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Old 07-01-2011, 06:29 AM   #46
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Originally Posted by Whirlaway View Post
A recent Harvard University Study concludes that patriotic symbols/celebrations, such as Independence Day (4th of July), is right-wing propaganda that indoctinates American youth into the culture of Republicanism...the left fears the symbols that unify and define American patriotism.
Horse caca! (Or should I have said Whirly Caca?)
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Old 07-01-2011, 08:16 AM   #47
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Default In the lexicon of the Left, “Patriotic Symbols” means “Targets of Opportunity”.

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Old 07-01-2011, 08:23 AM   #48
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Originally Posted by Whirlaway View Post
A recent Harvard University Study concludes that patriotic symbols/celebrations, such as Independence Day (4th of July), is right-wing propaganda that indoctinates American youth into the culture of Republicanism...the left fears the symbols that unify and define American patriotism.

News story link: http://www.usnews.com/news/blogs/was...are-right-wing

Harvard University Report:

Are you that dense....of course people indoctrinated at an early age tend to drift in that direction.

How many Catholics have you seen revert to Muslims? Or vise versa?

I happen to think it a good trait not to blindly follow your government and to question it at every turn.

You only think it bad when a Republican is in office. That is when you want unconditional loyality! You are the worst form of political person in that you are an ideologue and aren't smart enough to realize it.

The study said that by going to a 4th of July celebration , young kids are more likely to vote Republican. Do you think this is a good thing? Do you think a government sponsered event that benifits one party or the other is a good thing? How about a government sponsered Earth day with rockets shooting in the air and jets flying overhead?

Are you smart enough to understand the findings?

So far you have not shown any any fortitude in understang data.
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Old 07-01-2011, 09:02 AM   #49
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Originally Posted by Whirlaway View Post
Liberals are frightened by such thoughts - they think of patriotic America as a collection of small town idiots who are truck driving racists, right-wing religious fanatics, who are both armed and jingoistic.
Statements like this are grossly exaggerated and entirely off-target. There is no group which contains all exactly like-minded individuals. The range of thought within whatever definition of 'liberal' you use contains many disparate and some conflicting ideas. Similar statements about what all conservatives think are likewise ridiculous. Assigning to all liberals this, or any other one-size-fits-all, set of beliefs is silly. And, to this particular liberal, insulting.


There is also some truth to this overly-broad statement. Far too many liberals do lump all conservatives into a belittling lump of "They all think..."

I am aware that many people who fall under the category of liberal do have a dismissive attitude towards rural citizens; that many are at best callous and at worst insulting to those with devout religious beliefs; that elitism is an element of far too many liberal attitudes.

I understand why many of my friends and family cheer for Sarah Palin. They know she is not an excellent choice to actually have control of our government. But they are excited that at last someone who sounds like them has stood up and said that all those elitist phonies are jerks and that people who shop at Wal-Mart are just as capable of making judgements about our society as those who summer on Martha's Vineyard. Heck, they're just excited that at last there is someone on the national stage who sounds like them.

The Democratic Party has two good reasons to face and minimize this snobbery in our ranks. One is because it's the right thing to do. The second is because we want and need these people's votes.
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Old 07-01-2011, 10:51 AM   #50
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post

I happen to think it a good trait not to blindly follow your government and to question it at every turn.

See, that’s the difference. Having reverence for patriotic symbols isn’t blindly following a government. It’s taking the time out to acknowledge all that has come before you and all that will come after you. There’s nothing wrong with respecting the Flag, the 4th of July, Thanksgiving, going to the Smithsonian or Freedom Hall and looking at the precious documents that laid the framework for our great nation. It’s part of our culture, and our culture is the fabric that holds the collective human experience.
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Old 07-01-2011, 11:07 AM   #51
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Originally Posted by OliviaHoward View Post
See, that’s the difference. Having reverence for patriotic symbols isn’t blindly following a government. It’s taking the time out to acknowledge all that has come before you and all that will come after you. There’s nothing wrong with respecting the Flag, the 4th of July, Thanksgiving, going to the Smithsonian or Freedom Hall and looking at the precious documents that laid the framework for our great nation. It’s part of our culture, and our culture is the fabric that holds the collective human experience.
The link whirlyway provided showed a link between kids that go to july 4th celebrations and those that do not. Those that do wind up voting more republican. Our cities pay for fireworks and the national government pays for jets to be flown overhead. Wtf would you say if we spent the same money on earth day? You sem to be mising the point. There is nothing wrong with respecting the flag and respecting those that may not respect as you. The righties sem to think that if you do not se things as thbey do thban you are not patrotic.
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Old 07-01-2011, 11:14 AM   #52
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Slavery was part of this great nation too. Why is it so difficult to understand that some of have the abality to both celebrate and question our government. Save that flag waving for the children you are indoctrinating
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Old 07-01-2011, 11:34 AM   #53
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
Save that flag waving for the children you are indoctrinating
You might want to reconsider. Why would you wish Whirly on our poor "children?" Hell, they have enough problems just trying to become an adult without a Tea Bagger getting them even more confused than they already are.
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Old 07-01-2011, 11:43 AM   #54
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Good point my friend. I take that back. Leave our kiddios alone!
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Old 07-01-2011, 12:05 PM   #55
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
Slavery was part of this great nation too. Why is it so difficult to understand that some of have the abality to both celebrate and question our government. Save that flag waving for the children you are indoctrinating
Therein lies the rub. It's a mighty fine line between questioning the government and balancing patriotism and clear anti-government rhetoric which borders on anti-American sentiment like Whirlaway and IB spew. They hide their anti-government extremism behind the flag. Nothing worse than that hypocrisy.
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Old 07-01-2011, 12:55 PM   #56
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
The link whirlyway provided showed a link between kids that go to july 4th celebrations and those that do not. Those that do wind up voting more republican. Our cities pay for fireworks and the national government pays for jets to be flown overhead. Wtf would you say if we spent the same money on earth day? You sem to be mising the point. There is nothing wrong with respecting the flag and respecting those that may not respect as you. The righties sem to think that if you do not se things as thbey do thban you are not patrotic.

We are what, fifty some posts into this thread? It's drifted; they all do. I'm not missing the point. And the parallels you are drawing don't equate. Earth Day isn't the birth of a nation. It just isn't. Why do you hate fly-byes. I like them. It's fun. It's culture. You can't possible say you don't like fireworks or a four day weekend while you eat pumpkin pie, watch football and celebrate Thanksgiving.
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Old 07-01-2011, 01:35 PM   #57
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As a proud American! Liberal, I also get accuse of not getting all hyped up about
Patriotic symbols or dates.

But, where I do express my patriotic feelings, is I vote at both the national and local levels. I do my best to understand the various issues that face our nation. I research both sides...to the best of my ability and time...of an arguement. I don't depend on Fox News or CNBC to merely do my thinking. I don't vote, merely base on any party's position.

I am very proud to be an American....but based on the direction of this government over the past decade...I'm also at times Embarrassed to be one.

We all profess to support of troops...which I do also...but we as a nation never seem
hestitate to put them in harms way (where is the discussion of supporting them at times that those type of decisions are made. And look at the support, in terms of the overall pathetic conditions of the VA hosipitals and support system when they return home. Our local VA
hosipital is a sad joke...our returning vets deserve so much better!
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Old 07-01-2011, 03:04 PM   #58
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Originally Posted by Boltfan View Post
And people wonder why this was moved out of Diamonds & Tuxedos.

I'm right

No I am right.

NOOO, I AM right.

No way, I am right.

Maybe this is some strange foreplay and it needs to be discussed in another realm.
But you gotta admit Bolt, it IS hugely entertaining! And much cheaper than a movie or show.
I'm glad all this was moved over here, I didn't pay much attention in the other area.
And I'm sure it's poor form to admit publicly, but I think I'm developing a small crush for Ms Howard.
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Old 07-01-2011, 04:32 PM   #59
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Bingo ! We have the winning quote in the thread....nice one OliviaHoward !!

Mods, Please close this one is done !

Originally Posted by OliviaHoward View Post
See, that’s the difference. Having reverence for patriotic symbols isn’t blindly following a government. It’s taking the time out to acknowledge all that has come before you and all that will come after you. There’s nothing wrong with respecting the Flag, the 4th of July, Thanksgiving, going to the Smithsonian or Freedom Hall and looking at the precious documents that laid the framework for our great nation. It’s part of our culture, and our culture is the fabric that holds the collective human experience.
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Old 07-01-2011, 04:39 PM   #60
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Originally Posted by Whirlaway View Post
A recent Harvard University Study concludes that patriotic symbols/celebrations, such as Independence Day (4th of July), is right-wing propaganda that indoctinates American youth into the culture of Republicanism...the left fears the symbols that unify and define American patriotism.

News story link: http://www.usnews.com/news/blogs/was...are-right-wing

Harvard University Report:

I find using Independence Day celebrations for right-wing propaganda as a means of recruiting future republicans less patriotic than celebrating the day as it was meant to be, a celebration of the birth of our nation. How you correlate that into the left (another broad stroke) fearing symbols that unify and define American patriotism is like putting major spin in the no spin zone.

Just because you wear a flag lapel pin doesn't mean someone who doesn't fears it, or the flag. Patriotism can't be measured by the number of symbols you own. Fear, however, is something republicans are good at promoting for propaganda. Just watch the topics of fear used in major elections. Hell, just look at this thread.
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