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Old 07-28-2011, 05:04 AM   #76
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All the entrepreneurs are in Mississippi, West Virginia and Kentucky, apparently.
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Old 07-28-2011, 07:07 AM   #77
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Wellendowed, another post in which you throw out the Hannity/Rush thing...it's a boring stupid retort. At least mix it up and throw in Levine, Ingrham, et al. Show some intelligence fella.....And what is it with "trust me"????? And "people like you" ???.....your posting is just too cliche laden to even respond......No facts, just attacks !....

BTW the last person America should be"trusting" are people who are not independent and have become drunk on the Obama kool aid !

Originally Posted by wellendowed1911 View Post
Whirl I only call things foolish when people like you can't accept that everyone doesn't share you ideas or beliefs- which makes this country great. Whirl if a Republican was in office do you think All America's problems will be gone??? People like Hannity and Rush make you believe that all of America's problems are the result of Democrats. Trust me there were UE, poor, sick people during the Reagan and Bush years or any other years that a Republican was in problem. People like you Whirl think that only Republicans can fix America's problem and that is so naive to believe in such foolishness!.......
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Old 07-28-2011, 07:24 AM   #78
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PigNASuit: I am not suprised that you have such an elitist world view, you are not in touch with mainstream hardworking Americans who want opportunity. Your post just proves my point. California has become so expensive, so regulated, that only the few wealthy can continue to do business there. Keep your piggy head in the sand, while those who can, get out of California, like rats leaving a sinking ship ! But I admit, you are looking at the upside...those few wealthy "entrepernuers" will need housekeepers, security, and pool boys ! No wonder you support illegal immigration ! Your and Obama's vision for America's future is bleak !


Originally Posted by PigNASuit View Post

No entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley in California, right? (PigNASuit Translation: the very privleaged and wealthy) None in New York where Goldman Sacs and all the hedge funds are located, right? Massachusetts Route 128 isn't second to Silicon Valley as headquarters to tech and bio-tech entrepreneurship in the US, right?
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Old 07-28-2011, 08:14 AM   #79
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Default The Hypocrisy Continues.......

The following link actually quotes Obama as saying "We don't need a balanced budget ammendment" . But if that is Obama's position; then he and the Democrats in the Senate can make ammendments to the House bill....but they don't !


Why? Because they don't want a balanced budget ! He certinaly hasn't proposed a balanced budgt !!

The liberal (Obama) wing of the party doesn't want to live within our means. They want a nation indebted to others and dependent on the government . It is their uptopian wet dream !

Originally Posted by wellendowed1911 View Post
.... for the record Obama wants a balanced budget but he doesnt want a budget where corporations and the wealthy don't make sacrifices. I think you are blowing smoke up our asses on this. Please provide a link quoting Obama on this .
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Old 07-28-2011, 08:49 AM   #80
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So only very successful entrepreneurs ("very privileged and wealthy" in your phrase) are located in Democratic States? I guess that makes sense. California breeds Internet startups, Texas breeds burger joints and oil change joints. I wonder which one pays better and provides health insurance for it's employees?
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Old 07-28-2011, 09:13 AM   #81
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California use to be the land of milk and honey. But after 30+ years of Democratic stranglehold, the economy and future is in the dump!

It's future resembles a hollywood script - "Dead Man Walking"

Originally Posted by PignASuit View Post
So only very successful entrepreneurs ("very privileged and wealthy" in your phrase) are located in Democratic States? Never said it...stop spinning in an effort to prop up your distorted world view ! I guess that makes sense. California breeds Internet startups, Texas breeds burger joints and oil change joints. If that's your view of Texas you are welcome to it. But it ain't mine and it certainly isn't fact !. I would love to hear Obama state his economic philosphy so succinct. And things are so bad in California they would be happy to have the economic growth of Texas!

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Old 07-28-2011, 04:47 PM   #82
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And another company fleeing the Democratically mis-manged homestate of BO......where are they thinking of going?


California? Nope
New Jersey? Nope
New York? Nope

Possibly the great low-tax state of Texas. But if not, it will be at one of the other fiscally responible states - Florida, Tennesse.
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Old 07-28-2011, 06:54 PM   #83
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Here are a few reasons why we give OBAMA HELL< and are going to continue, until he is out of office, which is just over a year away.
The fact is he was elected becaues of the color of his skin!!!
So many people who voted for him did not have a CLUE as to what his policy's were about. Most of them still do not
Obama, SWORE if we passed that damn stimulus bill, that unemployment would not go about 8.4, is is just now down from 10!!
HE constatantly runs down the USA, ignores the constitution, and trys to start class war. The fact is 47 % of americans pay NOtax at all now. Where the hell do you think the tax moneycomes from??
We are BROKE!!! California is broke! New York is BROKE! NewJersey is BROKE!!
I just came from a Job fair in Dallas for teachers that have JUST been laid off. The vast majority of them are minority... Think they are going to vote for him again???
They were laid off becaes there is NO TAX MONEY!!!! Why, because 1,9 MILLION less people are working, than when he took office!!!
1.9 mil X $5,000 in taxes would make up quite a bit of difference..

WE are sick of socialism, WE have run out of the other person's money!!
It ddi not work under FDR, it did not work under LBJ, and it has not worked under this IDIOT!!!!

LIE, Scream, RACE BAIT ALL YOU WANT< HIS support is GONE!!!!!

2012 is going to be like REAGAN ALL OVER AGAIN.

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Old 07-28-2011, 07:20 PM   #84
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Originally Posted by chrisman View Post
Here are a few reasons why we give OBAMA HELL< and are going to continue, until he is out of office, which is just over a year away.
The fact is he was elected becaues of the color of his skin!!!
Wow so are you saying all the white people who voted for him turned down their race and voted for the Black guy? Remember Obama would not have won if it were not for the white vote.
So many people who voted for him did not have a CLUE as to what his policy's were about. Most of them still do not
So are you saying they knew what McCain's policy were but they voted for Obama because he was Black? Wow talk about reverse discrimination this is the first time I remember a Black man beating out a white man based on race when the majority of voters are White. You have just insulted the American people by stating Obama won because he was Black- granted he perhaps got 98% of the Black vote- but so has every other Democrat.
Obama, SWORE if we passed that damn stimulus bill, that unemployment would not go about 8.4, is is just now down from 10!!
You sure he swore? Can you give me a link where Obama said I SWEAR the rate will be 8.4% or did he just get his facts wrong? Because using the word "swore" is sort of misleading is it not? did he swear on a stack of Bibles? Didn't George H. Bush say "read my lips no new taxes..." and what happened? Didn't George Dubwah Bush say the Iraq war would be quick and decisive???
HE constatantly runs down the USA, ignores the constitution, and trys to start class war. The fact is 47 % of americans pay NOtax at all now. Where the hell do you think the tax moneycomes from??
The taxmoney come rom the middle class they are the bread basket of America give them a fucking tax break. Also, during Bush years the richest 2% got over a trillion dollars in tax breaks- so if the reak are creating jobs- where are all the jobs from the results of the Bush cuts? In fact Total income was $2.74 trillion less during the eight Bush years than if incomes had stayed at 2000 levels. here's the source: http://www.tax.com/taxcom/taxblog.ns...nk/CHAS-89LPZ9
We are BROKE!!! California is broke! New York is BROKE! NewJersey is BROKE!!
I just came from a Job fair in Dallas for teachers that have JUST been laid off. The vast majority of them are minority... Think they are going to vote for him again???
They will vote for the best candidate which will be Obama- who do you think they will vote for Bachman? Mitt Romney? Honestly the African Americans I know can see through the GOP- they see how Obama is being treated and disrespected and trust me they will be out in masses to support him next November. How many minorities did you see at TEA party rallies?
They were laid off becaes there is NO TAX MONEY!!!! Why, because 1,9 MILLION less people are working, than when he took office!!!
1.9 mil X $5,000 in taxes would make up quite a bit of difference..
So are you saying had McCain won they would still have jobs singing Kumbaya? Whom are you kidding? The education system was in shambles before Obama got in office- in fact majority of the UE figures came under Bush

WE are sick of socialism, WE have run out of the other person's money!!
It ddi not work under FDR, it did not work under LBJ, and it has not worked under this IDIOT!!!!

LIE, Scream, RACE BAIT ALL YOU WANT< HIS support is GONE!!!!!

2012 is going to be like REAGAN ALL OVER AGAIN.

You are an idiot- No more spending??? Reagan spent like a liberal- in fact during Reagan's years he spent more money than all other Presidents before him COMBINED!!! You are truly an idiot if you think Reagan didn't spend- he also raised taxes too- in fact the deficit tripled under Reagan's term: http://mises.org/freemarket_detail.aspx?control=488

I assure you if Reagan woke up from his resting place he wouldn't recognize today's GOP- but get your facts straight buddy.
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Old 07-29-2011, 10:42 AM   #85
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
Who cares if we have the best healthcare if you can not afford it!

Hot damn, you see the NY firefighter's family on Fox today crying about the cost to treat their Firefighter husband medical costs. Insurance would not cover it. We have the best healthcare for only a select few. Those select few benefit from government sponsored research. How fuc'n ironic is that?
Looks like they were treated! What is a life worth? The cost of medical care is very high in this country due to the regulations, insurance reimbursement rates, liability expenses ect....., and the fact that over 30% of the people that are treated never pay anything for the care they receive. They will end up doing what everyone else with a catastrophic event does file for bankruptcy. Just as you have said in one of your other post, people want the service without ever paying for it. People need affordable insurance or catastrophic insurance as a secondary policy, but you cannot make free people take out insurance if they don't want too. Remember the lawsuits around the Obama reform plan being unconstitutional. So if a large percentage does not pay the rest have to make up the difference. No one is ever refused treatment in this country regardless if they can pay or not. Poor people tend to be the biggest abusers of the system, and as the old saying goes "you can't get blood from a turnip", and they have insurance Medicare / Medicaid which reimburses about 30cents on the dollar that it cost to treat them so even if the have insurance it is still a loss. Hospitals tend to operate on the 3% to 4% profit margin name another business that does that. We have had 1 hospital close recently, and another group looking to sell to a group out of FL, because they are losing money so fast. One of the key components to a healthy population is the ratio of population to primary care physicians. All industries in America are suffering. Exercise and eat right that is the only advice I can give you.
Government is not the biggest investor in research as you claim we get most of our funding through private donations, and corporate sponsors.

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Old 07-29-2011, 11:49 AM   #86
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Originally Posted by Doove View Post
Wow, pretty amazing what a total calamity a Democratic Congress can create, in spite of a Republican President, in only a few short months. And they did it without even over-riding one single veto. Impressive.


What's your excuse for the increase from '01 to '03?
(Hadn't revisited this thread in a while) Maybe you might remember the economic uncertainty caused by um, what was it, oh yeah, 9/11????

Liberals, progressives, socialists, and communists scare the poop out of logical thinkers who acknowledge the selfishness of human behavior.
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Old 07-29-2011, 01:20 PM   #87
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Originally Posted by wellendowed1911 View Post
. . . Do you know where U.S is ranked among health care: 37th in the world:
http://healthpolicyandreform.nejm.org/?p=2610 . . . .
Uh, dude, did you read your own link? The link states that your "source" is questionable. Which makes sense considering that international health standards could include such esoteric crap as "lives saved from rebel warfare" depending on which dictatorships' data the compiling statisticians were paid to use. Obviously, you wouldn't use a link that didn't like your position, but at least the link is honest enough to admit the statistical flaws, unlike your post.

Also, as you actually believe that US healthcare is so mediocre, I'm sure you have catastrophic contingency plans set up in Havana, right?
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Old 07-29-2011, 02:02 PM   #88
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Originally Posted by Gladman View Post
Uh, dude, did you read your own link? The link states that your "source" is questionable. Which makes sense considering that international health standards could include such esoteric crap as "lives saved from rebel warfare" depending on which dictatorships' data the compiling statisticians were paid to use. Obviously, you wouldn't use a link that didn't like your position, but at least the link is honest enough to admit the statistical flaws, unlike your post.

Also, as you actually believe that US healthcare is so mediocre, I'm sure you have catastrophic contingency plans set up in Havana, right?
Dude do you need me to post other sources- CDC had them ranked low- yes based on our wealth and technology we don't have a great health care system. Do you have any idea what the U.S infant mortality rate is compared to other industrialized nations? It's nothing to shout about!

When we have nearly 50 million Americans uninsured do you call that great health care? And I work in the Health care industry so I know what I am talking about.
Here's a quote from that article that shows in the U.S we don't get a good bang for the buck in Health Care:
First, in terms of cost, The US spends more on healthcare than any other country in the World. In 2005, we spent $6,401 on healthcare per person per year, while the average for developed countries is around $2,922. We also spend the highest percentage of our Gross Domestic Product (GDP) on healthcare (15.3%) than any other developed country (median spending for those centuries is only 9.1%). What that basically means is for every dollar spent in the US, 15.3 cents go to healthcare

Now can you show me just ONE source that list the U.S in the top 3- heck show me one source that list the U.S in the TOP 10 worldwide in Health Care!!!!
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Old 07-29-2011, 03:17 PM   #89
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Originally Posted by Gladman View Post
(Hadn't revisited this thread in a while) Maybe you might remember the economic uncertainty caused by um, what was it, oh yeah, 9/11????
So let me guess:

For the increase in the unemployment rate from Jan '01 to Sept '01, you'll blame Clinton.

For the increase in the unemployment rate from Sept '01 to Sept '03, you'll blame Osama Bin Laden.

For the increase in the unemployment rate from Mar '07 to Jan '09, you'll blame the Democratic House.

And for the 3-1/2 years of his Presidency where the unemployment rate trended down, all Bush!

Do i got it about right?
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Old 07-29-2011, 03:50 PM   #90
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Most of the statistics within the referenced healthcare studies rely on data that is flawed and does not account for individual choices.....not to mention that the NEJM study is about health, not healthcare which are two completely different issues.

For example childhood obesity is a major epidemic in the US but not so in other countries, as a result the US has high rates of chronic associated health issues....it has nothing to do with health services, but everything to do with indvidual personal life choices !

But the liberal tweekers keep wanting more money to fund poor decisions by individuals ! And deceptively quote and post health studies meant to mislead and pick our pockets !

You see boys and girls America has an excellent healthcare system; it is just overwhelmed by very sick people with dysfunctional lifestyles, poor health decision making, and a whole host of other factors. To blame poor health of the American public on an under-funded system (your opinon) is misleading and belies the facts !
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