so not what the article says.
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