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Old 07-25-2011, 02:42 PM   #1
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Default Why Men Buy Sex- Newsweek Article

Has anybody else read this?


It really annoys me! The conclusion is that men buy sex so they can have women in servitude or commit violence against them. There was obviously an agenda here that the authors bent the "data" to conform to.
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Old 07-25-2011, 03:03 PM   #2
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This "study" was done by a woman running a woman's shelter so what conclusion does anyone think she would reach? Same old stuff. If it's not the bible thumpers preaching brimstone and hellfire it's the femi-nazis screaming dehumanization of women.

Sometimes they form an unholy alliance aided by hypocritical politicians, many of whom are paying for sex themselves. Of course, I'm not a woman so maybe the ladies can chime in here.
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Old 07-25-2011, 03:14 PM   #3
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They're never going to shed prostitutes in a positive light. They're not interested in a story about a successful, happy escort. That doesn't fit their agenda.
Anyone working in a woman's shelter of course is only going to be able to describe what she sees on a daily basis, which is abused and mistreated women. It's sad, but once someone has their mind made up about what a prostitute is or should be, they'll superimpose it over every case to make it a perfect fit in their mind.
They say that the "johns" are your next door neighbors, your school teachers etc. But what they failed to mention is that providers are these same familiar faces as well.
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Old 07-25-2011, 03:41 PM   #4
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Have not read article, but plan on doing it.

But agree with jan-w...if it is not the bible thumpers trying to stuff their "holier than thou" agenda down our throats, it's some combination of groups who have no idea that this world of hobby extends way beyond the street trade which include all sorts of

For such an "open, enlighted society" that many of us claim we live in, this is just another example both in society, as well as occasionally on this site (ala Sandbox) where people are so quick to label things as either being Right or Wrong (when in fact there is a whole lot of gray in between.).

Nothing wrong with having different opinions, nothing wrong with having spirited discussions with those that you do not agree with (heck when done right it can be both entertaining and educational)...that's what happens in an open and enlighted society.

But for those who view the world in their simplistic Right vs Wrong ways, like apparently the authors of this article, what a waste of time and effort (other than feeding into their pathetic constituency). What a scary little world they must live in.
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Old 07-25-2011, 03:50 PM   #5
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Gallup tried to do a poll about this and couldn't give a number because no man would admit to hiring an escort ever in his life.
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Old 07-25-2011, 04:33 PM   #6
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What's stupid is all men, even if married, pay for sex. I guess Catholic priests don't... Lol. But since it is hidden behind the guise of marriage it is ok. Ask most divorced guys how much they "paid" or are still paying... Anytime a woman does something like yell at you to take out the trash, he just paid for sex...
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Old 07-25-2011, 09:50 PM   #7
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You don't pay them for sex. You pay them to go home.
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Old 07-26-2011, 09:33 AM   #8
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Leslie Bennetts has been covering so-called “women’s issues" for quite some time, at least since the '70s. I'm not sure I'd consider her "objective"

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Old 07-26-2011, 04:56 PM   #9
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I'm in a relationship with a provider. She sets her own hours, says "No" when she feels like it, appreciates the adoration from her clients, gets an ego boost knowing that so many men want her, gets her share of exitement from different kinds of sexual encounters (I'm sure I get a bit boring at times), the money is good and she's never been happier. I don't see much that's bad in her situation. But Newsweek didn't interview her.
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Old 07-26-2011, 10:25 PM   #10
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Default Kind of right.

Originally Posted by boytoy View Post
I'm in a relationship with a provider. She sets her own hours, says "No" when she feels like it, appreciates the adoration from her clients, gets an ego boost knowing that so many men want her, gets her share of exitement from different kinds of sexual encounters (I'm sure I get a bit boring at times), the money is good and she's never been happier. I don't see much that's bad in her situation. But Newsweek didn't interview her.
About a year ago I visited a really nice lady who hesitated to have me visit because she said she had a traffic accident and didn't really look her best. When I said, it didn't matter. I would enjoy her company. She said come on over.

Well, it wasn't an accident. She had been beaten up by some guy. She needed some comfort more than anything. Let's not fake this, there are a lot of guys who get a sick satisfaction from hurting others. There are a lot of girls who would not hesitate to steal from a guy. In both cases, it make them feel superior. Everyone should be careful.

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Old 07-27-2011, 08:05 PM   #11
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I've met a lot of people in this line of work and the majority of established successful providers/escorts out there enjoy what they do greatly.

I interviewed a lady once who said, "I LOVE my job. I love my clients. I love that I can wake up whenever I want to and do what I want when I want. I love not having to punch a time clock. And, I definitely love sex. The money is just a nice bonus at the end of my day which allows me to live my life how I choose." [I was paraphrasing]

I have met ladies who are doing it simply for the money or even doing it because someone is making them do it. You can almost always tell which is which. Always stick with the ones who love what they do.
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Old 07-28-2011, 02:37 AM   #12
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I'll repost what I posted in another thread regarding the same article...

It is always a good idea to get some background on the people behind such studies.

A new study from the Prostitution Research and Education non-profit group reveals that men who pay for sex are more likely to commit crimes, including violent crimes against women

Who is behind the Prostitution Research and Education non-profit group you ask? Lets look at their website:

PRE was founded in 1995 by Dr. Melissa Farley (view Dr. Farley's CV), a research and clinical psychologist.

But who is Dr Melissa Farley really?

Lets ask Wikipedia: ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Melissa_Farley )

Melissa Farley (born 1942) is an American clinical psychologist and researcher[1][2][3] and feminist anti-pornography and anti-prostitution activist.

And what have people said about her research methods:

In response to the Scottish study, a paper authored by some 15 academics and sexual health experts was submitted to the Scottish Parliament, strongly rebuking the methods and conclusions of the study. Amongst other things, the report states - "This research violates fundamental principles of human research ethics in that there is no evidence of any benefit to the population studied. Rather the purpose of the research appears to have been to vilify the population of men who were chosen to be interviewed. " In addition they criticize the work as biased, ill informed and unhelpful.

And what are her views on "violence":

Farley is also an anti-pornography activist.[4] In 1985, she led a National Rampage Against Penthouse alongside Nikki Craft. The "Rampage" was a campaign of public destruction of bookstore-owned copies of Penthouse and Hustler (which they denounced as violent pornography). Farley was arrested 13 different times in 9 different states for these actions.
So after reading all that, my only comment really is about possibly changing the title of the thread to:

Menopausal Women who have lost all sexual desire likely never to pay for sex and be against pornography. ( oh and also be in favor of changing laws to conform to their antiquated view of the world.)
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Old 07-28-2011, 08:20 AM   #13
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Shayla, thank you for the information. And I think i speak for several of us on this board when I say:


Once again, thank you for your post and research into the demented person who wrote the article.
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Old 07-29-2011, 02:54 PM   #14
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Gee Shayla it almost sounds like Dr. Melissa Farley would not appreciate a giant fisting dildo.
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Old 07-29-2011, 06:08 PM   #15
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Not to change the topic, but OMFG is right COG. She looks like Megan Fox's non-bitchy better looking little sister.

No one and everyone likes prostitution. It doesn't matter who you are, what your politics are, how religious you are, your race, your age, or your wealth. All it takes is that one thing, the way that one woman looks at just the right time, and you can be swept up and away and it changes you. You like doing it. You want to do it more.

Monogamous social order cannot tolerate that. It allows men to behave like polygamous cave men ancestors. And puts our sexuality out of the control of one woman and back into our own hands (or if you are married...your own hand).

But on the other hand, that same social order needs prostitution. If it weren't for prostitution, many many men would become sexually frustrated, deviant, or otherwise maladjusted.

So I say, why not "sell fucking?" If the woman isn't forced to do it, and wants to do it, then who gives a damn? It's a lot better than having a love affair and breaking up your marriage in order to satisfy that itch that won't go away.
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