The Congress passes a budget which supplies a blank check to the executive branch to run the country. Congress tries to maintain some control by creating a series of blank checks with one check saying VA administration-$55 billion, another saying EPA-$67 billion, or researching the sex lives of grizzly bears-$5 million. The executive branch spends within those parameters and it seems tries to get away with some skullduggery by creating slush funds or projects that can be classified two or more ways.
Okay, if the debt ceiling is reached the democrats claim that the White House can spend without congressional approval but this seems to be a minority opinion.
The US takes in $200 billion monthly which is more than enough to pay the charges on the debt which will maintain our precious credit rating, plus Medicare, Social Security, and the military. Anything else will fall to the White House what will be paid and what will not be paid. That is a scary thought. The same man who squaundered a trillion dollars on his union cronies will decide what to do with the rest of our money.
What is paramount is that anything that does not get paid lies completely at the feet of Barack Obama. He choses what gets what or he has to pick someone who will make the choice on his behalf. He should do something unique and pick wisely.
Putting our financial future in the hands of a man-child.