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Old 07-07-2011, 11:54 AM   #1
Lil Oral Annie
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Question Reference Friendly Providers

Hi there everyone,

I am pretty new here, and I know that not every fella has p411, and might only have references or is a newbie.

Now, for those who have references only, I have sent out reference requests to providers and don't hear back a small percentage of the time.

I think it would be really awesome to know for sure who is "Reference Provider Friendly".

I do see where some ladies have the little "Reference Provider Friendly" banner on their signature lines, but not all.

So, ladies, if you can chime in, and let a new lady know who is cool with helping out with references, that would be wonderful.

By the way - I am "Reference Provider Friendly" so if anyone ever needs anything, just let me know.

Thanks so much.
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Old 07-07-2011, 12:30 PM   #2
Lana Warren
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I am VERY reference provider friendly and I always give references when asked and I do so in a timely manner!

I have run into the same problems you are having with ladies not replying back to you and when that happens, I always make sure the gentleman knows! Even though it isn't his fault, he sure does look bad on him because he chose a non team player!
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Old 07-07-2011, 12:34 PM   #3
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Absolutely I'm reference friendly! The very first emails and PMs I answer are those from other ladies.

I've even suggested ladies to my clients.

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Old 07-07-2011, 01:17 PM   #4
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I am reference friendly and always get back to you very fast.
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Old 07-07-2011, 03:45 PM   #5
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I'd like to think the Dallas area providers are pretty friendly with each other, or at least civil enough to say he is ok, but I know that is not always the case. I had some trouble with getting a ref check once and am giving her the benefit of the doubt in that she just missed the e-mail, PM, voice-mail or what-ever request for info. It would be my guess that the ones who are most active here on the boards to be the best, b/c they do it more or less full time, even if they keep a low volume.
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Old 07-07-2011, 03:54 PM   #6
Putanna Di Classe
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I'm reference friendly! I will always get back to a lady as quick as I can. It might be 15 minutes, or on a busy day it might be 4 or 5 hours, but unless I am on some sort of non-hobby vacation or it is a national holiday I will always respond same day.

Nothing burns my butt more than when a provider takes 3 or more days to get back to me and then by that time the hobbyist has lost interest.
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Old 07-07-2011, 04:00 PM   #7
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I'm definitely a reference friendly provider. Send me an email or give me a call and I'll get back to you on the same day most definitely.
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Old 07-07-2011, 04:04 PM   #8
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Very reference friendly, to the point of occasional gushing about the ones I really like. I also will give full references (that don't compromise a gentleman's privacy, of course) for anyone I've Okayed on P411 or given a Vouch for on Date-Check. There's always more to a reference than "he was okay", so please ask!
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Old 07-07-2011, 04:06 PM   #9
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I am also * Provider Reference Friendly *

I make it a point to help keep these ladies safe.

ALTHOUGH... I absolutely can not stand when I get a NEWBIE Provider or any Provider who lacks the appropiate infomation when asking for a complete reference.

I do not like to be called at midnight for a reference and I HATE to be texted for a reference.

I will admit, I have exchanged words via text, phone call and email about how vague some ladies are when asking for a reference.

I believe, its appropiate to give as much info as you can to the Lady you are requesting the reference.

We all see or have seen so many with the same name and most have been around for a really, really long time.

Sparking our memory with the session also works great.
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Old 07-07-2011, 04:08 PM   #10
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I am reference friendly unless of course its a provider that didn't get back to me when I tried to get a reference check. You get what you give.
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Old 07-07-2011, 04:45 PM   #11
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I'm reference friendly, even to the ladies who don't return the courtesy to me (and there are many).

I prefer to be contacted via PM so I can verify that you are, in fact, who you claim to be. If I don't respond within 48 hours, I may be on a "school hiatus"... I generally don't announce them.
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Old 07-07-2011, 04:51 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by Lil Oral Annie View Post
Now, for those who have references only, I have sent out reference requests to providers and don't hear back a small percentage of the time.
In their defense, sometimes -- particularly if the request is from a new lady -- they may not be absolutely sure it's a valid request. That has two components: (a) is the lady who sent the request really a legitimate provider (as opposed to a suspicious SO or LE or someone else fishing for information); and (b) did Joe Client really give her name out as someone who could provide a reference for him? I've heard some ladies say they're reluctant to respond if they're not fairly sure about both.

The easiest approach is for Joe to contact the references to ask if it's OK to list her and also tell her who may be contacting her for that reference. But, let's face it: logic and the male brain are not always on speaking terms. I must admit that it only occurred to me to do that once or twice back in the pre-P411 days. It may help to suggest to the prospective client that he contact the ladies as well. That may not only reassure them that it's a valid request but also give them more incentive to respond, with the implication (which they should realize anyway) that a current client may be unhappy if they don't provide a reference for him.
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Old 07-07-2011, 05:20 PM   #13
Lana Warren
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Originally Posted by Chevalier View Post
In their defense, sometimes -- particularly if the request is from a new lady -- they may not be absolutely sure it's a valid request. That has two components: (a) is the lady who sent the request really a legitimate provider (as opposed to a suspicious SO or LE or someone else fishing for information); and (b) did Joe Client really give her name out as someone who could provide a reference for him? I've heard some ladies say they're reluctant to respond if they're not fairly sure about both.

The easiest approach is for Joe to contact the references to ask if it's OK to list her and also tell her who may be contacting her for that reference. But, let's face it: logic and the male brain are not always on speaking terms. I must admit that it only occurred to me to do that once or twice back in the pre-P411 days. It may help to suggest to the prospective client that he contact the ladies as well. That may not only reassure them
that it's a valid request but also give them more incentive to respond, with the implication (which they should realize anyway) that a current client may be unhappy if they don't provide a reference for him.

Good point!

I had a new lady contact me by email asking for a reference from a gentleman who I had just seen about a month ago! Her email went something like this:

"Hi, I'm *Ethyl* from Eccie! This guy said you would know him by his real life hobby! Is he okay?"

I did not recognize her name, so I tried to do some research and came up empty handed! I immediately contacted him and forwarded her email to him! He responded with her correct name and I found her! Only then did I give her the reference!
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Old 07-07-2011, 05:22 PM   #14
Lil Oral Annie
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Thank you so much ladies, and Chevalier. It's nice to know there are a few of us out there who are reference provider friendly.

Also, my emails asking for references usually look like this:

Title: Evening, reference needed, please? =)

Hey there!

A fella by the name of XXXX (his handle on eccie XXXX) gave you as a reference. He said he saw you (approx date), and you would remember him because he XXXXX.

His e-mail address is: XXXX@XXX.com.

I was wondering if you could tell me if he was okay to see? Was he nice? Did he overstay? Was he on time? Was he clean? (things of that nature).

If there is anything else you need as a reminder about him, please let me know.

Any help would be greatly appreciated and if there is anything I can do to help you, please let me know.

Thank you.

(my website sometimes if I'm just emailing her directly)


I usually try to send these from my eccie account or p411 account. If the guy says, you have to call her, I really don't like doing that because I feel I'm bothering her, but if I have to, her number must be listed somewhere on eccie or her website before I will call her. The same goes for her direct email address.

Anyway.. that's just me... I always try to be polite, because I know you get what you give.

Also, when it comes to men giving provider's names as references - I ask that they give me the link to her eccie ad, or any other ads on any other forums, and her website and contact info. Just telling me "Annie at XXX@XXX.com" will not work. Lots of girls use similar names, or various spellings. I need actual links to find her to make sure I don't email the wrong lady with your information.

Thanks again for your suggestions.

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Old 07-07-2011, 05:32 PM   #15
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I am reference friendly...and answer those emails or PMs before any others. If you have my number feel free to text or call me for a ref as well. If you are a new lady, please PM me here at ECCIE so that I will know who you are.

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