Rockaway Dunkin’ Donuts Worker Accused Of Selling Sex During Late Night Shifts
August 2, 2011 2:58 PM
Dunkin’ Donuts – Rockaway, NJ – Aug 2, 2011 (credit: Levon Putney / WCBS 880)
Levon Putney
ROCKAWAY, NJ (WCBS 880) - Ordering “extra sugar” at the Dunkin’ Donuts along Route 46 in Rockaway Township apparently got you more than just a sweet cup of coffee.
WCBS 880′s Levon Putney In New Jersey
Police say 29-year-old Melissa Redmond, of nearby Mine Hill, was arrested for
selling sex while working late night shifts at the store after soliciting sex from a undercover officer.
Police Det. Sgt. Kyle Schwarzmann said Redmond would go out to cars in the parking lot and spend 15 to 20 minutes in the vehicles.
“Whatever sexual act you want, there was a price for it,” says Schwarzmann.
Local residents were relieved the operation was put to an end.
“It’s good they caught her. I mean, that’s horrible. You doing things like this and then you’re going inside serving the people,” says regular customer Al, one of many in stopping by in disbelief.