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Old 07-10-2011, 03:27 PM   #31
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Funny, but I don't feel bus-abused. I actually had something constructive in mind when I started this thread, and a number of people have PM'd me for her name. As I said initially, she has a number of positive reviews, and my case may have been an anomaly. But it still pissed me off, so I posted my frustration in the Co-Ed Discussion area of ECCIE, where many stranger things have been posted.

You have a right to respond, and I have a right to not like your asinine comments. If you want to start a thread about whether a person should always post the name of NCNS providers, have at it. But that's not what this thread was about. So take you bus and shove it.
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Old 07-10-2011, 03:33 PM   #32
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Yes it is...
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Old 07-10-2011, 03:40 PM   #33
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Just can't let it go can you? It seems to surprise you that when you make insulting comments people get insulted. You remind me of other idiots on this site where someone posts that they paid "X" for "Y" services, a poster (maybe you?) will invariably post, "What, you paid "X" for "Y"? You could have got "2X" for "1/2Y". You have a right to criticize what I write; I have a right to defend it.

BTW, I swim quite well.
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Old 07-10-2011, 03:50 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by Wheretonow View Post

Funny, but I don't feel bus-abused. I actually had something constructive in mind when I started this thread, and a number of people have PM'd me for her name. As I said initially, she has a number of positive reviews, and my case may have been an anomaly. But it still pissed me off, so I posted my frustration in the Co-Ed Discussion area of ECCIE, where many stranger things have been posted.

You have a right to respond, and I have a right to not like your asinine comments. If you want to start a thread about whether a person should always post the name of NCNS providers, have at it. But that's not what this thread was about. So take you bus and shove it.
Dude if a provider looks at your venom-spewing posting history you'll be lucky to be able to pick up a $20 streetwalker down on Harry Hines. Keep shooting yourself in the foot until you run out of bullets!!!
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Old 07-10-2011, 04:08 PM   #35
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If you drove 80 miles, one way, to get stood up, that qualifies as a pretty bad no-show. For her not to make it up to you when given the opportunity is worse.

She deserves to have her name posted. It's unfair to the other ladies for her to skate on this.
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Old 07-10-2011, 04:10 PM   #36
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I doubt that defending myself against morons like you is going to cost me any services. I have lots of positive provider comments on P411. I do wonder how a person like you, with such a negative outlook on life, even enjoys a session. Are you constantly looking for things the provider did wrong?
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Old 07-10-2011, 04:20 PM   #37
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This thread started as a NCNS report. Now, its nothing but name calling and abuse. I am too tired to go through all the infractions so lets get it back on topic or let it die.

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Old 07-10-2011, 04:25 PM   #38
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What is the prize for thinking you are intellectually superior to everyone else on the SHMB?

Maybe a NCNS because nobody else posted about her flaky behavior?

Was some part of my post to get back on topic not understood? Bubba3452
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Old 07-10-2011, 04:25 PM   #39
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Originally Posted by Wheretonow View Post
I doubt that defending myself against morons like you is going to cost me any services. I have lots of positive provider comments on P411. I do wonder how a person like you, with such a negative outlook on life, even enjoys a session. Are you constantly looking for things the provider did wrong?

there are many guys on here that are "morons", "assholes" or whatever you want to call them, trust me, I could name a few, but I will tell you this, MOST of those guys will get what is coming to them, it may not be soon, but what goes around comes around. I have responded to the jerks on here on many occasions and all it did was get me points. Be bigger than they are and put them on ignore and/or just do not respond to the ones you do not like on this site. This site is suppose to be where people tell you about their experiences, good or bad, and talk about the hobby, intelligently, you will not agree on many things, but be civil enough to agree to disagree, and if the "drama-kings/queens" try to "egg you on", and they will, as that is what they live for, you simply keep your cool and RTM the post, (most of the time, doing that works, but if not, most of the mods will at least keep an eye out on that thread), and go out and have fun and let those guys keep stirring the "shitpot" here, and you might get a mod or two that will be tired of them as well and do something about them.

You will not win, just be cool and have fun!
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Old 07-10-2011, 04:30 PM   #40
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bigdog0311 wrote:
there are many guys on here that are "morons" "assholes" or whatever you want to call them, trust me, I could name a few, but I will tell you this, MOST of those guys will get what is coming to them, it may not be soon, but what goes around comes around. I have responded to the jerks on here on many occasions and all it did was get me points. Be bigger than they are and put them on ignore and/or just do not respond to the ones you do not like on this site. This site is suppose to be where people tell you about their experiences, good or bad, and talk about the hobby, intelligently, you will not agree on many things, but be civil enough to agree to disagree, and if the "drama-kings/queens" try to "egg you on", and they will, as that is what they live for, you simply keep your cool and RTM the post, (most of the time, doing that works, but if not, most of the mods will keep an eye out on that thread), and go out and have fun and let those guys keep stirring the "shitpot" here.

You will not win, just be cool and have fun!

GREAT ADVICE! I intend to follow it. I started this thread to ventilate, and apparently I did.
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Old 07-10-2011, 04:52 PM   #41
Lana Warren
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What's next? Y'all want to whip it out and see who has the biggest dick? C'mon guys, enough of the crap!
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Old 07-10-2011, 05:03 PM   #42
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Lana you lovely thing, you're absolutely right! But you're the only one I want to whip it out for (and maybe impress with its size)- youu can lie if you want, but I hope you don't have to!
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Old 07-10-2011, 05:04 PM   #43
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Well, on track seems to be very unlikly so Thanks for letting us know about the NCNS.
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