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Old 07-10-2011, 11:30 AM   #16
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Not that I couldn't disprove it, Papa. You are so severely wrong on this one, it would be pointless. File it however you want, but before you do, just briefly google "space program benefits." Even some wikipedia posts are there! I could spend hours and post hundreds of links, cite numerous books and other publications, you would hold to your ridiculous position. So I am going shower while listening to good jazz, and then spend the afternoon with my kids. I suggest you do the same.
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Old 07-10-2011, 12:29 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy View Post
Not that I couldn't disprove it, Papa. You are so severely wrong on this one, it would be pointless. File it however you want, but before you do, just briefly google "space program benefits." Even some wikipedia posts are there! I could spend hours and post hundreds of links, cite numerous books and other publications, you would hold to your ridiculous position. So I am going shower while listening to good jazz, and then spend the afternoon with my kids. I suggest you do the same.
Are you now claiming that jazz was created by NASA? Also, I have no desire to spend my afternoon with your kids. LOL.
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Old 07-10-2011, 12:31 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy View Post
Jesus, Papa, you can't possibly be that ignorant. OK, just a few. Teflon, medical robotics,

1994: Relying on technologies created for servicing spacecraft, a Santa Barbara-based company developed a mechanical arm that allows surgeons to operate three instruments simultaneously, while performing laparoscopic surgery. In 2001, the first complete robotic surgical operation proved successful, when a team of doctors in New York removed the gallbladder of a woman in France using the Computer Motion equipment.

artificial heart pumps (Dr. Michael DeBakey based this on a pumping system used in the shuttle),

1995: Dr. Michael DeBakey of the Baylor College of Medicine teamed up with Johnson Space Center engineer David Saucier to develop an artificial heart pump – based on the design of NASA’s space shuttle main engine fuel pumps – that supplements the heart’s pumping capacity in the left ventricle. Later, a team at Ames Research Center modeled the blood flow, and improved the design to avoid harm to blood cells. The DeBakey Left Ventricular Assist Device (LVAD) can maintain the heart in a stable condition in patients requiring a transplant until a donor is found, which can range from one month to a year. Sometimes, permanent implantation of the LVAD can negate the need for a transplant. Bernard Rosenbaum, a Johnson Space Center propulsion engineer who worked with the DeBakey-Saucier group said, “I came to NASA in the early 1960s as we worked to land men on the moon, and I never dreamed I would also become part of an effort that could help people’s lives. We were energized and excited to do whatever it took to make it work.”

cataract treatments, micro-circuitry, communication systems, protective sealants, food safety protocols (now adopted by the FDA), body imaging equipment,

In the mid-1960's, as NASA prepared for its Apollo moon landing program, the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) developed the technology known as digital image processing to allow computer enhancement of Moon pictures. This technology later became the basis for the NASA Landsat satellites. Digital image processing is now being used by doctors and hospitals to record images of organs in the human body. Two of the most widely used body imaging techniques are computer-aided tomography (CATScan) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

the little camera on the end of the device that the proctologist uses when he looks up your ass, improved, lighter firefighter breathing apparatus,

1986: A joint National Bureau of Standards/NASA project directed at the Johnson Space Center resulted in a lightweight breathing system for firefighters. Now widely used in breathing apparatuses, the NASA technology is credited with significant reductions in inhalation injuries to the people who protect us.


virtual reality, cell phone technology, scratch resistant lenses for eyeglasses, barcoding, slicker lubricants for industry, 3D technology (remember that when you see Green Lantern), computer joysticks for gaming, and so on, and so on, etc. Thousands if not millions more.

Furthermore, for every dollar spent on space exploration, the government receives about $7-8 in return in the form of taxes. It pays for itself in so many ways.

The shuttle should not be our primary program, but it sure shouldn't be scrapped. Those birds could fly another 25 years, providing needed support for missions to the moon, Mars, and asteroids.

It is important to note that even though somethings were not directly invented by NASA they made great improvements to make even better things a prime example being the medical robotic arm. Even though they did not invent robotics they used robotics to invent a robotic arm and that led to the medical robotic arm is important. Had it not been for NASA the medical arm could have taken longer to invent or it may not even exist yet. GPS was left off the list and NASA is credited with its launch and invention. NASA scientist has paved the way for others to take their technology and using it to better mankind.
I would like to also say that for everything that NASA has given to us and to the military some things have been returned. A prime example is the subsafe program of the Navy submarines. This was a program designed after the loss of the Thresher (all hands lost) and after the loss of the Columbia NASA decided that the Subsafe program should be adopted to prevent that type of loss. So the door swings both ways.
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Old 07-10-2011, 12:50 PM   #19
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COG, take note, the above by Mya is proof. See it wasn't that hard. JG must have taught her about submarines in his many visit with her as well.
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Old 07-10-2011, 01:14 PM   #20
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That wasn't nice bigpapa. I love the military and I know a few veterans that served on board submarines. So I have heard some stories and have learned a few things about their history and not from JG (not into fiction..lol). I just have a lot of respect for the military and especially those that are in things like special forces, seal teams, force recon, and submarines because not everyone can do them and some of the things they go through I do not think I could do. I just wanted to show that NASA will be missed and that they have helped to make many improvements.
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Old 07-10-2011, 02:28 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by Miss_Mya View Post
That wasn't nice bigpapa. I love the military and I know a few veterans that served on board submarines. So I have heard some stories and have learned a few things about their history and not from JG (not into fiction..lol). I just have a lot of respect for the military and especially those that are in things like special forces, seal teams, force recon, and submarines because not everyone can do them and some of the things they go through I do not think I could do. I just wanted to show that NASA will be missed and that they have helped to make many improvements.
Wow, someone cannot take a joke. I know all about your respect for the military.... I've read it before.
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Old 07-10-2011, 02:31 PM   #22
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I think this is proof that Mya is JG or me or COG or Deacon. She said something about the navy and that is all the proof that CND and others need.

95B <<<<<<< clue
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Old 07-10-2011, 03:04 PM   #23
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Oh Johnny boy, you are just too funny.
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Old 07-10-2011, 03:38 PM   #24
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I can take a joke bigpapa I was just making a joke about JG. I am sure you can understand that.
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Old 07-10-2011, 04:28 PM   #25
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Mya! Get the massage table warmed up for my next trip to KC! A fellow space crazy!

I want you to take me where this man has not gone before!

Beauty AND Brains. Wow, that's hot!
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Old 07-12-2011, 03:00 AM   #26
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Army: big government socialist program funded by taxpayers
Navy: big government socialist program funded by taxpayers
AirForce: big government socialist program funded by taxpayers
Marines: big government socialist program funded by taxpayers
Coast Guard: big government socialist program funded by taxpayers
Reserves, National Guard: big government socialist programs funded by taxpayers
NASA: big government socialist program funded by taxpayers
FDIC: big government socialist program funded by taxpayers
Social Security: big government socialist program funded by taxpayers (Plus, it's solvent. You pay into it every paycheck.)
Food safety, police, fire department, the list goes on and on...you guys LOVE these programs.

What you don't like is PAYING for them. That's what makes all of you Conservative Socialist hypocrites. Freedom isn't free! Pay your damn taxes!
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Old 07-12-2011, 10:24 AM   #27
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Settle down, Longer. The nice nurse will be bringing your meds shortly.
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Old 07-12-2011, 01:26 PM   #28
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Hey, Longer. Let's play a game. I call it "Who is the socialist (or fascist or communist)?"

Let's see, the Constitution says the government should fund a military. So the military recruits employees by offering them a salary and benefits in exchange for their service. Sounds a lot like WalMart, Boeing, etc. The recruits are volunteers, and sign an employment agreement, at the end of which, they may leave the company. Since the agreement is not forced on them, I don't see how it is statist, or socialist.

How is NASA socialist? Now, food safety is more fascist than socialist, because the government is effectively controlling the businesses without their consent. Social Security, definitely socialist.

Then you end with an appeal for us to blindly pay our taxes, without questioning what the taxes are for, or how they are spent. Just pay, and shut up. Hmmm . . . That sounds like the Soviet Union, 1930's Germany, Cuba and China, just to name a few.

So who is the socialist (fascist or communist)? I submit that it is you, Longer. And just be proud of it, instead of trying to fit the facts to match your ignorant vision of this country.
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Old 07-12-2011, 01:37 PM   #29
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Malicious accusery spoken in a rit of fealous jage!
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