I can see you would vote for a Republican even if he/she promised to take away your house, car, bank accounts, etc. However, after giving it some thought, I grudgingly have to admit you are correct. No, I guess that I'm not really a Republican, except in name only (RINO). I didn't approve of GWB's lies to get us into these two ruinous wars (which by the way, I participated in Iraqi Freedom). His buddy Paul Wolfowitz and Rummy Rumsfeld promised us that the war would only cost us $50 Billion with the rest financed by Iraqi Oil ("Ain't seen that yet.") Your hero was never a warrior or he might have done things differently thereby saving many of the 4,300 U.S. mililtary lives lost in Iraq. But, in your eyes, George went after them in good old cowboy style. "Bring Em on!" "Mission Accomplished!" Of course, let's not forget the big surplus Clinton (whom I can't say I have any great affection either, but at least he didn't focus only on the rich), he left George, who in less than six months put us in the biggest economical mess ever. Again, your are correct, I must not be a Republican (except in name only aka RINO). I 've been kicking myself for voting for Obama, but I suppose I didn't want another four years of Bush.
I'll stay registered as a (turncoat) Republican, but I'll just say I haven't left the Republican Party, the Republican Party has left me. Truly, I'm no Democrat either. As for your "Stop the BS," I don't BS. I served 34 years and like LBJ, Bush wasn't any great shakes as a commander in chief either. Both were the worst presidents I've had to serve (although Carter, brilliant man that he is, wasn't one of our stronger leaders either). For what it's worth, I agree with you regarding Libya.
No anger or outrage to you, JR. Just my open minded opinions that I admit was a mistake in november 2008. I have differing viewpoints, not all things liberal are bad, not all things conservative are good. I believe that after 64 years which include world travels, leading soldiers and airmen, often times in combat situations, a career in search & rescue, meeting diplomats some good some that you'd hate, escaping the hostage crisis in Iran by a week and various schools of learning, etc. I've been able to form opinions based on something other than Karl Rove's version of what is right and what is liberal. You sir are entitled to your opinions, but judge not lest be judged yourself. (Sorry All for my preaching).