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Old 07-20-2011, 07:57 AM   #31
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Default so what

Originally Posted by WTF View Post
Do you understand wtf this means? It means the GOP and in fact the Tea Pary is getting killed on this issue.


“The public feels like this is a real problem that needs a real solution,” Hart explains. “And they want compromise by both parties.”
But there’s one hurdle to this compromise: A majority of Republicans — and nearly two-thirds of Tea Party supporters — want GOP leaders to hold their ground.

Strong majorities of Democrats and independents prefer that Democratic congressional leaders make compromises in this budget debate, while almost 70 percent of independents want Republican leaders to do the same. And nearly six in 10 favor President Barack Obama’s proposal to lower the federal deficit by $4 trillion over 10 years by cutting federal spending, raising tax revenue from the wealthy and reducing some Medicare spending.
some people are like that proverbial frog in the pot.

some want safety and security, a nest for themselves, its a natural feeling to desire that.

some are merely clueless, have you ever seen Jay Walking on the Tonight show?

some dont like fighting or conflict and compromise?, well that seems so nice.

but still and all, this is a pitched battle for the life of America, between those who understand.

so theres 30 or 40 percent here and 30 to 40 percent there...they are the combatants, and then the 30 to 40 percent in the middle..well lets just compromise, and the slide to oblivion continues.

historically republics only last a few hundred years, we may be on life support.
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Old 07-20-2011, 08:00 AM   #32
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Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought View Post
but the truth is, there is no Grover Norquist wing, faction, division, troop, battalion, or brigade of the Tea Party.
If there was no Grover Norquist wing of the party, then why sign the pledge? Since you can hold the views without actually signing the pledge, then the only reason to sign it, given that it backs you in to a totally irresponsible corner, is because your master put it in front of you and told you to sign it.....or else.
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Old 07-20-2011, 08:04 AM   #33
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Originally Posted by WTF
Did you read the opening post? Why are you asking such a dumb ass question since you state we can't read, per Lie #1. You see WTF, this is the problem. You just post shit and forget all the lies you previously said. You're like Obama (and alot of other liars) in that respect.

I said never could not read, I should have said comprehend , both of you can not comprehend. . My apologies. Not that you will comprehend the difference

His idea permeates through the Tea Party. Permeate and control are two completely different standards. You said Norquist controls/runs the Tea Party, but now you say his views just permeate (see Lie #4) !

Yes he does and you do not even realize it. That is the beauty of what he has done. All he cares about are taxes. He wants the rich to get richer. He wants that through lower taxes. Lower taxes have not helped the middle class over the last ten years like it has the rich.

Now the fruits of this lower tax business is coming to roost. The rich have made their money, now the middle class is going to have to take cuts in thier SS and Medicade future payments because of it.

You are to stupid to follow the money. Grover Norquist rules your world and you do not even have a clue.

Like I said it is a beautiful thing to watch if it weasn't so sad.
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Old 07-20-2011, 08:07 AM   #34
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Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought View Post
some people are like that proverbial frog in the pot.

some want safety and security, a nest for themselves, its a natural feeling to desire that.

some are merely clueless, have you ever seen Jay Walking on the Tonight show?

some dont like fighting or conflict and compromise?, well that seems so nice.

but still and all, this is a pitched battle for the life of America, between those who understand.

so theres 30 or 40 percent here and 30 to 40 percent there...they are the combatants, and then the 30 to 40 percent in the middle..well lets just compromise, and the slide to oblivion continues.

historically republics only last a few hundred years, we may be on life support.

Drama Queen....you guys need your on reality tv show.

You would put Snooky to shame!
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Old 07-20-2011, 08:11 AM   #35
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Originally Posted by Doove View Post
If there was no Grover Norquist wing of the party, then why sign the pledge? Since you can hold the views without actually signing the pledge, then the only reason to sign it, given that it backs you in to a totally irresponsible corner, is because your master put it in front of you and told you to sign it.....or else.
But no Grover Norquist does not rule our party! only 240 of the 247 house members signed his pledge and only 40 of the 47 Senators signed it.

So we have 14 out of 294 congressman that actually are not in his pocket.....but he does not rule us!

Ok he does not rule nevergivesitathought or Whirlaway, he fucs'em in the ass regularly!
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Old 07-20-2011, 08:21 AM   #36
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Default how about this

Originally Posted by Doove View Post
If there was no Grover Norquist wing of the party, then why sign the pledge? Since you can hold the views without actually signing the pledge, then the only reason to sign it, given that it backs you in to a totally irresponsible corner, is because your master put it in front of you and told you to sign it.....or else.
sure you can hold the views and not sign it, and you can hold the views and sign it. so you sign it and hold the views, so what? banding together and signing a considered statement can be a bulwark and revetment and give strength and let others know where you stand and perhaps the biggest reason is, its a power play, letting the other side know a tax increase can't get through the house. none of which means Norquist is some ruler, thats just poppycock (or in WTF's case, poppyweenie)
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Old 07-20-2011, 08:35 AM   #37
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Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought View Post
sure you can hold the views and not sign it, and you can hold the views and sign it. so you sign it and hold the views, so what? banding together and signing a considered statement can be a bulwark and revetment and give strength and let others know where you stand and perhaps the biggest reason is, its a power play, letting the other side know a tax increase can't get through the house. none of which means Norquist is some ruler, thats just poppycock (or in WTF's case, poppyweenie)
Do you even understand that government is actually made up of compromise.

That is why the Tea Party will be marginalized.

Even Reagan understood that 80% of something was better than nothing.

Grover Norquist has driven folks on the right to sign a pledge that will only help the rich. He has no concern for the country as a whole. He will seek to destroy any GOP member that goes against him on this and the Tea Party is backing him. (and evidently , they do not even realize it)

He is the Joe McCarthy of his day. Tom Corburn has taken him on and hopefully will take him down. You are in the throws of McCarthyism and do not even realize the tactic.
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Old 07-20-2011, 08:40 AM   #38
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
Originally Posted by WTF
Did you read the opening post? Why are you asking such a dumb ass question since you state we can't read, per Lie #1. You see WTF, this is the problem. You just post shit and forget all the lies you previously said. You're like Obama (and alot of other liars) in that respect.

I said never could not read, Lie #9 (you said "can't read" see Lie #1). I should have said comprehend , both of you can not comprehend. . My apologies. Not that you will comprehend the difference

His idea permeates through the Tea Party. Permeate and control are two completely different standards. You said Norquist controls/runs the Tea Party, but now you say his views just permeate (see Lie #4) !

Yes he does and you do not even realize it. That is the beauty of what he has done. All he cares about are taxes. Lie #10. He wants the rich to get richer. Not a lie, but no credit! He wants that through lower taxes. Lower taxes have not helped the middle class over the last ten years like it has the rich.

Now the fruits of this lower tax business is coming to roost. The rich have made their money, now the middle class is going to have to take cuts in thier SS and Medicade future payments because of it.

You are to stupid to follow the money. Grover Norquist rules your world Lie #11. and you do not even have a clue.

Like I said it is a beautiful thing to watch if it weasn't so sad.
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Old 07-20-2011, 08:42 AM   #39
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I am thinking WTF is just getting started with his lies...so I will say the over/under number is 17.
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Old 07-20-2011, 08:43 AM   #40
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Default helping you out

Originally Posted by WTF View Post

You are in the throws of McCarthyism and do not even realize the tactic.
the word is throe or throes in the plural
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Old 07-20-2011, 08:46 AM   #41
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Default Nothing but hot air; smoke and mirrors

The "Gang of 6" is proposing more BS. There are no tangible cuts; hence, it's not a "compromise" solution to raising the deficit ceiling.
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Old 07-20-2011, 08:53 AM   #42
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Default dang it

Originally Posted by I B Hankering View Post
The "Gang of 6" is proposing more BS. There are no tangible cuts; hence, it's not a "compromise" solution to raising the deficit ceiling.
hey posting that page made my screen skew ever wider...not fair
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Old 07-20-2011, 09:01 AM   #43
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Default lies

although WTF said something i said was a lie, while he tacitly accepted the same statement said merely in another form, which doesn't speak well of his cognitive abilities, i refrain from saying he lies.

a lie requires a certain level of attempt to deceive, and while many things he says just aren't so, i think he just is a zealous missunderstander and when he is confused, he doubles down on his zealousness.
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Old 07-20-2011, 09:22 AM   #44
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Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought View Post
sure you can hold the views and not sign it, and you can hold the views and sign it. so you sign it and hold the views, so what?
So what? Because there are reasons where tax increases are necessary. To get out of debt, for one.

Anyone who thinks they know the answer before being asked the question, which is what that pledge proves, has no right to hold public office. That's "so what".
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Old 07-20-2011, 09:24 AM   #45
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Like I siad grover norquist rules you guys world and you don't even know it. It is actually a beautiful thing to watch. It really is simple to herd sheep. Goering understood that. All leaders do. Keep signing pledges other thurst in your face and think you are not part of the herd. The herders know better
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