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Old 07-09-2011, 11:37 PM   #16
Chica Chaser
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Bullshit Isis, I suggest you keep your "clients" comments to your self. Same shit, different forum. Didn't we just go through something similar? Or is this some sort of test?
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Old 07-10-2011, 12:15 AM   #17
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Old 07-10-2011, 04:09 AM   #18
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Default Are you kidding? You should Read More!!

Originally Posted by incognito isis View Post
I also had another fella tell me there are men handing out flyers trying to solicite women, right on the street.........But obviously theres some ground to what I'm saying, I mean, the OP started this thread, ya know, not me............And Vegas does have a reputation for being low brow, thats why it's called sin city. So I don't know why what my clients say would offend you in any way. I wasn't too shocked by it. LV is not a wholesome place. So you can't exactly expect too many wholesome people. Go watch the movie "striptease." LOL
This has to be some of the most ignorant things I have heard!!!

So you are saying because there are some bad providers here in Vegas is why its called "Sin City"? Wow!! And the flyer on the street being handed out are to solicit men, not women! Its not offending me, I am replying to your ignorance and why would you even mention that here on this board??? Whats your motive?? I smell bullshit is all I am saying. And you need to go read a dictionary, encyclopedia, and etc! LOL.....

ps. Las Vegas earned the name "Sin City" for the city's tolerance for various forms of adult entertainment, gambling, and vices as such!! Not because of fucking Bate and Switch or high escort rates!!

Oh yeah... and what Chica Chaser said!
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Old 07-10-2011, 08:35 AM   #19
incognito isis
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A test? I have no idea what your even talking about. It's what they told me. If one guy told me something, I wouldn't beleive it. But when 5 clients tell you the same thing, theres got to be some truth to it. Oh and by the way Chica, my clients told me this to my face, not in any emails. So how is that bullshit? Because you say so? Were you there?

Erica Love, what did I just say? LV got it's reputation because it's not a wholesome place, hence it's tolerance for prostitution, gambling. Maybe your the one who needs to read a book if you can't comprehend simple sentences. Maybe your so angry over my comments because it applies to you? I understand, not EVERYONE is like that.

I've mentioned my opinions because this is a thread about escorts in LV, thats why. Get it??? And this is a place where you can express your opinions. Didn't you know that? Practice what you preach, I'm sure there are libraries in "Sin City."

You got me with the soliciting thing. You are right, they were there handing out flyers to solicite the men, not the women. (I was half asleep so you were right) I can own my mistake, can you own yours?
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Old 07-10-2011, 02:16 PM   #20
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I was not going to chime in - but...

The truth is, there are many cheats, robs and fakes in this town. Their goal is to take as much as they can from the guys because they know that, in most cases, the guy won't cause a scene.

If you have been in the hobby or any length of time - you have been taken for a ride – this is true on both sides of the fence (men and women)!

There is no reason to defend yourself unless the original post hit home in some way...

Personally, my limit is $$$...in order to ever get me to drop that on a table, I must have all of my criteria’s meet. I have met some beautiful women (Model Materiel) in Vegas, Texas and other parts of the US who absolutely rocked my world at a rate less than $$$. Once in a blue moon, I have missed the mark – Have gotten better and not losing when that happens – PM me and I will tell you how…

If a guy wants to donate more than I would, more power to him. If a provider asks for more than I would give, more power to her. I don’t complain or try to negotiate. I just stay within my budget. There are providers that I would not mind seeing, but they are just outside of my range…It’s like gambling, if you set a number that you are willing to lose and stay with that number, you will have a great time…however, if you chase a win, thinking just one more hand and I will be rich, you will leave vegan broke and broken!

What I hate to read about is a guy was taken for a ride and had a really bad experience.

So here it is – for all you providers that think you are worth what you charge and you have clients (repeat clients) then there is no reason to ever take the original post to heart and try to defend yourself.

We call this a hobby because it is something we like to do in our spare time. If this is not a hobby for you, then you will never be satisfied in this lifestyle.
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Old 07-10-2011, 03:00 PM   #21
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Thank you for banning her; I'm tired of Vegas ladies getting a bad rap.

The rest of you men: Are any of the rip-off artists here on ECCIE? If so, run them off with honest reviews and assessments of your time with them. Pick a well-reviewed lady and chances are you'll be happy. Most guys who TOFTT KNOW BETTER, but do it anyway. You have no one but yourself to blame when you let the little head do the choosing....
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Old 07-10-2011, 03:22 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by H8edByOne View Post
So here it is – for all you providers that think you are worth what you charge and you have clients (repeat clients) then there is no reason to ever take the original post to heart and try to defend yourself.
Thank you for saying what I wanted to say ... I usually don't chime in on these type of threads, and only am now becuase of this comment ...

Ladies you/we do NOT have to defend our rates to ANYONE. Plain and simple. Why respond to this thread in any way, shape, or form?

If some consider my rates too high, that is their Prerogative (No that is not misspelled, google it, hehe! ).


~ Lorsha
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Old 07-14-2011, 06:39 AM   #23
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Well I have been to Vegas like 20 times I am A Cajun LUV the BOATS not on water..lol However only tried to work once and then 3 other times tried to hire. I at the time COULD NOT FIND ANY BISEXUAL FRIENDLY PROVIDERS.. Maybe this time will be different. I Often have clients that want more than I offer or want me there. ANd also If I find a boy yoy or girl to it is always nice to add one or two when having fun especially if I am winning at the tables.lol
As far as prices go ant the types of ladies go. WOW...
That is like a provider going to a city to visit- get one stand up, one cheap ass that tries to leave her a 50 and then tell all the girls she knows DO NOT VISIT THERE cause that city is bad!....OH WAIT A MINUTE THAT DOES HAPPEN..........lol
Look in Mexico people go to get cheap meds may be the same exact med may be a different kind.
Hell I drive to Waco to shop because it is cheaper when I was in the money I would shop in California There are different place for different things that you can find all over. Same value, better value higher value etc. To discount the WHOLE DAMN city on a few bad comments or few bad experiences is just wrong.
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