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Old 07-29-2011, 01:06 PM   #16
ben dover
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Ok i'm a photographer and have done a few providers photos. I never photoshop anything in or out except for maybe a blemish that will be gone in a day or two anyway or blur the face. If the self pics actually show something ...then OK but most are shots of the middle of their stomach done in a dirty mirror with the flash reflection being the focal point of the shot. In my opinion the ladies should have at least some semi pro shots done, no or limited editing.

Now as far as websites.... if you have no site and wont answer questions about rates on the phone or email and don't want detailed reviews...how exactly should we know if you're the one we're looking for. A site doesn't have to be expensive to just get the point across. I have done a few sites also over the years and a decent 5 page site with some general info, a few decent photos will get the job done. If a lady has no site i'll usually pass unless she has steller reviews that are consistent and that's a whole 'nother thread. Also a website shows some attempt at being professional. Afterall anyone with a couple bucks can post an ad on BP.....BD
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Old 07-29-2011, 01:20 PM   #17
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Sometimes a particular photo will make something go "click", one of the ladies I photographed told me that the day one particular shot was posted she booked (what seemed to me) to be an amazing amount of new business. But the shot was very specific to a particular niche market she serves, and was presented specifically as digitally manipulated art rather than a representation of reality. What the heck, here is the link to the image in question: http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=142818

While I only do it as a hobby, it's gratifying to read over and over again that "she looks exactly like her pictures".

Every thread like this assumes there are either grainy, underexposed cell pictures or over edited, airbrushed, expensive "glamor shots" with nothing in between. Neither of these is any more representative of the lady than the other, dark, grainy, orange photos can hide every bit as much as those hit with too much photoshop. Maybe more even, how often can you tell what color a lady's eyes are in a cell phone shot?

Look to the middle ground, if it is well lit, low noise, and in focus, it works! Don't break the bank on very expensive photos because you have to continually get new ones done, but some economically done pro quality shots every once in a while don't hurt.
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Old 07-29-2011, 01:23 PM   #18
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Old 07-29-2011, 02:12 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by exoticentyce View Post
As I prepare to invest more money into myself within this industry, I have to ask... is image everything??

Do you guys really pay more (money or attention) to the girls with the high quality glamour shots and super upscale websites than the girls who host websites on escortsite.com or any other variation and have self shot photos?

Does the investment in high quality presentation make a difference when it comes down to getting dirty (or deciding who to get dirty with)?
Not for me. Nice to look at, but not what would make or break my interest.
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Old 07-29-2011, 04:59 PM   #20
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I've been shooting [photographic] providers for a while now... What I find that people want from an image is realism. They want the girl they meet to be the girl in the pictures. I do my best to make the ladies I shoot look good... but I don't retouch their images in a way that makes them look unlike themselves.

Having said that, the key to a good provider image is in customer service, customer satisfaction and customer appreciation. Those three things will make or break your reputation. If you have those "toothpaste stained bathroom mirror pictures of yourself" and score high marks in the 3C's, then it doesn't matter so much. If you have top of the line, magazine quality, high profile photos where everything is lifted, tucked, smoothed and saturated and a high end web site... but do poorly in the 3C's... you probably won't get many repeats.

Look good in person, be attentive and give a good experience for your client and give incentive for your client to return to you and you won't have a problem with your image no matter what your site looks like.

One thing I will add about crafting your own image... be mindful. Some ladies I see taking pictures of themselves just wake up, roll out of bed and take a snapshot with their pocket camera or cell phone. They're not mindful of their appearance, their background in the image or even distracting elements in the image. One lady I knew was mindful... she took all of her images herself. Spent time on the weekends researching how she wanted her images to look, took time getting her hair, nails, wardrobe and accessories together. Then she planned out the shoot using her camera's timer and propping the camera up on different items until she got the look she wanted. Then edited her own images.

Although it may have taken her half a day to get what she wanted done, she had something unique and different and people longed to emulate her.
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Old 07-29-2011, 05:47 PM   #21
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Doesn't matter to me......

I kinda like the bathroom pics though........
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Old 07-29-2011, 06:18 PM   #22
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It depends on your target market and their preconceptions about how their ideal lady presents herself. Personally, I've found that if I want to attract clients who are happy to pay higher rates, then having a well-designed website and high quality photos are almost essential. It's what most of them expect. I want my site and photos to look highly professional anyway, so it's win-win for me.

However, if your rates are more in line with the average for your area, I don't think it makes much difference, as long as all the info clients need can be easily found on your site, and your photos actually look like you.

Regardless, I agree photos shouldn't be so retouched they're misleading, unless you actually WANT to be a bait and switch.
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Old 07-29-2011, 08:05 PM   #23
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Many men get a good laugh out of the over hyped, over glamorized, and over PhotoShopped ads that many Ladies run. Many are simply absurd.
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Old 07-29-2011, 08:10 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by exoticentyce View Post
As I prepare to invest more money into myself within this industry, I have to ask... is image everything??

Do you guys really pay more (money or attention) to the girls with the high quality glamour shots and super upscale websites than the girls who host websites on escortsite.com or any other variation and have self shot photos?

Does the investment in high quality presentation make a difference when it comes down to getting dirty (or deciding who to get dirty with)?
If their rates are double the norm... NFW!!! Glamour shots are suspect! If this investment is to promote higher rates, don't bother. Some providers are of the opinion their rates should be set based on what makes them comfortable and what meets their financial needs. Some out there call this GPS! Clear, tasteful pictures with FAIR going rates will keep the phone ringing off the hook!
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Old 07-29-2011, 08:57 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by Still Looking View Post
Some providers are of the opinion their rates should be set based on what makes them comfortable and what meets their financial needs. Some out there call this GPS!
Considering you just used my wording, word for word, it's hard not to take this as a personal jab. Say it ain't so.
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Old 07-29-2011, 09:16 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by Carrie Hillcrest View Post
Considering you just used my wording, word for word, it's hard not to take this as a personal jab. Say it ain't so.

OK It Ain't so! Are you singling me out because of my thread about provider’s rates? A PM would have worked nicely! I'm not sure what you said, but I bet it’s been said before.
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Old 07-29-2011, 10:21 PM   #27
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There are many ways to "market" yourself...I do it just by being myself my pics are basic but professional. My next photoshoot I want outdoor playful pictures. I want something than what other ladies have posted but that is just me and I have no website despite what a certain person says (no he hasn't posted on this thread either). just be real and yourself and you will be ok....
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Old 07-29-2011, 10:32 PM   #28
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In my opinion you do not have to spend alot to create a professional appearance for your brand.

I spent $120 tops on my site and its paid off tenfold. There is nothing better than a simple and well laid out website to get a person interested in getting to know you better. I strive to make sure that my website and other networking tools reflect my warm personality and my occasionally naughty demeanor. Then again I am not asking for the moon when it comes to my rates, so I think the image I project gives my brand more value to the price I request.

When looking to upgrade your site don't worry about the best way to get the $$$ guys, figure out how to best present yourself and what you are willing to bring to the table. That matters so much more than any fancy layout.

If you network you can get alot of overhead things for free or close to it. I can't remember the last time I actually paid a photographer for pictures! I either do TFCD with some great photogs for my pics or take them myself.

It's not about how much money you spend, but where you spend it.
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Old 07-29-2011, 10:37 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by Irish Vixen View Post
There are many ways to "market" yourself...I do it just by being myself my pics are basic but professional. My next photoshoot I want outdoor playful pictures. I want something than what other ladies have posted but that is just me and I have no website despite what a certain person says (no he hasn't posted on this thread either). just be real and yourself and you will be ok....
$$.25 per hour and you get CLASS, Kindness, Beauty and Sophistication! What a bargain! Where is the end of the line???

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Old 07-29-2011, 10:39 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by SkylarCruzWantsYou View Post
In my opinion you do not have to spend alot to create a professional appearance for your brand.

I spent $120 tops on my site and its paid off tenfold. There is nothing better than a simple and well laid out website to get a person interested in getting to know you better. I strive to make sure that my website and other networking tools reflect my warm personality and my occasionally naughty demeanor. Then again I am not asking for the moon when it comes to my rates, so I think the image I project gives my brand more value to the price I request.

When looking to upgrade your site don't worry about the best way to get the $$$ guys, figure out how to best present yourself and what you are willing to bring to the table. That matters so much more than any fancy layout.

If you network you can get alot of overhead things for free or close to it. I can't remember the last time I actually paid a photographer for pictures! I either do TFCD with some great photogs for my pics or take them myself.

It's not about how much money you spend, but where you spend it.
Words of Wisdom!
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