I want to hear your stories. I'll prime the pump but you bastards and bitches ought to kick in with your own or I'll be pissed.....
I was 16 and had a good friend a couple of years younger. I was a Junior, he was a Freshman in High School. We had been friends for six years at that point.
He was smooth and was playing a lot of stink finger and I was jealous.
I was not smooth and was

at his adventures.
As it turned out, I went to the Junior High to go see him after my classes were done (they went 7-9 and HS was 10-12) while he was in PhyEd.
They had a semi-coed PhysEd with the guys doing dodge ball on one side and the girls doing some bullshit on the other side of the basketball gym.
I owned a '62 Chevy Impala so I had some street cred at the time.
This girl, let's call her Pam, saw me while I was talking to my buddy. She was in 9th grade and 14. She decided to tell my friend that she wanted to have sex with me and that we should meet at her babysitting house because she babysat often and the mom/dad combo would often stay out late. We had never met before.
My buddy and I drove to her street where she was babysitting. We parked and he stayed in the car. I guess neither of us expected this to last very long.
I approached the back door and knocked quietly. It was dark and there was no noise in our suburban environment other than the mosquitoes flying about on a dark spring evening.
Pam came to the door and immediately told me that I could not come in. The parents had for a rare time not told her when they would come home. She explained to me that she wanted to fuck me but that the timing wasn't right.
At that point, I stuck out my hand to shake her's. I introduced myself by my first name because up to this point, we had not been introduced formally or otherwise.
Pam took my hand, I leaned in for a kiss on her cheek and said we should get together under better circumstances. Pam agreed.
I walked away from the back porch towards my car in a walk of shame. I had spent less than five minutes away while my buddy waited for me.
He laughed at me when I got to the car and we drove to his girlfriend's house who was with her friend... now this is really pathetic... her friend was someone I had known on my block for five years and I can no longer remember her name.... wow. I think it was Kathy.
Anyway, as we sat in Mary's basement while my buddy held her hand and they laughed at my premature no-coitus, Kathy said to me that she was also a virgin and wondered what it would be like to have sex.
Mary and my buddy encouraged us to go in a back room and "do it".
Kathy and I went to the back room, removed our clothing, and had intercourse. There was not much of anything else. She was 14, I was 16 and neither of us knew shit. I probably came in about 3 minutes without a condom.
In the space of about 30 minutes, I went from expecting to screw Pam to ending up squirting into Kathy.
It was a very odd night...............