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Old 06-27-2011, 02:31 PM   #211
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Originally Posted by herfacechair View Post
Don't dismiss them, for having the common sense not to get involved with your pranks throughout the neighborhood, as them being "retarded."
This is the best you can do Sonny. Really, wow.
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Old 06-27-2011, 02:36 PM   #212
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Originally Posted by herfacechair View Post
lap dog: I forgot your the modern day Rambo, Sonny boy, the only combat you have been deployed in REPEAT POINT


"I am making an appearance to say that I have met HFC, he is human, and he is in the military. Infantry and all." - Aylee

What, this is suppose to prove something, a post from an unknown person, hell I am sure you posted it yourself. I will stand by my opinion that you have never seen a day of combat other than dodging the dicks coming through the gloryhole.

lap dog: involves a gloryhole, a sore jaw and a jar of vasoline.

I take it that your wife bragged about sitting on my face, shaking her hips back and forth as the activity that she was doing when she accurately aimed, and threw, a jar of vasoline on your head. She was worried about causing some brain damage. Based on what I've seen on this thread, those worries were unfunded… you're brain dead.

Really, this is the best you can come up with........ I can tell your a lot of fun at partys. What a whitty guy you are.

lap dog: Get their summer school homework done, hell your little bastards are 13 and 14 and can barely read "see spot run"......

This coming from the dummy that can't tell the difference between "you're" and "your."

LOL hahahahahahahahahaha
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Old 06-27-2011, 03:21 PM   #213
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Still no verifiable facts.... OK..... And all of the explanation and flawed "examples" that are themselves, fallacies, are really starting to sound a helluva lot like "The Dog ate my homework".
And no, I'm not going to ask anyone, anywhere, if you're an expert, because you're not. Besides, the burden of proof is on you. You're not a history professor - that pretty much settles the expert question b/c "I took a class" is not cutting it. So, until you've presented something verifiable to support your opinion, your opinion is still, officially shit.

"He who warned the British that they weren't gonna be taking away our arms, and by ringing those bells, and making sure as he's riding his horse through town to send those warning shots, and bells, that we were gonna be secure and we were gonna be free" - Sarah Palin

'Nuff said!
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Old 06-27-2011, 07:09 PM   #214
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This is an example of misspeaking. Sorry about the link being from the liberal site.

Bachman's John Wayne Reference

Now this happened, IMHO, because Bachman didn't do her homework. I don't think she is in any way saying she is like John Wayne Gacy, but rather trying to liken herself to the Duke. It is funny though, but more of an example of misspeaking. Palin on the other hand had just visited a Paul Revere landmark before she gave her eloquent interpretation of history.
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Old 06-28-2011, 06:23 PM   #215
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Originally Posted by catnipdipper View Post
Guard Guard Guard.....................resi dent not in control in room 9, bring rifle with sedation dart.

Massive delusional behavior
But catnipdipper didn't hear the nurse yell that alarm to the guard.

Catnipdipper was too involved with banging his hands and face on the computer keyboard.

He didn't just beat the keyboard up, he was yelling at the screen. The subject of his breakdown, the "blue text man" in the computer. Catnipdipper's screaming silenced the other residents. They looked at him in terror. Originally planning to push their limits with the nurse assistants administering their medications, the other residents decided on something else.

The screaming man at the computer scared them. They wanted to put as much distance between them and catnipdipper. Catnipdipper's roommate was more terrified than the others. "Nurse," he pleaded in panic, "please send the scary man away! I want to live!"

Blood appeared in catnipdipper's nostrils as his head bounced up and down on the keyboard. He alternated between his face and his fists, applying a constant beat on the computer keyboard.

Catnipdipper let out another explosive scream, at the "blue text man" in the computer. His head slammed the keyboard again with a loud BANG! The keyboard responded by bouncing into the air, as if catnipdipper's face was pulling it by magic, before clattering on the table.

A keyboard key and a couple teeth clattered on the table top. Catnipdipper bled from the nose and mouth.

Too busy to hear anybody, or anything, catnipdipper continued to lecture the "blue text man" in the computer. He screamed, "UUUUHH GHHAAAAAAAAAHG WAAAAA!"

Alternating boot steps met tile, running boot sounds bounced off the walls outside. They got closer. The head nurse turned to the first guards to enter the room and exclaimed, "Thank God you guys are here, where's the rifle and sedation dart?"

The sharpshooter in the group responded, "Right here, someone else is looking for the sedation dart!" A second guard ran up to the first guard, and tapped him on the shoulder. Handing the first guard the sedation dart, he said, "Here, quick load it!"

The guard with the rifle grabbed the sedation dart, took a knee, then loaded it. He stood up and took aim…

Right then, a loud crashing and popping sound shocked everybody.

Catnipdipper had violently pulled the keyboard out and smashed it on the floor. He started to run around the room, waving his arms all over the place, while screaming, "AAAHHHHGH AAAAAAAAHH UUUUUUGH!"

"This isn't going to work, there are way too many others in the room, we're going to have to tackle him!" With that, the guard with the rifle stepped back as the other guards rushed the room. The nurses tried to calm catnipdipper down, but he refused to listen.

Then, he saw the guards. His rage grew, he thought of something that only he knew… the "blue text man" in the computer sent them against him!

Clenching his fist, catnipdipper locked his arm, straightened it, then raised it, clenched fist, above his head. He repeatedly swung his fist in a vertical arc in front of him, from above his head to his waist level, back up to his head and down. Repeating this procedure, he rushed the guards.

Fat and bones collided with muscles and bones as catnipdipper closed in with the guards. Shortly after that, the thud of fat and bones on the tiled floor ricochet from the walls. Catnipdipper continued his struggles. The light thud of knee meeting fat and bones meet with the scrapes and knocks of shoes and boots on the floor.

All the guards pinned catnipdipper down, as the nurse injected him with medication that'd temporarily put him out of commission.

After what seemed like an eternity, catnipdipper gave up the struggle. One by one, the guards got up, and left catnipdipper, who seemed to be content with just breathing. The last guard to get up noticed fluids in catnipdipper's mouth… the former turned the later's head to prevent him from chocking.

Blood and saliva flowed out of catnipdipper's mouth. This time, no sound of rage came out. Just exhausted breathing. A couple of pills landed in the saliva/blood pool, making a small, wet pop noise.

A canine tooth landed right next to the pills.

Catnipdipper had a reputation for refusing to take his pills. The head nurse decided that a detailed inspection of catnipdipper's room was in order. She had a feeling that she'd find additional pills. But first, the patient needed to be prepared and cleaned as assets for additional medical treatment arrived.
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Old 06-28-2011, 06:25 PM   #216
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lap dog: Good news the military abolished Dont Ask Dont Tell,

It doesn't surprise me that you'd be all excited about "Don't Ask Don't Tell's" death throws.

If you weren't brain dead, you'd know that the military doesn't have the authority to abolish a federal law. The federal government did that, and the military is in the process of removing the policy in phases.

lap dog: you can come out of the closet now.

Don't mistake me for being just another one of your jokes/insults. Do realize that your experiences, taking it in the ass numerous times during your jail experience, doesn't translate into something that most have experienced.

You continue to prove that you're braindead by insinuating the above… despite the fact that I go by the username HERfacechair. I'd ask you for what "her" would be used for, but you'd probably get a severe headache trying to come up with an answer. It wouldn't surprise me that given the level of stupidity that you've demonstrated here, your mentality, and your lack of intellectual acumen, the answer would be too much for you to handle… that you're not ready for the answer.

lap dog: I can't,

That's the only thing that you've said here that comes closest to the fact. You were unable to please your wife, so she found a real man and made you the cockhold.

lap dog: it takes a wannabe soldier, superhero expert such as yourself REPEAT POINT


"I am making an appearance to say that I have met HFC, he is human, and he is in the military. Infantry and all." - Aylee

Who's right here, you, who has never met me, or Aylee, who not only met me, but has seen documentation proving that what I said on that board, similar to what I said here, correct? I lived in the geo bachelor barracks when she came to the post and picked me up, then took me to her part of Kansas.

And get this, I could tell that you've never served in the military. If you have, and have seen my statements regarding my military service, you'd pick up the fact that I'm a veteran… like this Iraq War Veteran who jumped on my thread when others did the same thing that you're doing here:


ORIGINAL: toxic66 (from collarchat.com; herfacechair thread, "Back from Iraq Ready to answer…."

To the rest of you who doubted whether he is really a Soldier serving in Iraq, I believe he is and I am a twice deployed veteran (if you doubt that just go look at my profile pics, two were taken in Iraq (one in full battle rattle)). I base my belief in that he talks like a Soldier and does know about things going on there. And, he nailed all of the flight times out Iraq back to the U. S. Plus, just knowing what Ali Al Salem is shows a lot (quick before you Google it how many of you know what it is?). He refers to his buddies as battles, and just everything he talked about and described seemed accurate. However, I can’t vouch for chemical weapons as I never ran into any (it doesn’t mean no one else did, just means I didn’t). To be a fake he would have had to talk to a Soldier extensively and asked a lot of questions about even mundane things. It just all sounded like someone who has been there.
Do you see how that works, lap dog? The part of using one's military experience to determine if someone else is really in the military or not, based on what they say? Apparently not, as you probably never served, and you'd rather demonstrate your ignorance just from the way you post.

lap dog: to satisfy her. Of course once she found out you dick is only 3 inches long she gave up on that fantasy.

Oh I satisfied her alright. That was no fantasy. You see, she didn't want to hurt your feelings when she was face to face with you. So, she fed you that line of crap to make you feel better. It worked, even though you were in the vicinity when your wife and I were having sex.

You're too stupid to realize that you were a cockhold then, and you're too stupid to realize that you're a closet gay… sheesh, now you're trying to picture what my dick looks like. No wonder why you liked the taste of my sperm in your mouth after your wife kissed you.

You probably went to jail on purpose, didn't you?

lap dog: Your right, I see myself as a Lesbian....

Just as I thought, you're too stupid to know the difference between a man and a woman, and how each is described, or the words that are used to describe a man or a woman that prefers the same gender.

I'd ask you to try again, using the word for the male counterpart to the lesbian… but I'm afraid that your attempt to come up with an answer would give you blistering, long lasting headaches.

lap dog: Well congratulations, its not every man that requires accolades from unknown faces on the internet to KNOW that they are good at it. I am glad you found something to make you feel better about yourself.

WOW! Your reading comprehension is shot! What I said:

"There's no assuming about this, others over the past few years, on both sides of the debate, have told me that I was pretty good at it." - herfacechair

What I've previously said:

"Both, online and face to face, I've found plenty of common ground and agreement with those in the middle, and with the blue dog liberals… I've found a lot in common with those who identify themselves as independent." - herfacechair

It's those on the far left that I find myself debating, it's those on the far left that chose to debate with me, and who insinuate that I'm on the far right." - herfacechair

Nowhere, in the sentence that you addressed, does it indicate whether I'm talking about those that I met face to face, or online, or both.

That's not me wanting accolades, that's me countering your comment suggesting that I was just thinking certain things. I came back and pointed out that other people thought similar to what I thought.

Unlike you, I don't need a constant reminder, or any reminder, that I'm good at certain things, to feel better about things. If I'm mentioning something to that effect, it's to counter people's stupidity.

For someone that claims that he's semi-retired, after supposedly running a business, you sure do spend way too much time on this message board. That goes counter to what I've seen other retirees do--semi or full.

Unless… your business is extremely slow…

lap dog: Naw because if I thought everyone did things the way they do them in prison you would be dead already LOL. The funny thing is Rambo, you wouldnt last 48hours in Prison before someone exposed you for the putz you are.

Just as your side of the argument here doesn't speak for all of the ECCIE community, you don't speak for everyone that has ever served in prison. I've had friends that had done time in prison. They didn't see me as anyone that'd end up in jail, but they also told me that if I were in jail, I would've gotten along and done well.

Again, who are we to believe, people that have met me, and who've seen how I interact with people, or you, who've never seen me face to face?

Your real issue with me, as reflected in your statement, is that I constantly hammer you. That's what's earning me the "putz" and "Rambo" label from you. You're not used to that, aren't you? You probably wish that you could do something to restrict my freedom of speech as long as I apply it to hammer your cesspools that you call your posts. If I were "dead," I wouldn't be exposing you as a big phony.

You spend too much time in these forums trying to address moves to expose you... for someone that runs a business.
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Old 06-28-2011, 06:26 PM   #217
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lap dog: Didn't know you get points for spelling on an internet chat room.

You attacked my reading, by proxy, so your word usage became game for attack. I didn't point that out for the sake of pointing that out. I'm not the only poster that reminded you of the right word to use.

lap dog: See while your sitting in your living room beating your meat to this site, I am at work and generally type in a hurry.

The last time I "beat my meat" was when I provided a sperm sample to real lesbians, so that they could start a family. Other than that, if I need release, I've got my SO.

Also, as a freelance writer, when I do "work," and when I slam you on this message board, is flexible. I work from my home computer; all I need is the internet so that I could communicate with my clients.

I'm my own boss, I set my own schedule. If you're at work, posting on this site, which seems like you're here often, then you're not focusing on your job. If you're the business owner, and you're on this site, then something is fishy. It's probably more than slow business.

Also, the excuse that you're "typing in a hurry" doesn't get you any "free passes." If you're busy, at work, and you manage to find time to post here, then you're obviously occupied about what's being said about you here. That tells me that what I'm saying to you is hitting you in the jugular, enough for you to not focus on your work… so you're constantly checking this site.

The more you post here, the less believable your "I'm semi-retired, working few hours," claims are.

Do keep posting, you speak volumes about yourself when you do.
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Old 06-28-2011, 06:28 PM   #218
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Originally Posted by dirty dog View Post

Originally Posted by herfacechair View Post

Don't dismiss them, for having the common sense not to get involved with your pranks throughout the neighborhood, as them being "retarded."
This is the best you can do Sonny. Really, wow.
Hey kid, you need to deliver real blows in the insult department before you dismiss what others have said. I gave you a good comeback, and you had nothing to say in return, other than the wet fart "pop" noise that you gave in your quote.

Most debates that I was involved with resulted in the opposition lobbing insults at me before they finally gave up the ghost. You're one of the worst performances that I've seen. When it comes to an insult-fest, you're the guy that rushes into a machine gun battle… with a spork.
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Old 06-28-2011, 06:29 PM   #219
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lap dog: What, this is suppose to prove something, a post from an unknown person, hell I am sure you posted it yourself.

I've got her as one of my facebook friends. I'm going to send your remarks to her via PM, just so that she could have additional laughs… at your expense. I guess your stupidity does have some good use.

She's real alright, I met her more than once. You claim that you attack stupidity anywhere. Well? I'm waiting for you to actually do that… by attacking your post. She's a real person, if you were for "the truth," then you'd accept the fact that she and I aren't the same people. Then accept the fact that your opinion is wrong.

Continuing to embrace your opinion, after it has been proven wrong, makes you equivalent to the person that breath's his own "exhausts" in.

lap dog: I will stand by my opinion that you have never seen a day of combat

Are you willing to stand by your opinion under a bet? If so, I could ask the Virginia moderator if he'd be willing to review the following documents:


My Iraq War related award citations

And see if he'd come over here to vouch for the fact that I've combat deployed to Iraq.

Or, you could create an account with collarchat, and talk to the two posters that vouched for me on my 69 page thread there. Take your pick.

If you're not willing to do one of the two, if you'd rather stick to your opinion, no matter how wrong it is, you speak volumes about your lack of integrity, and standing, in this debate.

I guess you'll attack what you think is stupid, and not what's actually stupid.

lap dog: other than dodging the dicks coming through the gloryhole.

Hate to break this to you kid, but a combat deployment isn't the same thing as a prison experience. You need to get your prison experience out of your head when someone talks about their military experience.

lap dog: Really, this is the best you can come up with........ REPEAT POINT

That's a typical weak response, that someone with piss poor insulting abilities, would say to someone that got him good in the insult department. Again, out of all the liberals that sent jokes and insults my way, you're among the weakest. I mean, you wouldn't even be able to get under a thin skinned person's skin with your efforts.

lap dog: I can tell your a lot of fun at partys. What a whitty guy you are.

When it comes to throwing jokes and insults, it's second nature to people in the military. I could tell, by the quality of your jabs, that you're also fun at parties… the other party goers have fun spinning you like a top, laugh at your reactions, and laugh harder at your feeble attempts to get them back.

lap dog: LOL hahahahahahahahahaha

Can't come up with an effective comeback, so you laugh stupidly.
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Old 06-28-2011, 06:31 PM   #220
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thorough9: Still no verifiable facts.... OK..... And all of the explanation and flawed "examples" that are themselves, fallacies, are really starting to sound a helluva lot like "The Dog ate my homework".

What you chose to ignore:

From "Vindicating the Founders" (http://www.vindicatingthefounders.co...colonists.html )

The Rights of the Colonists, Adopted by the Town of Boston on November 20, 1772:

Among the Natural Rights of the Colonists are these First a Right to Life; Secondly to Liberty; thirdly to Property; together with the Right to support and defend them in the best manner they can—Those are evident Branches of, rather than deductions from the Duty of Self Preservation, commonly called the first Law of Nature—
What I said:

"Our concept of rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness derived from the British' philosophy. Prior to "pursuit of happiness," the colonials used the one from the British, which stated that we had the right to life, liberty and property. This concept is based on English Common Law." - herfacechair


Did the colonists, that wrote the above statement, believe that they had a right to life, liberty and property? YES [ ] NO [ ]

Did these colonists believe that they had the right to support and defend these rights in the best manner they can? YES [ ] NO [ ]

Something else that you're ignoring:

From James Madison, the Father of the US Constitution: ( http://drkatesview.wordpress.com/201...aw-of-nations/ )

What can he mean by saying that the Common law is not secured by the new Constitution, though it has been adopted by the State Constitutions. The common law is nothing more than the unwritten law, and is left by all the constitutions equally liable to legislative alterations. I am not sure that any notice is particularly taken of it in the Constitutions of the States. If there is, nothing more is provided than a general declaration that it shall continue along with other branches of law to be in force till legally changed.
What I said:

"Common sense… our founding fathers would've done things driven by English Common Law." - herfacechair

"Under English Common Law, or Natural Law, you didn't always spell things out. Many of the rules, and intentions, were "unwritten." - herfacechair

Did the Father of the US Constitution argue that Common Law should continue with all other branches of the law, until legally changed? YES [ ] NO [ ]

Did the Father of the US Constitution argue that Common Law was unwritten? YES [ ] NO [ ]

Simply copy all my reply above, to include those questions, and paste it to your response. Place an "X" in the boxes that represent your response, and spare me your BS response.

This is key.

Both the above sources support my arguments. Regardless of how you try to spin your responses, every source that I came up with is factual, which proves your "Still no facts" comment wrong. My argument is that the founders/colonists were driven by English Common Law.

You can't even say, "Well, none of us were there," as I've quoted the Colonists' and a Founder's own words. These facts prove me right.

The actions of the Colonials that night was them practicing their rights under the first law of nature… aka, Natural Law… aka… English Common Law… aka… God's Law. Their forming, and ringing the bells and beating the drums, was them sending a message to the Regulars, that the later wasn't going to be taking the former's property.

HENCE… defending their property in the best manner they can.

These aren't fallacies, but have everything to do with what we're arguing.

thorough9: And no, I'm not going to ask anyone, anywhere, if you're an expert, because you're not.

Regardless of how you try to spin this, I'm the expert on the topic that's being debated here. If I'm "not" an expert, you should easily be able to answer the "Yes" or "No" questions that I ask you above… truthfully and factually without your spin.

Your failure to go somewhere, to verify your opinion, speaks volumes about your lack of integrity. The only reason to why you refuse to see me as an expert on this topic, is because we're arguing. For you, admitting that I'm an expert would involve you acknowledging that you're not, which would require you to indirectly admit that you don't know what you're talking about.

Your response is ego driven, not rational driven.

What you're saying is that your opinion trumps the facts… that if someone gives you a chance to subject your opinion to a fact-check, you're going to refuse. But, again, your opinion isn't the final decider on a topic. The cold hard reality is that you'd actually get the facts if you had the balls to talk to people that know me far better than you do… rather than running with your unfunded opinion.

thorough9: Besides, the burden of proof is on you.

If the majority of the posters here didn't know about the facts that I mentioned earlier:

"* Like the role that Bernardo de Galvez y Madrid (Spanish counterpart to Lafeyette) played in securing our "independence" from Britain. Hint, his forces stopped a three pronged British Assault that would've ended our revolution and secured British Victory..." - herfacechair

"* The role the Russians played in our support during that war... " - herfacechair

"* Why Great Britain had to focus a large percent of her maritime might to her waters... it wasn't because of the US, not even remotely..." - herfacechair

"* Why the Declaration of Independence has no other purpose than to be a historical document. (HINT, it's a lawyer type document that has since been null and voided... by 3 key members of the patriots. No... they're not listed as traitors either.)" - herfacechair

Then, what I state still stands. I've consistently proven myself on this thread, that I know more about the topic than most the people posting here. I definitely know more about the this topic than the people that I'm debating.

So go ahead, do a search on those topics. Don't let the facts get into your way. If you're honest with yourself, and us, you'd admit that I do know more about this than most people do.

thorough9: You're not a history professor - that pretty much settles the expert question

Ever heard of the term, subject matter expert? You don't need to be a professor to be one of those.

Saying that you need to be a professor to be an expert in history is as idiotic as claiming that you have to be a Drill Sergeant to be considered an "expert Soldier." That, if you're not a Drill Sergeant, then you're not an expert Soldier.

In order to be an expert, you have to know more about the topic than what most would normally know.

thorough9: b/c "I took a class" is not cutting it.

What I've said:

"In order to be comparable to me, you would've had some very good piano playing skills before taking that class, and you would've continued to play piano after that class. I say that, because I started reading up on history during the late 1970s, and I still read and study about it now, in addition to the classes that I've taken." - herfacechair

"I took the class, on the Founding Fathers, in 1996. I had continued my reading about the topic long after that." - herfacechair

"I had to relearn it as it actually happened, because the watered down version you learned in school isn't close to being the complete story." - herfacechair

"Most my research was done from reading books, both in college, from the library, as well as ordered from online stores." - herfacechair

Do you see the trend here? I've constantly talked about how I've read on this topic, not just with classes, but those times I wasn't taking history classes.

Your opinion, of what constitutes an expert, falls short of what an expert actually is. Your opinion, about my claims, don't come anywhere near what I've said on this thread.

thorough9: So, until you've presented something verifiable to support your opinion, your opinion is still, officially shit.

Again, what you chose to ignore:

From "Vindicating the Founders" (http://www.vindicatingthefounders.co...colonists.html )

The Rights of the Colonists, Adopted by the Town of Boston on November 20, 1772:

Among the Natural Rights of the Colonists are these First a Right to Life; Secondly to Liberty; thirdly to Property; together with the Right to support and defend them in the best manner they can—Those are evident Branches of, rather than deductions from the Duty of Self Preservation, commonly called the first Law of Nature—
What I said:

"Our concept of rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness derived from the British' philosophy. Prior to "pursuit of happiness," the colonials used the one from the British, which stated that we had the right to life, liberty and property. This concept is based on English Common Law." - herfacechair


Does the belief of the right to right to life, liberty and property show up in both, the Colonials' statement and mine? YES [ ] NO [ ]

Does my statement say that the Colonials' used "life, liberty and property" prior to the use of "life, liberty and happiness? YES [ ] NO [ ]

Does the Colonials' statement take place before the shot heard around the world? YES [ ] NO [ ]

Something else that you're ignoring:

From James Madison, the Father of the US Constitution: ( http://drkatesview.wordpress.com/201...aw-of-nations/ )

What can he mean by saying that the Common law is not secured by the new Constitution, though it has been adopted by the State Constitutions. The common law is nothing more than the unwritten law, and is left by all the constitutions equally liable to legislative alterations. I am not sure that any notice is particularly taken of it in the Constitutions of the States. If there is, nothing more is provided than a general declaration that it shall continue along with other branches of law to be in force till legally changed.
What I said:

"Under English Common Law, or Natural Law, you didn't always spell things out. Many of the rules, and intentions, were "unwritten." - herfacechair

Did the Father of the US Constitution argue that Common Law should continue with all other branches of the law, until legally changed? YES [ ] NO [ ]

Did the Father of the US Constitution argue that Common Law was unwritten? YES [ ] NO [ ]

Simply copy all my reply above, to include those questions, and paste it to your response. Place an "X" in the boxes that represent your response, and spare me your BS response.

If you chose "Yes," then your statement, that I'm presenting an "opinion," that's "not" verified by fact, is wrong. If you chose "No," then you're a straight up liar… on top of your not having any integrity.

thorough9: "He who warned the British that they weren't gonna be taking away our arms, and by ringing those bells, and making sure as he's riding his horse through town to send those warning shots, and bells, that we were gonna be secure and we were gonna be free" - Sarah Palin REPEAT POINT

Sarah Palin may very well not have had exposure to American history since she was in high school, we're talking decades here. She gets access to the facts, a more complex version of the one she covered in high school, read it once, and tried to explain what she just read.

The intent of her explanation still stood... One of Paul Rever's missions was to cause the alarm systems to go off, in order to get the militia ready to respond to the advancing regular army. Those bells, drums and gunfire did another thing... it sent a message to the regulars that the colonials had no intentions of giving up their arms.

thorough9: 'Nuff said!

I still see, in that statement, what I've constantly argued in this thread. The only thing that you're demonstrating here is a colossal lack of understanding of American History.
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Old 06-28-2011, 06:33 PM   #221
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Originally Posted by kcbigpapa View Post
Now this happened, IMHO, because Bachman didn't do her homework. I don't think she is in any way saying she is like John Wayne Gacy, but rather trying to liken herself to the Duke. It is funny though, but more of an example of misspeaking. Palin on the other hand had just visited a Paul Revere landmark before she gave her eloquent interpretation of history.
I don't see a difference between the above Palin and Bachman examples when it came to the misspeaking. I don't see a difference between these women's misspeaking and Obama's misspeaking either. In all of their instances, I saw what they intended to communicate, and not what they actually communicated.

Palin came closer to the truth about what happened that night than most Americans. This was more than someone riding on a horse to warn of the Regulars' advance.
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Old 06-28-2011, 07:11 PM   #222
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Originally Posted by herfacechair View Post
lap dog: Good news the military abolished Dont Ask Dont Tell,

It doesn't surprise me that you'd be all excited about "Don't Ask Don't Tell's" death throws.

If you weren't brain dead, you'd know that the military doesn't have the authority to abolish a federal law. The federal government did that, and the military is in the process of removing the policy in phases.

Your probably right I dont know a lot about DADT, but I am sure you do so that you could continue to fly under the gaydar.

lap dog: you can come out of the closet now.

Don't mistake me for being just another one of your jokes/insults. Do realize that your experiences, taking it in the ass numerous times during your jail experience, doesn't translate into something that most have experienced.

You continue to prove that you're braindead by insinuating the above… despite the fact that I go by the username HERfacechair. I'd ask you for what "her" would be used for, but you'd probably get a severe headache trying to come up with an answer. It wouldn't surprise me that given the level of stupidity that you've demonstrated here, your mentality, and your lack of intellectual acumen, the answer would be too much for you to handle… that you're not ready for the answer.

I dont mistake you as another joke'insult, you do that all yourself. As for your name, hell Rock Hudson called himself rock and he was as gay as you are. A username does necessarily indicate someone you are or do. So you can call yourself herfacechair all you want, but everyone knows your throat is a cock holster.

lap dog: I can't,

That's the only thing that you've said here that comes closest to the fact. You were unable to please your wife, so she found a real man and made you the cockhold.

Have you noticed something here Mr. Debator, you seem to modify mystates to suite your needs when I have the balls to post all of your ramblings. If you want my wife dude, take her, I am glad she found a real man like you. I think you may be the cockhold since it is my semen your sucking out of her when as you said she is shaking on your face. How do I taste, probably not as good as your "drill" sergent. In case you haven't figured it out yet menstrual cramp, you can say what you want about my wife, it doesnt get me all excited. Do you want to come over and take her anally.

lap dog: it takes a wannabe soldier, superhero expert such as yourself REPEAT POINT


"I am making an appearance to say that I have met HFC, he is human, and he is in the military. Infantry and all." - Aylee

Who's right here, you, who has never met me, or Aylee, who not only met me, but has seen documentation proving that what I said on that board, similar to what I said here, correct? I lived in the geo bachelor barracks when she came to the post and picked me up, then took me to her part of Kansas.

And get this, I could tell that you've never served in the military. If you have, and have seen my statements regarding my military service, you'd pick up the fact that I'm a veteran… like this Iraq War Veteran who jumped on my thread when others did the same thing that you're doing here:


Why do you believe that anyone is going to believe something just because you post a link and a quote. Hell that could have been written by your transsexual barricks buddy as far as I or anyone else here would know, it's not proof of anything, pinhead.

Do you see how that works, lap dog? The part of using one's military experience to determine if someone else is really in the military or not, based on what they say? Apparently not, as you probably never served, and you'd rather demonstrate your ignorance just from the way you post.

Again see post above. Here is a little tip for you, just because you say it does not make it so. The seems to be the point several people have tried to make to your dense, wannabe soldier, superhero ass.

lap dog: to satisfy her. Of course once she found out you dick is only 3 inches long she gave up on that fantasy.

Oh I satisfied her alright. That was no fantasy. You see, she didn't want to hurt your feelings when she was face to face with you. So, she fed you that line of crap to make you feel better. It worked, even though you were in the vicinity when your wife and I were having sex.

Really, wow did you take pictures stud, post em, really, she did tell you about her herpe's. You might get checked out because the bumps on your face arnt pimples.

You're too stupid to realize that you were a cockhold then, and you're too stupid to realize that you're a closet gay… sheesh, now you're trying to picture what my dick looks like. No wonder why you liked the taste of my sperm in your mouth after your wife kissed you.

Naw I always make her brush before I kiss her, I sure hope you did, because we both know how she likes to toss the salad, by the way how did my pasta taste butt licker by proxy.

You probably went to jail on purpose, didn't you?

No, the government spent a lot of money to put me there, but you were already for those nights in the barricks though werent you semen sampler.

lap dog: Your right, I see myself as a Lesbian....

Just as I thought, you're too stupid to know the difference between a man and a woman, and how each is described, or the words that are used to describe a man or a woman that prefers the same gender.

Actually a Lesbian is accurate because pussy is my favorite meal. In fact I like it so much I want one of my own. The fun thing in all this is you actually think your attempts to slam me are funny, you werent real popular in school were you?

I'd ask you to try again, using the word for the male counterpart to the lesbian… but I'm afraid that your attempt to come up with an answer would give you blistering, long lasting headaches.

So your wanting me to help you by tell you what the male counterpart of a lesbian is so that you can more accurately describe yourself, well there are many names which would fit you. Fag, queer, homo, throat bobber the list goes on and on.

lap dog: Well congratulations, its not every man that requires accolades from unknown faces on the internet to KNOW that they are good at it. I am glad you found something to make you feel better about yourself.

WOW! Your reading comprehension is shot! What I said:

"There's no assuming about this, others over the past few years, on both sides of the debate, have told me that I was pretty good at it." - herfacechair

What I've previously said:

"Both, online and face to face, I've found plenty of common ground and agreement with those in the middle, and with the blue dog liberals… I've found a lot in common with those who identify themselves as independent." - herfacechair

It's those on the far left that I find myself debating, it's those on the far left that chose to debate with me, and who insinuate that I'm on the far right." - herfacechair

Nowhere, in the sentence that you addressed, does it indicate whether I'm talking about those that I met face to face, or online, or both.

That's not me wanting accolades, that's me countering your comment suggesting that I was just thinking certain things. I came back and pointed out that other people thought similar to what I thought.

Unlike you, I don't need a constant reminder, or any reminder, that I'm good at certain things, to feel better about things. If I'm mentioning something to that effect, it's to counter people's stupidity.

Are you sure about all of that, seems to me its you the feels the need to keep telling everyone what a great debator you are. Why do you suppose that is. Do you really think your impressing anyone or that anyone really cares or believes in a thing your saying. You crack me up.

For someone that claims that he's semi-retired, after supposedly running a business, you sure do spend way too much time on this message board. That goes counter to what I've seen other retirees do--semi or full.

Unless… your business is extremely slow…

No slow is what your mental capabilities are. I will tell you how this is possible. Are you ready, their called employee's. When you have them you dont do the work they do. In charge of those employees are managers whom you make responsible for running things. Get it right, I own to remaining businesses and just recently sold two others. Dont be a hater because your a worker bee.

lap dog: Naw because if I thought everyone did things the way they do them in prison you would be dead already LOL. The funny thing is Rambo, you wouldnt last 48hours in Prison before someone exposed you for the putz you are.

Just as your side of the argument here doesn't speak for all of the ECCIE community, you don't speak for everyone

You might remember this as well there Sonny.

that has ever served in prison. I've had friends that had done time in prison. They didn't see me as anyone that'd end up in jail, but they also told me that if I were in jail, I would've gotten along and done well.

Well its good to know all that, wow thats freaking impressive.

Again, who are we to believe, people that have met me, and who've seen how I interact with people, or you, who've never seen me face to face?

Who are we to believe, someone that pops out of no where claiming to be the second coming of christ or people who may not even exist except inside your head. For example, 4 ladies said I was a great guy and they each gave me 100,000 dollars, that has about as much foundation in fact and creditbility as your comments.

Your real issue with me, as reflected in your statement, is that I constantly hammer you.

Please, please post the entire quote where I said you were hammering me, give me a freaking break.

That's what's earning me the "putz" and "Rambo" label from you. You're not used to that, aren't you?

No actually I call you a putz and rambo based on the crap you write, as for being used to it, you make me laugh dude, you sure think a lot about yourself, dude your amusment for me.

You probably wish that you could do something to restrict my freedom of speech as long as I apply it to hammer your cesspools that you call your posts.

Actually I prefer to keep your posting so you will continue to look like a dork. So hammer away thor.

If I were "dead," I wouldn't be exposing you as a big phony.

Just what are you exposing, be specific here.

You spend too much time in these forums trying to address moves to expose you for someone that runs a business.
Well you keep on moving there slick expose me, however, know that I have posted the address of my business at this site as we all as Dennis's board and ASPD. If you would like scan in your drivers license with your name exposed and then I will be happy to scan in mine and my occupations license. But since they have my real info, I want you to put your info out there too.
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Old 06-28-2011, 07:14 PM   #223
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Originally Posted by herfacechair View Post
Hey kid, you need to deliver real blows in the insult department before you dismiss what others have said. I gave you a good comeback, and you had nothing to say in return, other than the wet fart "pop" noise that you gave in your quote.

Most debates that I was involved with resulted in the opposition lobbing insults at me before they finally gave up the ghost. You're one of the worst performances that I've seen. When it comes to an insult-fest, you're the guy that rushes into a machine gun battle… with a spork.
Well thanks for the information, I am glad you think your ramblings are effective. I guess your a free lance writer because you cant get anyone to hire you and you cant write a book. Thats sort of like the guy in hollywood who is an actor acting like a waiter. The reality is your working the fry machine and "writing" in some blog on the net.
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Old 06-28-2011, 07:47 PM   #224
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Originally Posted by herfacechair View Post
lap dog: What, this is suppose to prove something, a post from an unknown person, hell I am sure you posted it yourself.

I've got her as one of my facebook friends. I'm going to send your remarks to her via PM, just so that she could have additional laughs… at your expense. I guess your stupidity does have some good use.

She's real alright, I met her more than once. You claim that you attack stupidity anywhere. Well? I'm waiting for you to actually do that… by attacking your post. She's a real person, if you were for "the truth," then you'd accept the fact that she and I aren't the same people. Then accept the fact that your opinion is wrong.

Why should I just accept it, fuck dude this is the internet, you might not even be a man, no one just accepts something just because you say it. Dude you crack me up. I am glad you got a facebook friend, maybe when she get into Jr. high you guys can be more.

Continuing to embrace your opinion, after it has been proven wrong, makes you equivalent to the person that breath's his own "exhausts" in.

What have you proven dushebag, you havnt proven anything other than your someone who thinks that if you keep saying something it makes it true.

lap dog: I will stand by my opinion that you have never seen a day of combat

Are you willing to stand by your opinion under a bet? If so, I could ask the Virginia moderator if he'd be willing to review the following documents:


My Iraq War related award citations

And see if he'd come over here to vouch for the fact that I've combat deployed to Iraq.

How is he going to review the documents or do you just expect him to take your word for it. How is he going to know the documents are yours. I could send my dads military records to a mod, how would the mod know that I wasn't my dad, please dude give me a break.

Or, you could create an account with collarchat, and talk to the two posters that vouched for me on my 69 page thread there. Take your pick.

69 pages are you kidding me, talk about free time.

If you're not willing to do one of the two, if you'd rather stick to your opinion, no matter how wrong it is, you speak volumes about your lack of integrity, and standing, in this debate.

Neither one proves anything, I bet I could get two members of this board who would tell you I was with seal team 6 and shot bin ladin. It doesnt make it real.

I guess you'll attack what you think is stupid, and not what's actually stupid.

Its not the stupidity of what you say, its the arrogance in how you say it.

lap dog: other than dodging the dicks coming through the gloryhole.

Hate to break this to you kid, but a combat deployment isn't the same thing as a prison experience.

How would you know you haven't been in either.

You need to get your prison experience out of your head when someone talks about their military experience.

No your gloryhole experience is in the mens room at your favorite truck stop.

lap dog: Really, this is the best you can come up with........ REPEAT POINT

That's a typical weak response, that someone with piss poor insulting abilities,

Well you would no more about piss poor insulting abilities. I have friends who tell me that I am the best at insulting people. Like you I will post their links where they say that. Oh wait thats not anymore believable when I do it then when you do.

would say to someone that got him good in the insult department. Again, out of all the liberals that sent jokes and insults my way, you're among the weakest. I mean, you wouldn't even be able to get under a thin skinned person's skin with your efforts.

Okay, glad to know that, seriously though, how much should I put into a comment from the rainman of ECCIE. Do you really think your funny, really.

lap dog: I can tell your a lot of fun at partys. What a whitty guy you are.

When it comes to throwing jokes and insults, it's second nature to people in the military. I could tell, by the quality of your jabs, that you're also fun at parties… the other party goers have fun spinning you like a top, laugh at your reactions, and laugh harder at your feeble attempts to get them back.

Well how would you know about the military, seriouly everyone that I have ever met who has been in combat, they dont brag about it like you do. But hey I dont have unknown witnesses I can throw out there.

lap dog: LOL hahahahahahahahahaha

Can't come up with an effective comeback, so you laugh stupidly.

Actually some of the things you thump your chest about and write about are just so absurd that all you can do is laugh.
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Old 06-28-2011, 08:56 PM   #225
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Originally Posted by herfacechair View Post
I don't see a difference between the above Palin and Bachman examples when it came to the misspeaking. I don't see a difference between these women's misspeaking and Obama's misspeaking either. In all of their instances, I saw what they intended to communicate, and not what they actually communicated.

Palin came closer to the truth about what happened that night than most Americans. This was more than someone riding on a horse to warn of the Regulars' advance.
Blah, blah, blah, blah, go fuck yourself, blah, blah, blah blah.
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