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Old 07-31-2011, 01:57 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by NormalBob View Post
You must know the answer to the first question better than the Gents.

On the second, some providers don't mention it perhaps because it pops the myth. I think by and large, I've been with very few married providers (or in a SO relationship), very few. A couple of them told me. A couple of them it was just apparent. Many perhaps have me totally fooled.

I'd just as soon know but it isn't any of my business.

I don't think it should make any sort of difference whether a Lady is married or not or if she chooses to lie about it or not when asked. I think that as long as a Lady is a good and safe provider that is all that matters.
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Old 07-31-2011, 02:09 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by Lexxxy View Post

I don't think it should make any sort of difference whether a Lady is married or not or if she chooses to lie about it or not when asked. I think that as long as a Lady is a good and safe provider that is all that matters.
I'm confused because less than an hour ago, it sounded as though you thought it mattered, "Do some Gents not know that the vast majority of us are married?"

This may be like arguing with a wife though so I'll just say, "Yes dear." and go take out the trash.

FWIW, if you had a Jessica Rabbit outfit, I'd probably fall in love with you and your SO.

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Old 07-31-2011, 02:16 PM   #18
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The way I play. Yes it matters if one has a SO or not. You all can be thankful I'm old school, and a dieing breed. But if you get that red dress. See NB first I would pull a Billy Clinton and stain it. I would be kinda sorry mmmm about as much as Billy

edit but if just seeing for a round or two. What to I care if some one other is paying for the upkeep.
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Old 07-31-2011, 03:24 PM   #19
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Default I learned a new word today - Docking

Originally Posted by mwebber View Post
Careful? I think you misunderstand. The provider was a TS named Herman. "She" was brazilian with 8" uncut. We did this thing called "Docking." What a connection!!!
I kid, I kid.
No worries here. I just came across an experience that was simply unexpected and fantastically satisfying. The provider is a few hundred miles away so there's a natural barrier in place from any emotions becoming "dangerous." It was a very pleasant surprise from my usual hobby dates.
I just looked up the meaning of Docking. I had never heard that word before and never thought that could be physically done.

I have been with a few very beautiful and exciting transsexuals over the years , and tried some different things, but that may be a little too much for me
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Old 07-31-2011, 03:57 PM   #20
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dockingpresent participle of dock (Verb)

1. (of a ship) Tie up at a dock, esp. in order to load or unload passengers or cargo.
2. Bring (a ship or boat) into such a place.

Urban Dictionary: docking

www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=docking - CachedSimilar
The act of placing the head of ones penis inside the foreskin of another's penis.

mmmmmm I think I well stick to female ports of call for my dingy.

Dingy | Define Dingy at Dictionary.com

dictionary.reference.com/browse/dingy - CachedSimilar
of a dark, dull, or dirty color or aspect; lacking brightness or freshness. 2. shabby; dismal. Dingy Find Dingies at Great Prices. www.pronto.com ...

Dingy - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/dingy - CachedSimilar
He's been staying in a dingy motel. <the bed sheets were pretty dingy so we threw them in the laundry pile>. Origin of DINGY. origin unknown ...

dingy | eBay

shop.ebay.com/i.html?_nkw=dingy - Cached
eBay: dingy. ... Related Searches: dinghy, inflatable boat, dingy boat, small boat, inflatable dingy, row boat, tender, raft, mercury dingy ...

dingy - definition of dingy by the Free Online Dictionary ...

www.thefreedictionary.com/dingy - CachedSimilar
din·gy 1 (d n j ). adj. din·gi·er, din·gi·est. 1. Darkened with smoke and grime; dirty or discolored. 2. Shabby, drab, or squalid. ...

mmmm dingy I'm using as per ebay. Latter I will make a call and see if the the port of hunter has a open slip.

slip 1 (slp)v. slipped, slip·ping, slips
v.intr.1. a. To move smoothly, easily, and quietly: slipped into bed.
b. To move stealthily; steal.

2. To pass gradually, easily, or imperceptibly: "It is necessary to write, if the days are not to slip emptily by" (Vita Sackville-West).
3. a. To slide involuntarily and lose one's balance or foothold. See Synonyms at slide.
b. To slide out of place; shift position: The gear slipped.

4. To escape, as from a grasp, fastening, or restraint: slipped away from his pursuers.
5. To decline from a former or standard level; fall off.
6. To fall behind a scheduled production rate.
7. To fall into fault or error. Often used with up.

v.tr.1. To cause to move in a smooth, easy, or sliding motion: slipped the bolt into place.
2. To place or insert smoothly and quietly.
3. To put on or remove (clothing) easily or quickly: slip on a sweater; slipped off her shoes.
4. To get loose or free from; elude.
5. To give birth to prematurely. Used of animals.
6. To unleash or free (a dog or hawk) to pursue game.
7. To release, loose, or unfasten: slip a knot.
8. To dislocate (a bone).
9. To pass (a knitting stitch) from one needle to another without knitting it.

n.1. The act or an instance of slipping or sliding.
2. An accident or mishap, especially a falling down.
3. a. An error in conduct or thinking; a mistake.
b. A slight error or oversight, as in speech or writing: a slip of the tongue.

4. Nautical a. A docking place for a ship between two piers.
b. A slipway.

5. Nautical The difference between a vessel's actual speed through water and the speed at which the vessel would move if the screw were propelling against a solid.
6. a. A woman's undergarment of dress length with shoulder straps.
b. A half-slip.

7. A pillowcase.
8. Geology a. A smooth crack at which rock strata have moved on each other.
b. A small fault.
c. The relative displacement of formerly adjacent points on opposite sides of a fault.

9. The difference between optimal and actual output in a mechanical device.
10. Movement between two parts where none should exist, as between a pulley and a belt.
11. A sideways movement of an airplane when banked too far.

And if that port has a open slip. Slip right in and do some docking.

without the use of port that is. And unload some passengers.
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Old 07-31-2011, 04:56 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by NormalBob View Post
FWIW, if you had a Jessica Rabbit outfit, I'd probably fall in love with you and your SO.
You could always buy her one. That's what I'd do lol. As for sessions, I like both. Sometimes I want to make a deeper connection with a provider. Other times I'm just looking for a quick bj (my first couple hobbying experiences way back in 2007 were like this). Lately though I've experienced more of the former, which is fine by me.
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Old 07-31-2011, 07:24 PM   #22
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I think that provider/client "romance-type" relationships happen far more often than many people would realize. That being said, I also think that the vast majority of them end very badly, and I think it's fair to question whether one or both of the parties were genuinely sincere in forming the relationship in the first place.

The reality, I feel, is that it's more likely to be a bad idea than a good one, and that the usual dynamics of the client/provider encounter militates against the validity of any such relationship. But still, for one reason or another, they do seem to continue to occur fairly regularly.
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Old 07-31-2011, 09:26 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by Jon Colden View Post
I think that provider/client "romance-type" relationships happen far more often than many people would realize. That being said, I also think that the vast majority of them end very badly, and I think it's fair to question whether one or both of the parties were genuinely sincere in forming the relationship in the first place.

The reality, I feel, is that it's more likely to be a bad idea than a good one, and that the usual dynamics of the client/provider encounter militates against the validity of any such relationship. But still, for one reason or another, they do seem to continue to occur fairly regularly.
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Old 08-01-2011, 11:04 AM   #24
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Ooooh off topic BUT it was brought to my attention that my post sounded like I only participate in CBJ, that isn't the case *Blushing* I thoroughly enjoy BBBJ I was just using CBJ as an example. I would say read all of my reviews but on this site I only I had 6 reviews(by choice) THEN a Gent I saw regularly went UTR so 4 of my reviews explaining my BBBJ skills were removed :P
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Old 08-01-2011, 04:30 PM   #25
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Default I totally agree with your post

Originally Posted by Jon Colden View Post
I think that provider/client "romance-type" relationships happen far more often than many people would realize. That being said, I also think that the vast majority of them end very badly, and I think it's fair to question whether one or both of the parties were genuinely sincere in forming the relationship in the first place.

The reality, I feel, is that it's more likely to be a bad idea than a good one, and that the usual dynamics of the client/provider encounter militates against the validity of any such relationship. But still, for one reason or another, they do seem to continue to occur fairly regularly.
Excellent comment and I agree 100 % with you. This has happened to me twice and I was a fool and now realize what a huge mistake it was. I read a lot more into the acting job the provider showed , and even though I knew that I was being used, I guess that I just needed to be needed.
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