Originally Posted by BigLouie
OK so what part is wrong. That the richest 400 family's in America own 20% of all wealth? Is that wrong? For a strong economy we need a strong middle class. Is that wrong? What part is wrong.
The stats are right...or correct.
The deal is anybody can go broke...check Enron...spend more than you make...its done.
What is wrong is the other stats.
10% of Americans pay over 80% of the taxes.
The FED gets 2.2 TRILLION/yr and can't spend less than that...ever.
64% of Americans pay ZERO tax.
Over 50% of ZERO tax paying Americans use over 80% of the social resources.
If the country were a company, it would be simple.
An edict would appear on your desk. Your budget has been reduced by 30% from your last years expendatures.
Reduce your staff, cut costs and maintain your present profit margin.
You have 90 days to complete this task.
Any manager would fire the low performance, high maintenance people, stablize the mid to high performers with mid-line maintenance programs and drive the POP down by legalization,,,then add low level taxes on pussy and drugs and you are home free.
While it is not PC...
failure has consequences...Look them in the face before you spend anything.
Our kids and way of life will not thrive thinking 2nd is as good as 1st.
Rewarding mediocrity means all you ever get is mediocrity.
Stop talking, start doing something...NOW!!
Congressmen who believe we can resolve a deficit of a Trillion dollars with a budget cut of 6 Billion should be immediately replaced with someone who can at least add.
Still, legalizing pussy and drugs and taxing both might go a long way towards fixing one side of the problem...revenue generation.
But if you don't stop the bleeding...nothing else matters anyway.
But you can bet, the rich will not put up with
anyone taking their money.
They have money because they are smart and scheme/work hard.
If you dont have money...who is the mark in the room.?? its you asshole...
The rich wont give their money away...neither would you if you knew how to keep it.
So watch what happens...if you wanna be smart, read some history, it happens again and again.
What is this Absineth stuff anyway...
'nuff said.........