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Old 08-06-2011, 09:25 PM   #1
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Default How did you lose your virginity?

I want to hear your stories. I'll prime the pump but you bastards and bitches ought to kick in with your own or I'll be pissed.....

I was 16 and had a good friend a couple of years younger. I was a Junior, he was a Freshman in High School. We had been friends for six years at that point.

He was smooth and was playing a lot of stink finger and I was jealous.

I was not smooth and was at his adventures.

As it turned out, I went to the Junior High to go see him after my classes were done (they went 7-9 and HS was 10-12) while he was in PhyEd.

They had a semi-coed PhysEd with the guys doing dodge ball on one side and the girls doing some bullshit on the other side of the basketball gym.

I owned a '62 Chevy Impala so I had some street cred at the time.

This girl, let's call her Pam, saw me while I was talking to my buddy. She was in 9th grade and 14. She decided to tell my friend that she wanted to have sex with me and that we should meet at her babysitting house because she babysat often and the mom/dad combo would often stay out late. We had never met before.

My buddy and I drove to her street where she was babysitting. We parked and he stayed in the car. I guess neither of us expected this to last very long.

I approached the back door and knocked quietly. It was dark and there was no noise in our suburban environment other than the mosquitoes flying about on a dark spring evening.

Pam came to the door and immediately told me that I could not come in. The parents had for a rare time not told her when they would come home. She explained to me that she wanted to fuck me but that the timing wasn't right.

At that point, I stuck out my hand to shake her's. I introduced myself by my first name because up to this point, we had not been introduced formally or otherwise.

Pam took my hand, I leaned in for a kiss on her cheek and said we should get together under better circumstances. Pam agreed.

I walked away from the back porch towards my car in a walk of shame. I had spent less than five minutes away while my buddy waited for me.

He laughed at me when I got to the car and we drove to his girlfriend's house who was with her friend... now this is really pathetic... her friend was someone I had known on my block for five years and I can no longer remember her name.... wow. I think it was Kathy.

Anyway, as we sat in Mary's basement while my buddy held her hand and they laughed at my premature no-coitus, Kathy said to me that she was also a virgin and wondered what it would be like to have sex.

Mary and my buddy encouraged us to go in a back room and "do it".

Kathy and I went to the back room, removed our clothing, and had intercourse. There was not much of anything else. She was 14, I was 16 and neither of us knew shit. I probably came in about 3 minutes without a condom.

In the space of about 30 minutes, I went from expecting to screw Pam to ending up squirting into Kathy.

It was a very odd night...............
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Old 08-06-2011, 11:54 PM   #2
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I was almost 18 and it was worthless now that I look back. lol Certainly didnt get any O's till i was in my early 20's. Didnt really know myself till the 30's hit.
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Old 08-07-2011, 12:53 PM   #3
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I was 18 and had just graduated from high school. I was working at a local golf course and a couple buddies that I worked with said they were going to an amusement park friday nite and if I could find a girl to go with I should come along. Not having had a girlfriend the only person I could think to call was a friend that our families had gotten together with since I was a little kid. I knew she had had a couple boyfriends and she was really pretty so I hesitated to call cause I figured she would say no. I was a real geek at the time. I worked up the courage to call her and she said she would love to go. I picked her up and we met my buddies over there. I only expected her to go with me for the fun of the park because as I said, she was an old friend but nothing more had ever transpired. Well she acted like she was my girlfriend from the moment we got to the park. I had to leave a earlier than my buddies cause I had to go to work. I was the sprinkler guy for the golf course and my boss had said I could have the afternoon and evening off but I had to come in by 10 and finish my job. On the way home I told her what I had to do and she asked if she could come along. We got there and as we were riding around in the golf cart in the cool summer breeze I couldn't stop looking at how beautiful she was and how the cool nite air was making her nipples hard. When we got to the back nine which was really secluded she asked if I thought it would be ok if she took her shirt off because she wanted to feel the cool breeze on her body. She had on this flimsey little bra that she was practically falling out of and I was speechless. We rode around for a couple minutes and she asked me if there was someplace we could go because she was really horny. I almost came in my pants right there. I took her back to the maint. center where we had this big old couch in the break room. We did not have any protection so she said oral sex would have to do. She unzipped my pants and gave me a 30 second BBBJ. Thats all it took for me to cum. I then used my hand to bring her to orgasm. I was dumbfounded that this girl I grew up with and swam with all my life could be this beautiful and want me that night. Throughout that summer she visited me 7 or 8 times to ride around with me culminating in sex. We did it in the maint building, the equipment shop, the club house locker room and twice on the green on the back nine covered in mosquito repelent. After the first time I made sure I had condoms with me. She taught me how to give great cunnilingus and I loved doing it every where. That fall she went away to college with her boyfriend and later married an airline pilot. But I will never forget her or the schooling I recieved from her.

I did it more that summer with her than I think I have with my SO in 30 yrs. That probably isn't true but it sure seems like it. Damn, why didn't I try to marry that girl. I fly airplanes! lol
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Old 08-07-2011, 02:13 PM   #4
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I was 12 years old and she was 16.
I know I know, bullshit.
We were in her barn and I was tossing small pebbles at her. One went down her shirt and she told me to go get it.
I put my hand down her shirt and felt her nipple. I didn’t know it was for some time but kind of had it in my head that it was when feeling it.
She kissed me and pretty much licked the outside of my face, I had no idea how to kiss let alone how to fuck. She looked at me like she was shocked that I wasn’t into it. I just had no idea how to French kiss.
I kept playing big man asking her if she wanted to go to her room. Like I knew how to fuck. Walked her to the door of her house which was across the street and kept asking her. I was glad she was saying no and then she took my hand and said alright.

I was tripping on stuff in the hallway going to her room, my mouth was dry and I was nervous as hell.

She took off her clothes and I laid next to her. All she did was brush up against my balls and dick and I was hard. She laid on her back and looked at me. (My face is red just typing this)
I mounted her and rubbed my dick on her leg. OMFG.
That did it.
We did it right in her barn a week later. and then she told Lisa, Lisa told her brother Frank and it got to her parents somehow.
We weren’t allowed to see each other for a month.
Connie was my first and I can never ever forget.
I did look her up and found her. I just never contacted her.
If you watch the mentalist the main girl on there has the exact mouth. I can never forget that mouth trying to eat me lol
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Old 08-08-2011, 06:18 AM   #5
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At the risk of embarrassing myself, I'll tell the tale.....

I was somewhat of an early bloomer mentally and physically which resulted in me being skipped forward 2 grades in grade school, but since I matured physically as well, I was not noticably out of place as a 14 y/o junior.

In what is a bit cliche, I was a captain on the hoops team and the captain of the cheerleading squad was an 18 y/o senior girl who was interested in me. I was interested in her as well, but did not make a move as I was somewhat shy about being so much younger and I knew that her last boyfriend was actually a classmate of my older brother's and was 22. Well, we flirted for awhile at school and on the game bus coming back from away games. Then one day, she asked me why I had not asked her out on a date, and I sheepishly told her that I had no car and no license. She wondered why and I when I told her I was only 14, she almost passed out. She got over it and decided that we had come far enough to keep going. She asked me out and the romance progressed.

It was moving rapidly to the big night. Again, I was a bit hesitant as I was a virgin and I knew that she was not. Knowing her prior 22 y/ experienced BF, I was pretty damned scared of the comparison. We had our chance as her parents were to be gone for a weekend, so we had the house to ourselves. There we were in bed ..... and ..... nothing! With the pressure of the first time with an experienced girl in her parents bed, I had all these things floating around in my head -- performance anxiety. We could not get a condom on. Pretty humiliating at the time. I did not think I could ever try again at that point. (Interestingly, some psychological harm may have occurred as I have always had some performance anxiety the first time with a new lady ever since. Hopefully none of the ladies on here will expound too much on that , thank you very much!).

Then about a week later , I was with my gf again and wondering if I blew my only chance. She drove me home and we were on our enclosed back porch at my house with my parents no doubt awake inside waiting for me to get home. I asked her when she thought we could try again, and she reached down and grabbed my crotch right there. With no time to fret, there was no problem getting hard this time. She said "how about right now?" She unzipped me, dropped her pants, bent over the table and we screwed right there on the porch in a standing position. I will never forget that or her.

After that, the anxiety issues were gone (at least when I was with her), and we dated for another year. It was great ,being in high school, having a girl who was in her own apartment with a car and job. we had all sorts of opportunities to explore that I never would have had otherwise if I was dating schoolgirls. Eventually we realized that I was moving on with many years of school/training and she wanted to settle down, so we parted ways. The memories, however, live on......
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Old 08-08-2011, 11:35 AM   #6
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I hit puberty extremely early, I was a C cup by 11 DD by 13. I loved the attention from boys of all ages, no one could ever guess my age. The first time I was ever in a bar I was 13 in VA Beach with a friend that was 15. Both of us girls were very well developed and grew up wealthy so we were well dressed and walked in like we owned it. We had a thing for Navy boys which were all over there so we were on a mission to get drunk on Navy boy tabs and make out and tease. That night her and I had our first DATY and gave our first BJs to these really hot Navy guys on the beach that had no clue how old we were haha. I'm actually still really good friends with Jason(the Navy boy) who was so mad at me when he found out how old I was haha.
I waited to lose my actual virginity until I was 18. At 17 when I went to college I moved into an apt in a house that was divided into 2 apt. The other apt was a guy named Dustin who also went to my college and bartended, he got me an under the table job DJing where he worked. We started going on dates a week after I moved in haha.We were instantly BF&GF and spent crazy amounts of time together.
Well on my 18th birthday when I came home from a study group he had my apt dim with candles, roses all over, rose petals, had Frank Sinatra playing, had chilled red wine, cooked a huge Italian dinner, baked me a cake, and gave me diamond Tiffany ear rings. After cake while we were cuddling on my sofa drinking wine I told him I wanted him, he asked me if I was sure I was ready and started kissing me all over. We made love on the sofa in the candlelight, it was so amazing, just thinking about it right now has me squirming.
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