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Old 06-07-2011, 10:40 PM   #16
Madame X
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Wow. A politician, who is supposed to be handling the affairs of the nation, gets caught doing something stupid (it's not the infidelity, it's the fact that he can't properly organize his affairs to protect himself and those he deals with - would you trust him with political policy if he can't even cheat properly?) and the conversation rolls into whether his wife is or is not attractive.

Let's throw this in with the men are dogs thread, shall we?

~Mme X~
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Old 06-08-2011, 11:13 AM   #17
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Madame X: We're just boys playing around in the "Sandbox".....don't judge us too harshly.

Had it been the "Diamonds and Tuxedo" crowd I would have shown more restraint for one.
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Old 06-08-2011, 04:29 PM   #18
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Exclamation Political Survival

To bring this thread back on track, this numb-nuts is fighting for his political career, regardless of how large his nose is or how small his brain might be.


. . . He has no business being in politics.

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Old 06-08-2011, 04:59 PM   #19
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Default Lighten Up

Men are into the visual, everybody speculates why a man with such a "hot" wife would do what he is doing. (you do know he is probably jacking off when he sends those text).

Then, you see the real life pics of the Wife, and she ain't that pretty and is skinny as crap, and on top of that, works for that crone Hillary Clinton.

That probably explains a lot.
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Old 06-08-2011, 05:52 PM   #20
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The Anthony Weiner-Mark Foley connection.
Mark Foley (R-FL) had to resign back in 2006, after having sent lewd emails to male pages. But before his fall, Foley was an ardent foe of sex predators. Here he is giving a brief speech about how much he detests them, and how we must do something. I used to think the cry of "do something" was code for "we're taking another of your freedoms." But maybe sometimes it means "the problem I want to do something about is me."

It turns out that like Foley, Anthony Weiner (D-NY) also had the do-something bug regarding sex predators. Weiner was especially focused on internet sex predators. On his web site, he brags about having helped to pass in 2007 the 'KIDS' act ("Keeping the Internet Devoid of Sex predators").

From his site:
"The "Kids Act' implemented one of my six recommendations to keep a closer eye on sex offenders both near school grounds and online. I also proposed stricter GPS tracking of sex offenders, tougher enforcement of registration laws and more public disclosure of sex offender data.
Sadly, the Internet is the predator's venue of choice today. We need to update our strategies and our laws to stop these offenders who are a mere click away from our children."

Of course we have to combat child molestors. Lock 'em up and throw away the key is my answer. Building more bureaucracy and registering more sex offenders is not the solution. Anyway just remember the next time a congress critter is bloviating just a little too loudly on this topic. It just might be yet another case of a congressman who 'doth protest too much.'


Here is a corny joke....ex-congressman Mark Foley heard about a liberal hack congressman from NY sex-ting young women. He replied, "Why didn't I think of that?"
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Old 06-08-2011, 09:17 PM   #21
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Exclamation Hypocrisy

Originally Posted by Max-Max-Max View Post
The Anthony Weiner-Mark Foley connection.
Mark Foley (R-FL) had to resign back in 2006, after having sent lewd emails to male pages. But before his fall, Foley was an ardent foe of sex predators. Here he is giving a brief speech about how much he detests them, and how we must do something. I used to think the cry of "do something" was code for "we're taking another of your freedoms." But maybe sometimes it means "the problem I want to do something about is me."

It turns out that like Foley, Anthony Weiner (D-NY) also had the do-something bug regarding sex predators. Weiner was especially focused on internet sex predators. On his web site, he brags about having helped to pass in 2007 the 'KIDS' act ("Keeping the Internet Devoid of Sex predators").

From his site:
"The "Kids Act' implemented one of my six recommendations to keep a closer eye on sex offenders both near school grounds and online. I also proposed stricter GPS tracking of sex offenders, tougher enforcement of registration laws and more public disclosure of sex offender data.
Sadly, the Internet is the predator's venue of choice today. We need to update our strategies and our laws to stop these offenders who are a mere click away from our children."

Of course we have to combat child molestors. Lock 'em up and throw away the key is my answer. Building more bureaucracy and registering more sex offenders is not the solution. Anyway just remember the next time a congress critter is bloviating just a little too loudly on this topic. It just might be yet another case of a congressman who 'doth protest too much.'

I did not know that, but those sobering facts give one pause to consider how all of humanity conducts itself.

The fact is that hypocrisy if often decried loudest by the biggest hypocrites, but they sound so self-righteous when they're delivering their thundering sermons that people just nod their heads and say "Amen brother"

. . . However, the anger they stir up later when they are caught is partly because the people hate the fact that they themselves were completely duped by the charlatan.

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Old 06-11-2011, 10:46 PM   #22
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he could commit murder and he would still win his district, typical libs, the ends justify the means.
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Old 06-12-2011, 02:04 AM   #23
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Originally Posted by TexRich View Post
he could commit murder and he would still win his district, typical libs, the ends justify the means.
Good job of lumping Weiner with Foley. You skated right over the fact that Foley was sending the lewd pages to a minor male (a felony) and that Weiner was sending, regardless they were unsolicited or unwanted, pictures to an adult (not sure which charges he could be hit with but it would be a misdemeanor).

Felonious criminal behavior vs. stupidity and poor judgment.

And I know Foley was not convicted of a crime, just like President Clinton was not convicted of a crime.

Also kudos for ignoring the fact that Sen. Vitter, by being a client of an ongoing criminal enterprise could have been charged with a felony also, continues to serve in the Senate because his constituents want him to.
Originally Posted by TexRich View Post
he could commit murder and he would still win his district, typical wingnut (my edit), the ends justify the means.

None of this excuses anybody’s behavior. The voters should decide if they want him to remain in office. Just like Sen. Vitter.
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Old 06-12-2011, 02:47 AM   #24
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Originally Posted by Madame X View Post
Wow. A politician, who is supposed to be handling the affairs of the nation, gets caught doing something stupid (it's not the infidelity, it's the fact that he can't properly organize his affairs to protect himself and those he deals with - would you trust him with political policy if he can't even cheat properly?) and the conversation rolls into whether his wife is or is not attractive.

Let's throw this in with the men are dogs thread, shall we?

~Mme X~
Anyone remember Hugh Grant and his Back Page Babe?

With Elizabeth Hurley at home, the answer as to why he strayed could be complicated or simple. he may not completely understand why he did it himself.

Personally, I couldn’t care less.

His or anyone on this thread poor judgment is not an exclusive male trait. and if there is a “Men are Dogs” thread, there is a Women are Dogs too thread.
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Old 06-12-2011, 05:12 AM   #25
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Originally Posted by Munchmasterman View Post
Anyone remember Hugh Grant and his Back Page Babe?
I believe she was a Sunset Ave Streetwalker, not sure BP or CL even existed at that time.

As for Weiner; now he's checked into to rehab to "to focus on becoming a better husband and healthier person". Right after The Nancy called on him to resign.

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Old 06-12-2011, 05:26 AM   #26
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Originally Posted by Munchmasterman View Post
and that Weiner was sending, regardless they were unsolicited or unwanted, pictures to an adult
17 is not adult status in Delaware or any US state that I'm aware of


This guy just keeps stomping on his dick with both feet.
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Old 06-12-2011, 10:34 AM   #27
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Exclamation Diversion Tactics

This bullshit story about checking into a rehab center is just the standard diversionary tactics of a cornered rat.

The antics this buffoon has pulled and then lied about would not even be tolerated in high school.

Congressional leaders have already called on him to resign, but he's ducking into a rehab center desperately trying to avoid the heat.

. . . He needs to go voluntarily now because the consequences will be much more severe later if he tries to stay.

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Old 06-12-2011, 11:11 AM   #28
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hey munchmeister my post was about the voters in his district not weiner so much, perhaps you should stop lumping and start reading or take reading comprehension again.
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Old 06-13-2011, 08:53 AM   #29
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You gotta love a Weiner Roast.

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Old 06-14-2011, 11:21 AM   #30
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Exclamation Roasted

I imagine the Wiener does feel even more roasted now.

President Obama weighed in on the issue for the first time yesterday and said the guy should resign.

Everyone gives him the same advice, but still he stays.

. . . Maybe he needs some Navy Seals knocking on his door to drive home the message!
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