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Old 07-07-2011, 05:39 PM   #1
Lil Oral Annie
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Just curious.. maybe a mod can help...

Why are these allowed? Nothing took place. Can't he contact the lady and find out if she's willing to make it up first before writing a review that she didn't show up and give her some time to respond? Can't a fella just post that in the locker room?
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Old 07-07-2011, 05:48 PM   #2
Chainsaw Anthropologist
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It's basically due to a lack of reading comprehension.
There are two options in the review forum "new review" and "new thread".
When an NCNS report is created, it should be as a new thread, but as you note it is commonly ignored.

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Old 07-07-2011, 06:35 PM   #3
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You are correct. NCNS SHOULD be threads, not reviews.
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Old 07-07-2011, 08:27 PM   #4
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Just out of curiosity...what about a gentleman that NC/NS a provider? Would that be an acceptable thread?

I'm not sure, well, I'm pretty sure that I would never post such things but if it became a habit....

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Old 07-07-2011, 10:09 PM   #5
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LOA i agree. NCNS should be a thread and not a review. Take a step further NCNS should be posted in Coed for all to see. That way both parties can respond.
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Old 07-07-2011, 11:00 PM   #6
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Well, then there needs to be some providers asking to have those NCNS reviews removed.. I saw one today on a lady... sad
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Old 07-07-2011, 11:41 PM   #7
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Good Question?

Originally Posted by vnurse View Post
Just out of curiosity...what about a gentleman that NC/NS a provider? Would that be an acceptable thread?

I'm not sure, well, I'm pretty sure that I would never post such things but if it became a habit....

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Old 07-07-2011, 11:54 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by vnurse View Post
Just out of curiosity...what about a gentleman that NC/NS a provider? Would that be an acceptable thread?

I'm not sure, well, I'm pretty sure that I would never post such things but if it became a habit....

I hold no position of authority of any kind around here (or anywhere else it seems, these days), but surely that would be a normal topic of discussion in the providers only forum (whatever that's called here). No? If not, why not? Sounds like very useful information for ya'll to share. I just assumed that sort of information was shared on a daily or almost daily basis.
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Old 07-08-2011, 12:02 AM   #9
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Not every provider has access to the ladies section, so there should be a place to put those aside from the usual places too.
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Old 07-08-2011, 02:55 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by Lil Oral Annie View Post
Not every provider has access to the ladies section, so there should be a place to put those aside from the usual places too.
Unless you get in and then give them a reason to boot ya - then you should be able to get access to it in a relatively short amount of time.

All it takes is having been reviewed/verified...and sending off an email.

There's also other reporting sites available...some free, some for pay, but the pay one from what I gather - can get pretty gruesome with not being moderated very much.

You also have to consider - that posting a NCNS on a guy, in the co-ed...is kinda pointless. None of the other guys give a flip if another guy showed or not.

I really don't even care about when a girl posts it - unless it's a repetitive behavior from the same person. (sorry - but we as a group, give these guys so many shitty situations, that many times they are forced to have a plan B, and sometimes they flat out don't tell plan B that they aren't going to work out....unfortunate, but it happens.)
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Old 07-08-2011, 07:48 AM   #11
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General Rules when a lady NCNS a guy:

1. Give the lady adequate time to respond with a reason why. Jumping the gun too soon just causes a bunch of crap that is not necessary. Granted, on BP ladies, etc., where you have limited contact information, there may be no way for a lady to communicate with you why she did not make your date.

Just another reason to use ladies here or on some board, so you can exchange emails, PMs, etc to resolve the issue. While I have been NCNS'd multiple times, generally the lady would eventually get back to me with her excuse, and some offer to make it up to me.

Adequate time would generally be at least a day or two. (OK, one time it was a couple of years, but she did get back with me and offer to make it up to me. Still need to collect on that one.)

2. Post it as a thread, not a review. Mods have enough work to do, and if you post as a review, they just have to deny it status as a review, slowing down their job.

Ladies, I thought there were two different levels of "Ladies Only" forums, one that just required you to raise your skirt and prove your sex, and the other one a double-secret handshake, kiss a female mod's ass level where the really juicy stuff was discussed.


I guess I never realized till recently that many guys literally schedule Plan A, Plan B, and maybe Plan C with the idea that if A falls through, they just go to B. My alternate plans involved having numbers available, maybe discussing with a gal whether she might be available at a specific time, but letting her know it was real iffy and telling her if I did not confirm, she should accept any other calls for my time without worrying about me. At least one lady used to know she was my Plan B, and if I called her, meant Plan A fell through. She knew my Plan A, understood, and also knew my Plan A fell through often so she had a good shot at seeing me when we made the arrangements.
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Old 07-08-2011, 10:12 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by Lil Oral Annie View Post
Well, then there needs to be some providers asking to have those NCNS reviews removed.. I saw one today on a lady... sad
There is a difference between where (Review section? Coed?) and how ("new thread" rather than "new review") an NCNS should be reported, and whether an NCNS should be reported. Once it's been posted as a new review rather than new thread, the damage (extra work for mods) has already been incurred. Removing the thread and requiring the client to post again doesn't gain much. And if it is posted other than where the mods think those should be posted, the proper response would be to move it to the correct section rather than remove it altogether.

As far as whether it should be reported? Various guidelines have been suggested, e.g., waiting a certain amount of time to hear from the lady before posting; not posting if the lady makes it up to the client; not posting if there was a good reason, that is, it was excusable rather than an indication the lady is lacking in professionalism; etc. But all of those have been simply the suggestions of various members here. I don't think there has ever been an official site policy on when you can and can't report. So ultimately it's up to each client to decide whether and when they will report it.

Some ladies don't like them, even if they're reports about an NCNS by someone else. That's understandable, just as it's understandable that some ladies don't like reviews of sessions that did take place. Ultimately, though, they're inevitable on a site like this. Reviews are posted because it's important to many prospective clients what a session with Lady X is like. NCNS reports are posted because reliability and professionalism are important to many prospective clients. Wishing NCNS reports would go away is futile -- and in any event there are far fewer reports than there are incidents, by both sides of the aisle.
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Old 07-08-2011, 12:31 PM   #13
Waldo P. Emerson-Jones
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I prefer NCNSs to be reported as a new review, rather than a new thread. That way it shows up on the escort's list of reviews. It would be much easier for guys to research escorts if this was consistently done. I also think escorts should be allowed to respond to a NCNS report. Perhaps a separate forum for NCNSs would be a good idea.

And, responding to the OP, completely disagree with the idea of not reporting NCNSs anywhere. Why should the guy have to call the gal to see if she will reschedule? She already had her chance when the date was agreed to. I want to know if she's going to be reliable and be there the first time when we agreed to the date.
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Old 07-08-2011, 02:32 PM   #14
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The word REVIEW indicates something took place.
If nothing has happened you CANNOT review it.
An option that ownership might want to consider is one used by another board titled "He Said/She Said".
In this forum anyone could enter their complaint and receive (or not) a reply from the offending party. Regardless of reply or not, the offenders name would searchable as an NCNS with as many details as you might wish to list.
This preserves the review section for it's designed purpose and eliminates its unnecessary use as a forum for perceived grievances.
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Old 07-08-2011, 03:02 PM   #15
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Preferences aside, its part of the board rules.

NCNS needs to be a new thread, not review. And it wont show up in their reviews unless we the mods attach it to them. Which for the most part, we don't.
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