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Old 07-28-2011, 07:21 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by Old-farT View Post
Sorry, I'm gonna quit now! I can't stand the bitch-slaps anymore and it's embarrassing for me to be slapped-down in front of everybody. I admit I'm a pussy. I gotta go NOW, I just saw a hot gay man go into the airport men's room!

OK.....are you going to continue following me around the board and being a groupie? Are you going to continue to respond to my posts which are not directed to you? Are you going to continue making impotent accusations?
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Old 07-30-2011, 10:50 AM   #17
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Originally Posted by Old-T View Post
ACP, don't you realize such heracy is NOT allowed on here? It is blatantly illegal to use logic in discussions with Marshall since he is clearly challenged in that area.

A little simple research would have shown him that the Federal budget has bigger ticket items than the state governments, but that is far too simple. More importantly, it doesn't support the RWW agenda of people who wish to rant and howl at the moon.

The surest sign of an extremist of any ilk is to hear them state an unequivical fact (such as "federal taxes > state taxes") and then say, "See, it proves god is on MY side and those who disagree are evil!", even when there is no logical connection--just as in Marshall's OP.

Then when their illogic is pointed out they come back with another logical non-sequitor. Just watch, I bet Old M will do just that here, won't you?

Go wrap yourself in your States Rights Stars & Bars M, your ideas are indeed a century and a half stale. Folks like you almost make me wish we let the south leave.
Well I am sorry. I don't know this Marshall, I was just trying to honestly respond to his post.
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Old 07-31-2011, 11:42 PM   #18
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I must admit, I haven't read each post on this thread. However, I will attempt to answer your simple, yet relevant, question.

In essence, federal income taxes are higher than state income taxes because the federal budget is so much larger than any one state budget.

After all, the federal government pays for all branches of the military. When I was in college, that amounted to billions of dollars a week.

Plus, in the advent of No Child Left Behind, the federal government plays a larger role in our nation's school systems.

I'm not bashing government. I merely trying to point out to you how large the federal budget is in comparison with the state budgets.
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Old 08-01-2011, 07:24 AM   #19
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Originally Posted by JohnnyG1977 View Post
I must admit, I haven't read each post on this thread. However, I will attempt to answer your simple, yet relevant, question.

In essence, federal income taxes are higher than state income taxes because the federal budget is so much larger than any one state budget.

After all, the federal government pays for all branches of the military. When I was in college, that amounted to billions of dollars a week.

Plus, in the advent of No Child Left Behind, the federal government plays a larger role in our nation's school systems.

I'm not bashing government. I merely trying to point out to you how large the federal budget is in comparison with the state budgets.
Yes, but enumerated powers and federalism.......what would happen if people could easily flee somewhere else to avoid all this unconstitutional liberal spending and taxing?.....Everybody would flee to conservative territory.......the only people who would stay in liberal territory would be those who were getting free goodies....soon, liberal areas would be bankrupt and have to implement conservative policies........
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Old 08-04-2011, 08:02 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by Marshall View Post
Yes, but enumerated powers and federalism.......what would happen if people could easily flee somewhere else to avoid all this unconstitutional liberal spending and taxing?.....Everybody would flee to conservative territory.......the only people who would stay in liberal territory would be those who were getting free goodies....soon, liberal areas would be bankrupt and have to implement conservative policies........
I say you are wrong.

How do you respond to that?

Hello? Hello?

Time goes slowly but carries on
And now the best threads have come and gone
You took me by surprise
I didn't realize that you were laughing

Laughing - the things you're doin' to me?
Laughing – so hard that I think I peed
You took away everything I had?
You put the hurt on me?

Laughing - ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha
Laughing - ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha
Laughing - well, you're laughin' at me
Laughing - well, you're laughin' at me
Laughing - oh, what you're doin' to me, girl
Laughing - I'm a-posting, you're laughin'
Laughing - I'm a-bitchin', you're laughin'
Laughing - you're a-lookin' in, I'm a-laughin'
Laughing - laughin' with me
Laughing - ah, but you're a-laughin', baby

With slight apologies to Randy Bachman and Burton Cummings

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Old 08-05-2011, 12:17 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by Munchmasterman View Post
I say you are wrong.

How do you respond to that?

Hello? Hello?

Time goes slowly but carries on
And now the best threads have come and gone
You took me by surprise
I didn't realize that you were laughing

Laughing - the things you're doin' to me?
Laughing – so hard that I think I peed
You took away everything I had?
You put the hurt on me?

Laughing - ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha
Laughing - ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha
Laughing - well, you're laughin' at me
Laughing - well, you're laughin' at me
Laughing - oh, what you're doin' to me, girl
Laughing - I'm a-posting, you're laughin'
Laughing - I'm a-bitchin', you're laughin'
Laughing - you're a-lookin' in, I'm a-laughin'
Laughing - laughin' with me
Laughing - ah, but you're a-laughin', baby

With slight apologies to Randy Bachman and Burton Cummings

In the immortal words of Bush "Mission Accomplished".
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Old 08-06-2011, 08:23 AM   #22
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Originally Posted by Sa_artman View Post
In the immortal words of Bush "Mission Accomplished".
Not that it applies in scale or scope, this is like the Red Baron being shot down by a rifle round from the ground………..or being shot down by Snoopy!
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Old 08-06-2011, 03:43 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by Marshall View Post
because it's easier to move from one state to another than to move from the US to another country...........
Because certain "progressive" elements are trying to implement government control over the economy.

Eventually the only economy left will be the centrally planned economy where the government (in the name of the "people") own everything, and all persons doing work -- do so for the government (in the name of the "people").

Sounds like Communism to me, and last I checked that has FAILED every time it has been tried. And so let me be clear. Communists are not my friend. (Yeah, how 80's of me, right?)
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Old 08-06-2011, 03:49 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by Sa_artman View Post
In the immortal words of Bush "Mission Accomplished".
I don't necessarily like doing back to back posts....but need I have to remind you that the "Mission Accomplished" banner had NOTHING to do with George W. Bush being present!

Let me educate the possibly uneducated on certain things which are military, having spent a long time in the military, I consider myself well acquainted with the customs, unlike most of the left-wingers who throw that banner around.

The AIRCRAFT CARRIER completed it's assigned mission, many months late because they were on station when the war broke out. They spent several extra months away from wives, girlfriends, and children.

In military parlance it's not uncommon to have a "Mission Accomplished" banner, a celebration for the troops , and sometimes their families too. If I recall Anheuser-Busch even created hundreds of thousands of "Mission Accomplished" coins in celebration of the end of the ground war. They had the emblems of all of the services on it. It was pretty cool for a freebie. USAA did something too (and I wished I were in my office to look at my coin rack).

Anyway....I wished people would just put that one to rest, ok, so many people still foam at the mouth at mere mention of Bush, but this is one that you can't pin on him.
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Old 08-09-2011, 09:07 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by Whirlaway View Post
A simpleton's wrong answer ACP ......The correct answer is the GDP of the US was $14.3 trillion in 2010; while the average for the 50 states is 1/50th....thus the US tax rate should be signficantly lower because the federal government taxes the total GDP; while the individual states must tax only the GDP within their respective state. However, the money grubbing politicans like to spend beyond our means; so they tax beyond our ability to pay. You see, the states (48 of 50) must operate with a balanced budget, but the Federal politicians do not ! They can spend without consequence. Well at least for a time being, untill the world creditors hit us over the head with their club !

Don't be fooled. We will lose our AAA credit rating, if a balanced budget ammendment isn't passed.

Your dumbness is excused because you are a liberal and illiterate on economic issues.
Well foregive me for being Liberal and Dumb. Iam not an economist by anymeans. I have very limited political knowledge as well. Lot of Propellerheads on this board, and I have to admitt, I learn something new almost every time I log on.
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