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Old 07-15-2011, 06:17 AM   #1
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Default Dirty Dog's Posts

While they were filled with some venom, I've got to say that I agree with him on some level. I can recall several times where somebody refused to name the name of a provider who did something wrong, but the poster wanted to still discuss the issue just to "gain some insight" or "get it of their chest". Men, we're here to share information. Hints, clues and speculation aren't information. If we're not willing to tell each other the whole story, we shouldn't bother telling any of it.
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Old 07-15-2011, 06:33 AM   #2
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Old 07-15-2011, 06:39 AM   #3
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I have to agree with you ther Captain... posting Alerts with no workable information doesn't help anyone.
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Old 07-15-2011, 06:40 AM   #4
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DD was absolutely and completely right. If you don't want to share info, don't be a part of this board.
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Old 07-15-2011, 06:49 AM   #5
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DD's motive was correct, his premise was correct, his claims were correct and his conclusions were correct in my opinion. However, also in my opinion, his methods and delivery left a little to be desired and caused others to become defensive and then the name calling and ugly correspondence began, which happens all too frequently on this board. I've been told one catches more flies with sugar than one does with vinegar.
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Old 07-15-2011, 07:06 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by scorpio31 View Post
DD's motive was correct, his premise was correct, his claims were correct and his conclusions were correct in my opinion. However, also in my opinion, his methods and delivery left a little to be desired and caused others to become defensive and then the name calling and ugly correspondence began, which happens all too frequently on this board. I've been told one catches more flies with sugar than one does with vinegar.
Well Scorpio you are most likely correct, but not everyone is a smooth talker and in the life I have lived being direct and to the point worked better. So if that makes me a bad guy then so be it. But this has been a learning experience and shown me that its not worth my efforts. So in the future I could careless about rip off's, scams or threats to the commuity because the commuity and the mods dont, instead of addressing the issue its much easier to turn me into the enemy. Have a great day, my wife and I are leaving for Saint Croix for a week.
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Old 07-15-2011, 07:19 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by dirty dog View Post
So if that makes me a bad guy then so be it. But this has been a learning experience and shown me that its not worth my efforts. Have a great day, my wife and I are leaving for Saint Croix for a week.
Well, DD, I don't think of you as a bad guy. Shit, my temper takes charge of me from time to time and I get beligerent, arrogant, egotistical and on top of all that, mouthy!

I'm going to contradict you....it was well worth your efforts! Look at the result. I have to believe all with authority on this site are reconsidering or at least rethinking the methods with which they dealt with this particular situation. Maybe even more good will come out of your persistence.

So, don't give up, keep the faith, keep on truckin', all those bullshit sayings and continue your fight for truth, justice and the American way with the rest of us!!

And of course, have a great time in St. Croix! We'll try to keep things together until you return!
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Old 07-15-2011, 07:35 AM   #8
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More bad than good came of this in my opinion.

I'm still waiting to hear back from the MOD on why he gave me 1 stupid point for "mentioning rates/sexual services" in an ad. Which is utter bullshit. It was because I said I had been lied to by him/them about that thread and I have been. Was is disrespectful? No. Did I attack him/them? No.
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Old 07-15-2011, 08:06 AM   #9
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Default "more bad than good"

Now that cooler heads are prevailing and things are calming down, I'd like to propose to the owners and staff that any points assessed during the discussion of the alert be retracted and we all move along on our merry ways, holding hands and singing "cumbya".

What do you say, TBone, bigbirddog and Fire Serpent?
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Old 07-15-2011, 10:34 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by MsElena View Post
More bad than good came of this in my opinion.

I'm still waiting to hear back from the MOD on why he gave me 1 stupid point for "mentioning rates/sexual services" in an ad. Which is utter bullshit. It was because I said I had been lied to by him/them about that thread and I have been. Was is disrespectful? No. Did I attack him/them? No.
I'm not sure what moderator gave you an infraction point, but typically it is linked directly to an ad. Giving points just to give time is not only unfair but foolish. If I were you, I would reach out to the moderator and inquire about the link to the posting in question. Personally, as a mod, I feel that warnings about inappropriate behavior are generaly effective.

As far as "that thread" is concerned, I don't have time or desire to lie about what occurs concerning a thread. If you have some kind of proof to the contrary then that would be another matter entirely. However, if anyone feels I have been unfair, unjust, or disrespectful feel free to PM me with your grievane and we'll discuss it like adults.

However, slinging arrows at the moderators for not forcing someone to tell what they know is fruitless. As I sai before... if you have something to contribute, do so, I have no issue with that... name calling, wild speculations and assuming acts of conspiracy will simply get a thread shut down.
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Old 07-15-2011, 12:00 PM   #11
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I have reached out about the point and its going to be reversed, so he says. If its not, I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.

I wasn't saying you FS had lied to me, but someone did and I have the proof to prove my accusation. I just can't show it because it was done via PM and if I post the PM, I'll for sure get points.

Feel free to call me or email me at my personal email address and we can discuss it. I look forward to speaking with you.
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Old 07-15-2011, 12:31 PM   #12
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Agree with Scorpio, regarding comments on DD. At first my thought was give the Mods some time to react.

But in fairiness to DD, the more I read his comments, the more I too became concern with that thread. (And certainly
others were pushing that thought process as well.)

The only other thing I would say about DD...and I realize he was strongly supporting his viewpoint, irregardless of what anyone else thought (which is refreshing in this day and age)...is when his comments got heated, his message got diluted.

The biggest thing that I pulled from that thread...is if your going to post an alert, don't hold back all the info (otherwise why bother)

DD held his ground, but as Scorpio said, sometimes it's not just the message that counts, but how it is presented, which can more effectively serve the message...and isn't that ultimately the main goal for either change or reaction??

DD, have fun in St Croix...what a great place to go and forget about the world for a few nights!!!
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Old 07-15-2011, 12:35 PM   #13
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Regarding the aforementioned thread, I think we tend to forget perception is often reality. Obviously nobody, mods or otherwise, could force Mr. G to spill his guts but the feeling among many here was that the new mods were kind of indifferent about the whole thing. Kind of like, "Oh well, shit happens, so what?" Maybe that's not the way they felt, but it may have appeared that way to some.

Maybe if the mods had requested Mr. G to out the lady, citing the many good reasons for doing so, the perception would have been that they were at least trying to protect the community. I have seen mods take this proactive role before and it reminds us that they are not only mods but clients and members as well with a keen interest in the safety of everyone.

I'm windy as usual but I think you get the point. It's all over and done with and I'm sure everyone is happy about that.
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Old 07-17-2011, 11:22 AM   #14
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This is not a church site you say things however you want. And if you say dumb things then exspect to get called out. This is how we keep safe. If your feelings get hurt keep your fingers off the keyboard.
Ps. I hate winny I just want to see how people feel about my feeling douchebags. Type that shit on another site.
Pss. I like dirty dog type any way you want
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Old 07-17-2011, 06:19 PM   #15
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Default "Called out"

Originally Posted by Cheaper2buyit View Post
This is not a church site you say things however you want. And if you say dumb things then exspect to get called out. This is how we keep safe. If your feelings get hurt keep your fingers off the keyboard.
I agree. However, some other people don't agree. There are those who complain that they have been insulted, or that you are not playing nice, if they get "called out". I must confess that I could not believe that I could write to the moderators and complain when someone insults me; it never occurred to complain to others for the mistakes that I alone make. If one gets "called out", it seems wise to first examine if the other person's point is valid.

I have seen speakers at meetings with over 300 people get "called out" because what they were presenting wasn't true, and the audience knew it. When your work is reviewed by others in a profession, you should know your subject before speaking, or writing about it, for your peers.

Maybe if more people actively "call out" the poorly thought comments; we would all have a more perceptive and informed board.

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